Timesheet Entry - US Payroll
Pgm: PYTIMSTM – Timesheet Entry; standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Timesheet > Timesheet Entry
The Timesheet Entry screen is used to enter each employee's work record for that pay period. For hourly employees this means entering the daily hours worked on each job. Date sensitive pay, charge out, and billing rates for hourly employees default from the Customer, Job, Trade, Union, or Employee Pay Rate screens based on the preferences selected in the Employee Profile.
As mentioned in previous sections, pay rates are used to calculate wages, charge out rates distribute costs to a job, and billing rates are carried with the charge out cost for the determination of job invoices.
If an employee is salaried timesheets are not required and employee wages are based on the annual salary entered in the Employee Profile divided by the number of periods in the pay run. Timesheets can still be entered for a salaried employee to transfer their payroll costs to a job or to pay them for overtime or any other nonstandard hours.
When transferring the costs of salaried employees to a job, the Job Costing module receives the costs entered in the timesheet, but the employee is still paid according to their salary. The hourly pay rate is calculated automatically based on the annual salary divided by the standard number of hours. For this reason, the Preferred Pay Rate field in the Employee Profile has no meaning for salaried employees.
Timesheet entry also allows for the entry of leaves, expenses, overtime, double overtime, and any other nonstandard hours. For salaried employees, nonstandard hours entered in timesheet entry are added to the calculated salary in determining the wages for that period.
NOTE: If using the Overtime Rules (standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Company > Overtime Rules) and Overtime Rules Processing screens from this menu, all time should be recorded in the Normal Hours field. The system then calculates the overtime according to the rules entered and automatically adjusts the timesheet information for the affected hours.
Selection Criteria
Company, Pay Run
Enter/select the company and pay run codes.
This value defaults from the current year attached to the pay run entered in the previous field.
Enter/select the period being processed. Only a valid open period may be entered.
Sub Period
Enter/select the sub-period being processed. This feature is used to support companies that require a sub-payroll option and is not mandatory for timesheet entry. For more information on sub-periods, please refer to Pay Periods.
NOTE: This field is hidden by default and can be added using Lite Editor. To view sub-periods created by other users, the following system privilege must be assigned: PYSUBPPRVW - PY: Allows User to access Sub Period created by other Users.
The document code is a user-defined code that groups timesheet details in a pay run for querying purposes. This code is not validated by the system.
The document code may be useful for separating the timesheet detail for a particular job, trade, date, or any other criteria. In this situation, give the timesheet detail a document code and all timesheets entered under this document code will only display when this code is entered.
NOTE: This field is mandatory if the 'Document Code Required' box in the Company Control screen is checked, otherwise it is optional.
[Auto Recall] – Button
This button copies the timesheets from the previous pay period into the current entry screen. This can be done for individuals or all employees. This is most useful for salaried employees who enter time against one or two jobs while always charging the same cost code/category.
All dates are updated to reflect the current period. All overtime and expenses entered in the previous pay period are also retrieved. Verify the timesheet data prior to posting to avoid potential errors.
[Create Cost Code Cat] – Button
Pgm: JCPHSCAT – Timesheet Entry; standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Timesheet > Timesheet Entry – Create Cost Code Cat button
This button can be used to quickly create new cost codes and categories that can be entered into timesheet lines.
Timesheet Details – Tab
A separate line is required for each different job/cost code/category combination applicable to an employee or pay period.
For example, suppose that Henry Flynn is paid weekly, and that he works on five different jobs in a given week. This requires five separate lines. If he only works on one job per day however, then only one line is required. If the company does not require separate entry for each individual date, then one line may be entered including all hours for that job for the pay period.
Note that travel, expenses, overtime, double overtime, and any other nonstandard hours can all be entered on a single timesheet line.
Employee (Code)
Enter/select the code for the employee whose timesheets are being entered. Unless the ‘Allow Timesheet Entry for Inactive Employees’ box is checked in the Company Control screen, the employee code must be active and must be assigned to the company and pay run specified in the first section.
Enter the date for the specific hours on this line of the timesheet. The system validates that this date is in the pay period range specified.
Incl in Cert Rep (Include in Certified Report) - Checkbox
Timesheet records can be flagged to be included in the Federal Certified Payroll Report by checking the ‘Incl in Cert Rep’ checkbox on a record’s row and posting the timesheet.
Users can override the checkbox’s defaults using the 'Include into Certified Payroll Report' checkbox, located on the Company tab of the Employee Profile - US Payroll screen. In the event a record is not flagged here, records can also be later flagged using the Update Certified Rep Flag screen.
NOTE: This is a custom alternate field which is disabled by default and needs to be enabled in the da.SYS_ALTERNATE_FEATURE table. Please contact your CMiC consultant if you wish to use this alternate feature.
Distribution Type (DT)
Verify/modify the distribution type code for the timesheet entry line. The system allows for the following options:
E: Payroll costs are distributed to an equipment item. This type is used in E-Time and Crew Time.
G: Payroll costs are distributed to a specific General Ledger department and account.
I: Payroll costs are distributed to an inventory.
NOTE: "I" is not a valid distribution type in the Timesheet Entry screen.
J: Payroll costs are distributed to the specific job/cost code/category combination indicated by the subsequent fields. This value is entered by default.
W: Payroll costs are distributed to a work order/item.
Union, Trade
Enter/select the union and trade of the employee.
Select the shift type for the hours entered.
Company Code
Enter/select the company code for which this employee has worked based on the labor hours entered on the timesheet line. The pay run company code is entered by default.
Job/Department/Equipment, Cost Code, Category Code
Enter the job code and associated cost and category codes for the labor entered on this timesheet entry line. The charge out cost paid for this labor is calculated and distributed to the job as labor costs. This rate can be changed in the Employee tab (see below). The billing rate associated with these hours accompanies the labor cost that transfers to the job represented by this timesheet line.
