Potential Change Items - CMiC Field

Screenshot of Potential Change Items

Potential Change Items; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Budget & Cost Management > Potential Change Items

The Potential Change Items screen can be used to enter change item requests for ongoing projects. PCIs are items that are expected to result in additional work or cost, beyond what was stated in the original submittal. These items can be made internally or externally and can be linked to requests for quotation (RFQ) and other related objects.

[Add Change Item] – Button

Press the [Add Change Item] button to add a new PCI record to the log.

[Batch Edit] – Button

The [Batch Edit] button is used to launch a pop-up window where a selection of PCIs can be edited all at once.

NOTE: This button is hidden by default and users require the project role privilege 'Allow PCI Batch Edit' to batch edit PCIs. For more information, please refer to PCIs - CMiC Field Security.

Screenshot of Potential Change Items

To start, select individual PCIs using the selection column, or use the checkbox located in the selection column’s header to select all of the PCIs at once. When at least one PCI is selected, the [Batch Edit] button will become enabled. Clicking on the [Batch Edit] button will open the Batch Edit PCIs screen.

Screenshot of Potential Change Items

In the Batch Edit PCIs screen, PCI Header and Key Dates information can be edited.

NOTE: If a posted PCI is selected during the batch edit process, the system will allow the user to enter data in a field, unless the field being edited is not allowed to be updated on posted records. In this situation, a message will be displayed to indicate “PCI # XXX could not be modified because it is posted.” Updates to posted records are allowed if the field being modified is normally allowed to be edited on a posted record (e.g., Description).

The following buttons, which are located at the top of the Batch Edit PCIs screen, are available to be used during the editing process:

[Clear Form] – Button: Clears all data from fields.

[Export Audit] – Button: Used to export any changes made to the PCI(s) into an Excel file.

[Start new Session] – Button: Used to start a new session if selected PCIs need to be updated a second time.

[Update PCIs] – Button: Commits the values to the fields.

When finished making edits, press the [Update PCIs] button to save the changes and update the selected PCI records.

PCI Detail – Tab

Screenshot of PCI Detail Tab

Potential Change Item; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Budget & Cost Management > Potential Change Items – [Add Change Item] button

Use this tab to enter all basic information concerning a change order. Press the [Save Draft] button to save any changes to the current record and press the [Save] button to save the record to the system.

NOTE: There is no [Submit] button for this screen as PCIs are added directly to the system when the [Save] button is pressed.

PCI Code


Select whether the PCI is an external, internal, original budget, or transfer budget change order. This selection will determine the PCI code that appears at the top of this section. For example, if “External CO” is selected and there are already three such PCIs associated with the current project, the PCI code is “EXT 10004”.

NOTE: When using an original budget change item/order, there is no linking to subcontracts and/or vendors, and the related fields are disabled in the PCI Entry screen.


Select whether the PCI is approved, pending, prepending, or rejected. The ‘Proceed’ and ‘Forecast’ boxes are checked automatically, depending on what is selected here. The 'Allow Costs' box makes the value available for selection in the Job Cost Transactions screen; this is done using the WBS Code field in the Detail section of the screen.

NOTE: The 'Proceed' and 'Forecast' boxes are in read-only mode by default. Field security for 'Proceed', 'Forecast' and 'Allow Costs Flag' can be set in Role Maintenance.


Enter/select the creation date of the PCI. This field will default to the current date.

Post Date

This field displays the date the PCI was posted using the [Post] button. The posting of a PCI can be undone by pressing the [UnPost] button.

Total Budgeted Amount, Total Billing Amount

Enter the total amount that appears on the budget for the PCI and the amount that is billed for the PCI.


Enter a brief description of the PCI.

Scope of Work

Enter the full scope of the PCI.

Scope of Work Details

Enter details regarding the full scope of the work for the PCI.

OCO no.

Enter the owner change order number for the PCI. This field is only available after a selection has been made for the Type field.

