Global Tables

Overview – Global Tables

There are a handful of screens that are shared among all the applications and are grouped into a menu called Global Tables. These screens contain information that is common to many applications such as tax information, currency information and units of measure. Global Tables can be accessed from a sub-menu of the Setup menu in each application. This allows users easy access to these standard screens. The screens that make up the Global Tables are described in this section.

Due to the detailed integration of the applications, more than just the data within the Global Tables is shared among applications. Often the setup of one application is required prior to the setup of another. For example, every application will need the General Ledger Accounts in order to process transactions. In such a case, the screens pertinent to the application setup will appear within that application and not within the Global Tables. Many of the Global Tables are company specific and therefore you will need to set up your company within the General Ledger prior to making entries into the Global Table screens.

As well, the scheduling of print server reports has been included in this section as it is global to all applications.

Global Tables consists of the following screens: