Subcontract Schedule of Values

Schedule of Values (SOV) are billable work items that can be added to subcontracts or subcontract change orders (SCCOs). This allows the user to keep a detailed log of all individual value lines for each subcontract.

Entering a New SOV for Subcontracts

Screenshot of Schedule of Values section

Schedule of Values section; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Budget & Cost Management > Subcontracts – [Add Subcontract] button - Schedule of Values section

Enter a new SOV by pressing the Plus icon in the Action column, as shown above.

Task Code, Task Name

Enter the code and name for the task.


Select the weight or measure for the amount of the SOV line.

Unit, Rate, Amount

Either enter the amount of the SOV line or the unit and rate, from which the amount can be calculated.

Job, Cost Code, Category, JB Bill Code

Select the job, cost code, category, and job billing code to which the SOV line should be billed.

The 'Available on SC' checkbox on the JC Category Maintenance screen indicates whether the category can be used in subcontracts. When this box is checked, the category is available for use in subcontracts, otherwise, it is not.

Tax Fields

Enter any taxes and their amounts that apply to this SOV line.


Enter the retainage percentage here.

Expense Code

If the SOV line is associated with an expense, enter the expense code here. This field is hidden by default. Please see Security Roles for more information on setting field security and making this field visible and editable.

Long Description

IF the SOV line requires further description, enter it here.

WBS Fields

Enter any WBS codes and values in these fields. These can be created in the WBS Codes and WBS Values screens.

[Select PCIs] – Button

Screenshot of Subcontract Entry with Select PCI button highlighted

The [Select PCIs] button, shown above, can also be used to enter SOV lines. This button allows PCI lines to be selected into base subcontracts (like what is done for SCCOs). This button becomes available once the subcontract header is created.

When pressed, the system presents a multi-select LOV with all available PCI detail lines: regular (non-TBD) and TBD.

The system will only query those PCI detail lines where the job code is equal to either the subcontract header job code or its sub-job.

NOTE: PCIs with status type “Cancelled” are not available for selection with the [Select PCIs] button or SCCOs.

If the subcontract master job is BALMORAL for example, the LOV will show the PCI detail lines for BALMORAL and its sub-jobs (e.g. BALMOR.01, BALMOR.02…)

The PM Control checkbox 'Allow Unposted PCIs To Be Assigned To Subcontract CO' controls whether the unposted PCI records are shown in the LOV or not.

Pressing the [Accept] button will pull the selected PCI detail lines into the base subcontract SOV.

The “TBD” values for Vendor/Contract/Change will be substituted with values from the current subcontract.

Task ID: If the task is specified on a PCI detail line, then that code will be used. Otherwise, if the Task ID = TBD, then the value will be replaced by the PCI No.

Once the SOV Lines are created, the following fields are protected against update:

  • Task Code

  • Job

  • Phase

  • Category

  • WM

Deletion/Unlinking of schedule lines linked to PCI details

Upon deletion of an SOV Line that is associated to a PCI detail, the link will be removed and the PCI line will become available to be selected to the same contract.

NOTE: This is also true for the PCI lines that were originally TBD – they will be locked to the contract that they were initially selected into (after the TBD lines get pulled into a subcontract, they become regular PCI detail lines linked to SOV records and are treated as such).

[Select Bid Items] – Button

Screenshot of Subcontract Entry with Select Bid Items button highlighted

The [Select Bid Items] button allows the direct association of a bid item with a schedule of value (SOV) line. This button appears once the header has been saved. Clicking this button displays a LOV of all bid items that have not yet been purchased or linked to another object. Only bid items with valid job/phase/category are listed.

NOTE: This is the same pop-up window launched from the [Select Bid Items] button on the Subcontract Change Orders screen.

When a bid item is pulled into the subcontract SOV, the bid item’s ‘Closed’ box is checked. In addition, the bid item’s actual price set is updated with the values from the Subcontract SOV Line.