Posted PCIs can be linked to unposted OCOs so long as the ‘Allow for adding posted PCIs to unposted OCOs’ and ‘Allow Posted PCIs To Be Linked To Unposted OCOs’ boxes are checked on the Project Roles (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Security > Project Roles) and System Options (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > System > Setup > System Options – Projects tab) screens, respectively.

Source Type

If the PCI was created from another object in CMiC Field, enter/select the type of the source. These codes can be created by checking the ‘Maintain Source Type LOV’ box in the Maintenance section of the Project Roles screen (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Security > Project Roles).

NOTE: The Source Type field will automatically default to “N/A” only when the PCI_SOURCE_TYPE is made mandatory in the sys_alternate_feature and the field security for Source Type is set to read-only or hidden.


Enter/select the reason for the PCI.

The system will prompt the user to add or update a note for the reason if the 'PCI Reason Note Required' box is checked in the General tab of the Project System Options screen. Press the [Reason Note] button to launch the Note pop-up . The note will be saved in the Notes tab.

NOTE: These codes can be created by checking the ‘Maintain Reason Text LOV’ box in the Maintenance section of the Project Roles screen (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Security > Project Roles).

Days Impact

Enter how many days work the PCI is estimated to impact the initial submittal.


This field displays the object from which the PCI is created.

Update Projected During Posting – Checkbox

Check this box to edit the Projected Amount Calc Method field. This allows the user to update the projected amount when the PCI is posted.

Projected Amount Calc Method

Select whether the projected amount is calculated by adding the changed budget amount or by recalculating the projected amount.

Key Dates

This section is used to manually enter or edit the key dates pertaining to the PCI, if desired.

Start Date, End Date

Enter/select the dates between which the change order is to take place.

Proposal Issued, Proposal Signed

Enter/select the dates the original proposal was issued and signed.

Change Issued, Change Signed

Enter/select the dates the change order was issued and signed.

Due To Owner

Enter/select the date the PCI is due to be returned to the original owner.

PCI Details

To add a detail item line to the PCI, press the Plus icon (Image of plus icon) in the Action column.

To allow detail lines to be entered with no job, phase, or category codes, check the ‘Allow Job/Phase/Category null on PCI’ box on the Change Management tab of the Company Control screen (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > File Maintenance > Company Control).

To enable the Endless Scroll feature and convert this section to a standard system log, the 'Endless Scroll for PCI Details' security privilege must be assigned. For more information, please refer to PCIs - CMiC Field Security. Once the security privilege is assigned, this log can be customized using the Column Configuration screen. Refer to Column Configuration for more information, as additional security privileges are required to use this functionality.

In the Endless Scroll PCI Details log, a search bar is available to filter the PCI detail lines. As well, grand total fields are available at the bottom of the log for the following fields: Estimated Amount, Quoted Amount, Final Amount, and Billing Amount.

Show Rates – Checkbox

Check this box to reveal the Quantity, Estimated Rate, Quoted Rate, Final Rate, Billing Quantity, and Billing Rate fields.

Auto Calculate Markups – Checkbox

Check this box to automatically generate markup lines once the PCI record has been saved. Otherwise, the [Calc. Markups] button can be pressed to manually achieve the same result.

The rules for markup calculation can be set on the PCI Markup Rules screen.

[Reset Layout] – Button

Press this button to reset the layout of the grid. Column order, filters, and groupings will automatically save and be displayed in the current state unless modified by the user. This button is hidden by default and requires the security role privilege 'Endless Scroll for PCI Details'. For more information, please refer to PCIs - CMiC Field Security.

[Detach] – Button

Press this button to expand the PCI Detail section to full screen. In Detached mode, press [Collapse] to bring the Detail section back to the main screen. This button is hidden by default and requires the security role privilege 'Endless Scroll for PCI Details'. For more information, please refer to PCIs - CMiC Field Security.

[Select Budget Lines] – Button

Screenshot of Select Budget Lines pop-up

Press this button to launch the Select Budget Lines pop-up screen. This screen is used to review budget amounts for cost codes and categories. After reviewing the amounts, budget line items can be selected which will populate the PCI Details with the selected line’s job code, cost code, category code, and weight/measure (WM) code. Individual lines can be selected, or the checkbox located in header of the selection column can be checked to select all of the line items at once. The Search bar at the top of the window can be used to search across all of the columns, and the table can be sorted and filtered using the standard filtering options located on the column headers. When finished selecting the desired line items, press the [Accept] button.

Screenshot of PCI Details section

The details from the selected budget lines will populate the Job, Cost Code, Category, and Weight/Measure (WM) columns in the PCI Details.

NOTE: If the user wants to add multiple lines of the same cost code and category, they will have to re-open the pop-up and select those budget lines again.

[Import] – Button

Press this button to bring up the CMDetail Import pop-up screen.

Please see Importing PCI Details for more information about the import process.

Print – Checkbox

Check this box to print this detail line upon posting.

Markup – Checkbox

Check this box to designate this detail line as a markup line.

Vendor, Contract, Job, Cost Code, Category, Billing Code

Enter/select a vendor, contract, job, cost code, and category for the detail line. The job field will default from the current user job. The Billing Code field will default after entering a cost code and a category. For information on adding cost codes/categories on the fly, refer to Create Cost Codes/Categories On-the-Fly.

Default Bill Code

The Default Bill Code checkbox is enabled when the Do Not Generate New Bill Codes with WBS Mapping checkbox in System Options is checked (standard Treeview path: System > Setup > System Options > Projects tab > General section).

In the Import Layout file, a column for the Default Bill Code checkbox is available to update when importing PCI details. For further details, see Importing PCI Details.

Days Impact

Enter the number of days due to be impacted by the change. These will print on the change order and a new finish date will be calculated.


This field shows the amount spent (i.e. the committed cost) for the detail line.

Phase Qty

Enter the phase quantity for the detail line.

Quantity, WM

Enter the quantity and its units.

Estimated Rate, Estimated Amount, Quoted Rate, Quoted Amount, Final Rate, Final Amount

If a value has been entered in the Quantity field, then entering a value in any of the rate fields will automatically fill the corresponding amount field (and vice versa).

Billing Quantity, Billing Rate, Billing Amount

The billing quantity, rate, and amount associated with the detail line are shown here. These fields are display-only and cannot be edited here.

Subcontract Change

Select the associated subcontract change code.

Task ID

Select the task ID for the subcontract change order.

If the 'Modify Item Code on Unposted SCO Linked to Posted PCI' privilege is assigned to the user role in the Role Maintenance screen, this ID will populate the Item Code field if this PCI is linked to a SCCO. Please note that the PCI must be posted and the SCCO to which it is linked must be unposted.


Select the approval status of the PCI.


Enter the owner change order number associated with the change order. The OCO number is a reference field that will appear on the Job Billing AIA reports.


This section displays every vendor associated with the PCI, as well as their associated budgeted and billing amounts. This section is display-only, so any changes to vendor amounts should be made in the PCI Detail section.

A search can be made on vendor compliances. If the vendor is not compliant, it will be displayed with a yellow background. Hovering the mouse over a yellow vendor then displays a list of non-compliances.

[Show Details] – Button

Press this button to open a pop-up with more detailed vendor information.

NOTE: This section is converted to a standard system log when the 'Endless Scroll for PCI Details' security privilege is assigned. For more information, please refer to PCIs - CMiC Field Security.


This section displays every job associated with the PCI, as well as their associated budgeted and billing amounts.

[Show SubJob Total] – Button

Press this button to show sub-job totals along with the full job totals already displayed.

NOTE: This section is converted to a standard system log when the 'Endless Scroll for PCI Details' security privilege is assigned. For more information, please refer to PCIs - CMiC Field Security.

Main Toolbar Buttons

Screenshot of Potential Change Items

Potential Change Item; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Budget & Cost Management > Potential Change Items – [Add Change Item] button

These buttons, highlighted above, appear in the main toolbar of the PCI Detail tab once the record has been saved.

[Back To Log] – Button

Press this button to return to the PCI log screen.

