Project Roles - CMiC Field
Standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Security > Project Roles
Project roles differ from security roles in that project roles do not define which programs or privileges the user has access to within the application. Rather they define what type of actions the user can take on existing data, and what data they can see within the system.
Creating a Project Role
To create a new Project Role code, press the [Add PM Role] button.
Project Roles
Role, Description
Enter the Project Role code and description for the role.
Admin Req. – Checkbox
Check this box to only allow administrators to assign this project role to other users or contacts. A user has administrator status if the ‘Admin’ checkbox is checked for their given security role on the Role Maintenance screen (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Security > Role Maintenance). If this box is unchecked, users without administrator status will not be able to view administrator-required project roles in any project role LOV.
Internal Only – Checkbox
If a project role has this box checked, the role can only be assigned to internal users (i.e., C-type). For example, any roles with the ‘Internal Only’ box checked will be visible in the Project Role field’s LOV for C-type contacts but not for P-type contacts in the System Contact Maintenance screen and the Project Contact Maintenance screen.
Key Player – Checkbox
Check this box to indicate a key player role. Key players can be assigned to projects on the Project Maintenance screen (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > File Maintenance > Local Tables > Project Maintenance – Key Players tab).
Assigning a user as a key player is a way of automatically including specific parties on documentation such as transmittals.
Order Seq.
If the ‘Key Player’ box is checked for a project role, then enter the order sequence for the role in this field.
Crewtime Approver – Checkbox
Check this box to allow users with this project role to approve timesheets entered for their project.
Crewtime Approver Priority
If the ‘Crewtime Approver’ box is checked for a role, then enter the priority with which this role approves timesheets.
NOTE: These E-Time approver settings only take effect if the ‘Project Manager’ box is checked in the Access Code Detail screen in the E-Time module. Otherwise the authority to approve E-Time timesheets is based on previous E-Time approval rights.
Role Privileges
This section can be used to assign specific privileges to the project role.
View/Create/Update/Delete All Objects – Checkbox
Example of options for assigning privileges to Object Types
This checkbox can be checked to give the selected project role view, create, update, and delete privileges to all objects. Press the blue link to bring up the pop-up window shown above.
Show in Menu/View/Create/Update/Delete/Unlink All Document Types – Checkbox
Example of options for assigning privileges to Document Types
This pop-up window will display all Document Types that have been created in Project Management. From here, the user can specify Document Types other users may view, create, edit, or delete for the selected role.
The Link/Unlink checkboxes allow users to link or unlink (i.e., remove using the icon) an attachment to/from any object such as RFIs and Meeting Minutes.
The ‘Show in Menu’ box allows the user to indicate whether a particular Document Type will be shown in the Treeview for users with the selected project role.
View All Records Associated with Business Partner – Checkbox
This checkbox determines whether users can see all submitted records addressed to contacts under the same business partner as the user (i.e., all records addressed to other contacts at the same company as the user). When checked, if another user is the To-contact or the CC-contact, it gives the user the privilege to view the record and see all submitted records created by users under the same business partner.
If a user does not have the 'View All' privilege for specific objects under the View/Create/Update/Delete All Objects privileges set, they will still be able to see all the records created for their business partner with this privilege.
Default Email Notification Settings – Checkbox
Pop-up window launched from the Default Email Notification Settings link
Click on the link to open the Email Notifications pop-up, where role-based email notification options can be set.
Checking this box selects all forms of email notifications for the user. Once this box has been checked, it becomes grayed out and cannot be unchecked. As such, it is recommended that users select their desired notifications from the pop-up rather than checking this box.
When a project role is assigned to a project contact, the default email notification settings from that role will be inherited by the contact.
The email notification settings for a contact are not changed automatically if the settings are modified at the project role level. To copy project role email notification settings to a contact, unassign the existing role and reassign the modified role.
To learn more about how the checkboxes are used on this screen, refer to E-mail Notification Settings. For more information about using PM notifications, refer to Project Management Notifications - CMiC Field.
Respond on behalf of Business Partner
Check this box to allow users to respond on behalf of others at the same company on records where they are currently the responsible contact.