During subcontract posting, the bid item’s actual price set is updated with the subcontract SOV Line data to make sure they are the same.

If the subcontract is voided or the SOV Line is deleted, the program will uncheck the bid item’s 'Closed' checkbox and remove the subcontract contract code and actual price set data.

[Select SC Schedule] – Button

Once the Subcontractor Schedule of Values is submitted, use the [Select SC Schedule] button on the Subcontract Entry screen to display a list of the lines entered and submitted by the contractor. Review and select the lines to be brought into the contract.

Screenshot of Subcontract with Select SC Schedule button

Importing Subcontract Schedule of Values

Press the [Import Schedule] button to import SOVs to the current subcontract.

The import file layout is shown below:

Fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'

pmsovi_task_code         varchar2(16)  Task Code
,pmsovi_task_name         varchar2(200) Task Name
,pmsovi_unit number Units
,pmsovi_wm_code varchar2(2)  Weight/Measure
,pmsovi_unit_rate         number  Rate
,pmsovi_amt         number  Amount
,pmsovi_job_code  varchar2(10) Job Code
,pmsovi_phs_code varchar2(16) Phase Code
,pmsovi_cat_code  varchar2(16)   Category Code
,pmsovi_jb_bill_code  varchar2(50) Bill Code
,pmsovi_tax1_code         varchar2(10)  Tax 1 Code
,pmsovi_tax1_taxable_flag  varchar2(1) 'Y/N'
,pmsovi_tax2_code         varchar2(10) Tax 2 Code
,pmsovi_tax2_taxable_flag     varchar2(1) 'Y/N'
,pmsovi_tax3_code         varchar2(10)  Tax 3 Code
,pmsovi_tax3_taxable_flag varchar2(1)


,pmsovi_hldbk_pct          number   Retainage %
,pmsovi_apexp_code varchar2(10)  


varchar2(2000)                     Long Description
,pmsovi_wbsv_code1 varchar2(60) WBS Code 1
,pmsovi_wbsv_code2 varchar2(60) WBS Code 2
,pmsovi_wbsv_code3 varchar2(60) WBS Code 3


NOTE: The file must be .txt or .csv. Also note that if the file is opened using Excel, it may lose some of its original formatting. It is preferable to open and edit using Notepad. For example, if the value of a field is “01”, editing in Excel will possibly change it to ‘1’.


Image of sample TXT import file

Clicking on the button will display the popup box for selecting the import file.

After selecting the file, click [Upload] to bring the data to the initial validation screen.

The validation log shows any errors that arise during the import process. The user can make the corrections and re-import or accept the valid records by clicking the [Accept Valid] button.

When there are no initial validation errors from the import, the [Accept] button is used to pull the records into the subcontract SOV section.

Now that the lines have been imported, they can be modified or deleted as required just as if they had been manually entered.

When the [Save] button is clicked on the subcontract, additional validation for task code, weight/measure, job, phase, category, bill code, tax codes, expense codes etc. are carried out before the record is saved.

An import can be done for an unposted subcontract that already has detail SOV Lines. In this case, the imported records are combined with the existing records on the subcontract.

Adding SOV Lines to Posted Subcontracts & Posted SC Change Orders

Screenshot of Project Role privileges

Two Project Role privileges allow the user to add more SOV lines to a posted subcontract and a posted subcontract change order if the need arises: Add SOV On Posted Subcontract and Add SOV On Posted Subcontract Change Order. These could be used, for example, if a client needs to add cost elements to the original contract after the posting because it's not possible to know in advance which cost elements will be used on the contract e.g. gravel for civil work, landscaping.

When they are checked, an [Add SOV] button appears on posted subcontracts and posted Subcontract Change Orders.

The Unit and Amount fields are not editable, but the user can enter the change amount using the W/M and Rate fields.

The [Post] button on the pop-up window is used to commit the additional records to the database without changing the overall amount of the original posted record.