[Add PCI] – Button

Press this button to open a new, blank PCI record.

[Copy] – Button

Press this button to open a copied, unposted, version of the current PCI record.

[Edit] – Button

Press this button to edit the current record.

[Delete] – Button

Press this button to delete the current record.

[Print PCI] – Button

Pop-up window launched from the [Print PCI] button on the PCI screen

Pop-up window launched from the [Print PCI] button on the PCI screen

Press this button to open a pop-up from which the current PCI record can be printed. In the Select Report pop-up window, use the Report Name field's drop-down menu to select the report to be printed. In addition to the PCI report, other useful reports can be printed (e.g., PCI Approval Sheet). The list of available reports is managed in the Report Assignment screen. Refer to Reports & Form Letter Assignment for more information.

[Select Bid Items] – Button

Press this button to attach any bid items to the PCI record.

[Calc. Markups] – Button

Press this button to generate markups for the PCI. If the ‘Auto Calculate Markups’ box is checked in the PCI Details section this button need not be used.

[Post] – Button

Press this button to post the most recently saved version of the PCI record.

If unapproved lines for the PCI exist, a pop-up window similar to the one shown in the screenshot below will appear, prompting the user to indicate whether they would like a new PCI created and posted, which contains only those lines which have been approved.

Pop-up window launched when a user attempts to post a PCI and unapproved lines exist

Pop-up window launched when a user attempts to post a PCI and unapproved lines exist

[Link To Issue] – Button

Press this button to link the PCI with any issue records. Issues can be set in the Issues screen (standard Treeview path: Communication Management > Issues).

[Bluebeam Review] – Button

Press this button to open a pop-up with the Bluebeam Gateway log-in screen.

RFQ – Tab

Screenshot of Potential Change Items – RFQ tab

Potential Change Item; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Budget & Cost Management > Potential Change Items – RFQ tab

The RFQ tab can be used to send requests for quotations to the vendors who are to work, in whole or in part, on the PCI. Individual detail lines can be added by pressing the [Edit] button and then the Plus icon (Image of plus icon, white plus sign on blue square) in the Action column.

Enter the vendor and contact. The contact is the person to whom the RFQ for the selected vendor is sent. Leave the Quoted Quantity, Quoted Rate and Quoted Amount fields blank, as they will be filled in when the contact responds to the RFQ Broadcast and submits their quote. A message will pop up if the record already has these fields filled.

RFQs can be sent to multiple contacts from the same vendor but only the record with the sequence number (i.e., Seq column) will be used to update the Quoted fields for the associated PCI detail line, when the quote is submitted into Project Management.

The Date Sent field is automatically updated when the [Broadcast RFQs] button is pressed. The value in the Date Due field is then updated based on the Default RFQ Review period field of the Project screen (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > File Maintenance > Project Maintenance – Defaults tab). The Date Received field is updated after the contact receives and submits the email they are sent.


The Status field can be used to track the status of the RFQ. Status codes and their color schemes can be customized and maintained in the RFQ Status Maintenance screen. For more information, please refer to RFQ Status.

Validations exist for the following statuses, if they are defined:

  • Received: The RFQ has been received.

  • In Review: The RFQ is in review.

  • Accepted: The RFQ has been accepted.

  • Returned: The RFQ has been returned.

If the Date Received field is updated, the status will automatically change to "Received".

If the status is "Received", "In Review", or "Accepted", the Date Received field becomes mandatory.

If the status is changed to "Returned", the Date Received and Quoted Amount fields are blanked (and this change is logged in the History tab).

[Broadcast RFQs] – Button

Press this button to send the selected RFQs to the persons entered in the fields in the Contact column. Contact email addresses can be entered in the Project Contact Directory screen.

The email address from which the RFQ is sent can be entered in the Broadcast Sender Email field of the Project screen (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > File Maintenance > Project Maintenance – General tab).

The contact then receives an email from which they can enter their quoted values. Pressing the [Submit] button then updates both the RFQ tab and the relevant PCI Detail lines.

Broadcast templates may be added through the Broadcast Message Templates screen (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > File Maintenance > Local Tables > Broadcast Message Templates). To view the available placeholders for broadcast templates, press the [Add] button and then the [Available Placeholders].

Users can include attachments from the PCI Attachments tab by pressing the [Select All] button or by checking the 'Select' box to select specific attachments.

It may be desirable to set up notifications when recipients respond to an RFQ they have been sent. Please see the RFQ Response Notification Setup quick guide at the end of this document for more information.

Review/Approval – Tab

The Review/Approval tab appears if CMiC Workflow is being used with the Subcontract screen. It works with the [Workflow] button which is used to establish integration between CMiC Field and Workflow, if the appropriate workflows are configured for subcontract approval.

For more information, please refer to Subcontract Integration with Workflow.

Notes – Tab

Please refer to Notes, Attachments, and Documents for further details.

Related Objects – Tab

Screenshot of Potential Change Items – Related Objects tab

Potential Change Items; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Budget& Cost Management > Potential Change Items – Related Objects tab

For objects added in the Related Objects tab of a PCI, the PCI will be available in the Related Objects tab of that object and vice versa.

To add an object, click on the Assign Objects link to open the Related Objects pop-up window. From the pop-up, filter the objects by object type using the drop-down menu, then select objects related to the PCI and press the [Accept] button.

Attachments – Tab

Screenshot of Potential Change Items – Attachments tab

Potential Change Items; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Budget& Cost Management > Potential Change Items – Attachments tab

This is one of many Attachments tabs throughout CMiC Field. Please refer to Notes, Attachments, and Documents for further details.

History – Tab

Screenshot Potential Change Items – History tab

Potential Change Items; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Budget& Cost Management > Potential Change Items – History tab

This tab can be used to view all changes and edits made to a PCI record. This tab is view-only and so changes must be made with the [Edit] button in the PCI Detail tab.

Create Cost Codes/Categories On-the-Fly


To use this feature, the ‘Assign Phase/Cat On The Fly’ program must be assigned to the user’s security role in the Role Maintenance screen. By default, this program is unchecked. In addition, the system privilege “JCPHSINS - JC: Allows the user to create a new Phase/Category on the fly” must also be assigned to the user on the System Privileges tab of the User Maintenance screen in the System Data module. If required, field security can be assigned to the ‘Assign Phase/Cat On The Fly’ program in the Role Maintenance screen, which allows security levels to be adjusted on the fields in the Quick Phase/Category Insert pop-up window.

Creating New Cost Code

Screenshot of Potential Change Items

For convenience, cost codes/categories (i.e., phases/categories) can be created on-the-fly directly from the Cost Code and Category fields.

If a user has the proper security assigned, when selecting a cost code or category, they will be able to use the [Add New] button in the Cost Code or Category field’s LOV to access the Quick Phase/Category Insert pop-up window where cost codes and categories can be created on-the-fly.

Screenshot of PCI Details

Click on the Cost Cost field under PCI Details to access the Phase Multiselect LOV pop-up window.

Pop-up window launched from the Cost Code field

Pop-up window launched from the Cost Code field

Click on the [Add New] button in the Phase Multiselect LOV to open up the Quick Phase/Category Insert pop-up window.

Quick Phase/Category Insert pop-up window

Quick Phase/Category Insert pop-up window

Use the Quick Phase/Category Insert pop-up window to create any new cost codes or categories. When finished, press the [Save] button to close the pop-up window and return to the PCI.

If the ‘Do Not Add Created On The Fly Cost Codes To Cost Code Master’ checkbox is checked on the Projects tab of the System Options screen in the System Data module, then any cost codes (i.e., phases) that are created on-the-fly will not be added to the Cost Code Master (i.e., the Enter Cost Codes screen in the Job Costing module).

NOTE: When the Cost Code field's LOV initially appears in the PCI Detail, the list is limited to the list of cost codes currently available on the job. If the user selects the [Add New] button, then the full phase master list appears.