Any entry made in the Job Code field on the Rates/Salary tab of the Employee Profile appears in this field by default.
When using a “G” distribution code, enter the department code to which the labor cost should be distributed. The General Ledger department used to post the debit associated with the direct labor costs from the posting of timesheets is defaulted. The default department and account comes from the Debit Salary Acc field in the Company tab of the Employee Profile.
Normal Hours, Overtime Hours, Double Overtime Hours, Other Hours
Enter the number of normal, overtime, double overtime, and other hours worked. The maximum number of normal working hours for exempt employees depends on the employee’s pay run frequency and their work days/year and hours/year. For example, weekly employees can only enter 40 normal working hours.
Overtime and double overtime hours are disallowed for exempt employees.
NOTE: When entering an “Other” hour type that is associated with a leave, a pay rate can only be entered if the leave is paid and associated with a pay percentage that is greater than zero. Other hour types can also be associated with specific billing rates in the Billing Rates screen in the Job Billing module. In this screen, other hour types can also be associated with specific benefits and taxes.
NH Rate Code, OT Rate Code, DOT Rate Code, Rate Code
These rate codes default from the NWHR Rate, OT Rate, DOT Rate, and OTH Rate fields in the Rates/Salary tab of the Employee Profile, respectively. The premiums indicated by these codes are used as multiplying factors against the default pay rate. For example, if the rate code associated with overtime hours has a factor of 1.5, the pay rate indicated in the previous field is multiplied by 1.5, the result of which is multiplied by the number of normal hours.
NH Pay Rate, OT Pay Rate, DOT Pay Rate, Pay Rate
The rates that default to these fields depend on the Preferred Pay Rate field in the Rates/Salary tab of the Employee Profile. All rates in these tables are date sensitive so the default pay rate is based on the specified date.
If the appropriate rate can’t be found in the Customer, Job, Trade, or Union Pay Rate screens, the Employee Pay Rate screen is searched. If no rate is found, the static rate listed on the Employee Profile is defaulted. If a rate can still not be found, this field is left blank and requires manual entry.
For salaried employees the hourly pay rate is automatically calculated based on the annual salary divided by the standard number of hours. The preference listed on the Employee Profile has no effect on the default rate.
NOTE: Timesheets entered against prevailing wage jobs with the 'Rate By Job' box turned on, automatically return the rate as listed on the job regardless of the preference setting on the Employee Profile.
Enter/select the type for the other hours entered on this line. The type of hour entered must reflect the title under which these hours are paid. If employee leaves have been properly attached to hour types (please refer to the Leave Maintenance section for details), these leaves can be recorded and paid in this portion of the timesheet entry line.
The hour types can be set up in the Company Hour Types screen (standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Company > Hour Types).
Enter/select the code for the expense being paid on this timesheet line. The expense code must have been set up previously in the Expense Categories screen (standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Company > Expense Categories).
Enter the quantity of the expense.
Verify/modify the rate that applies to the expense being entered on this timesheet line. The rate on the Expense Categories screen is entered by default.
The amount of the expense is calculated by multiplying the quantity by the rate.
Remember that the Expense Category screen allows the definition of a yearly maximum limit on the total amount of the expense. If such a limit has been set, the amount displayed may not be the product of the quantity and rate.
This field indicates whether or not the timesheet line has access to work breakdown structure codes. These are four codes which can be used to default a wide range of values to the timesheet line. These codes can be created or edited in the WBS Codes screen (standard Treeview path: Job Costing > Setup > Local Tables > WBS Fields > WBS Codes).
Employee – Tab
Pgm: PYTIMSTM –Timesheet Entry; standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Timesheet > Timesheet Entry – Employee tab
Use this tab to adjust details for specific employees.
Work Locations
Verify/modify the work location for the employee's timesheet line being entering. The work location on the Company tab of the Employee Profile is entered by default.
Workers’ Compensation Code, Public Liability Code
Verify/modify the workers’ compensation and public liability codes for the timesheet line being entered. These codes default from the Employee Profile.
Workers’ Compensation Policy Number, Public Liability Policy Number
Verify/modify the policy numbers associated with the workers’ compensation and public liability codes. If a policy number is specified for the job then it appears here, otherwise the field fills with “ALL” by default.
Normal Hours Charge Rate, OT Hours Charge Rate, DOT Hours Charge Rate, OTH Hours Charge Rate
These fields default, as mentioned above, from the Employee Profile. If specific charge rates are required for the pay period being processed then enter them here.
Normal Hours Billing Rate, OT Hours Billing Rate, DOT Hours Billing Rate, OTH Hours Billing Rate
These fields default, as mentioned above, from the Employee Profile. If specific billing rates are required for the pay period being processed then enter them here.
Reference, Reference Description
Enter a reference code and corresponding description.
Equipment – Tab
Pgm: PYTIMSTM –Timesheet Entry; standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Timesheet > Timesheet Entry – Equipment tab
Timesheet entry allows the posting of both labor and equipment hours to a job and equipment usage to a piece of equipment. Note that the labor hours and the equipment hours do not have to be equal.
Equipment, Cost Code, Category, Transaction Code
Verify/modify the code, cost code, category, and transaction code for the equipment element. The hourly rate is calculated from these so the equipment cost can be posted to the job. These codes are defaulted from the Rates/Salary tab on the Employee Profile.
Number of Hours
Enter the number of hours that the equipment was used on the job if this differs from the inherited hours of the employee.
Charge Rate, Bill Rate
If the charge and bill rates are not correct then override them here. The charge rate is the rate the job is charged for each hour of usage. The bill rate is the rate the transaction is billed to the job owner via the Job Billing module.