Request For Payment


Screenshot of Request for Payment

Request For Payment screen; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Budget & Cost Management > Request For Payment

Payment requests need to be submitted as part of any project cycle. These can be entered in the Request for Payment screen.

NOTE: RFPs can be entered in CMiC Field, Collaborate, and Enterprise (in the Subcontract Management and Imaging modules).

RFP Detail – Tab

RFP Detail

Screenshot of Request for Payment Detail tab

Request For Payment; standard path: CMiC Field > Budget & Cost Management > Request For Payment

To enter a new payment request press the [Add RFP] button to open the window shown above. This screen does not allow more than one open payment requisition at a time.

The [Save] button will save the payment request but won't post it to the contractor.

The [Submit] button saves the request and passes it to the contractor for approval. RFPs cannot be edited after they have been submitted.


Enter the vendor for the RFP. This will default to the user company.


Select the contract from the list of values. In most cases, there will only be one contract available. If a previous RFP has not been posted by the contractor, the contract will not be available for selection. Once the contract is entered, the Schedule of Values section will display the sum of all previous payment requests.

Advance Payment – Checkbox

This feature allows the ability to record an advance payment (deposit) against a specific vendor subcontract and then track the recovery/amortization of the advance payment through the RFP progress payments. For more details, please see the Advance Payment – Checkbox details in Details – Tab.

Invoice No

Enter the invoice number.

Invoice Date

Enter the date of the invoice. This will default to the current system date.

Due Date

Enter the date the invoice is due.

Description, Accounting Description

Enter a description for the RFP. The most common description is the draw number and work included until date.

Material Only – Checkbox

Check this box if the RFP is for materials only.

Imported Goods – Checkbox

Check this box if the RFP is for imported goods.

Certified Amount

This read-only field displays the certified amount for the contract.

Advance Payment Remaining

This read-only field displays the remaining advance payment (deposit) amount and is used to track the recovery/amortization of the advance payment.

Previous Amortization Amount

This read-only field displays the previous amortization amount of the advance payment (deposit) and is used to track the recovery/amortization of the advance payment.

Schedule of Values

Screenshot of Schedule of Values section

To enter the actual completion units or amounts, move down to the Schedule of Values section. Amounts or units are entered against each line item of the contract. You may enter one of the following - given one entry, the system will calculate the others:

Completed Quantity

The total number of units completed to date.

Current Quantity

The number of units entered for the current billing.

Current Amount

The dollar value entered for the current billing.

Completed Amount

The total dollar value to date.

Total Retainage Amount

This field is read-only and displays the total dollar value retained from the contract work until work is complete.

Other editable fields on this screen include:

Retainage Amount

This field displays the calculated retainage amount for the SOV line and is calculated as: Retainage Amount = Current Amount x Retainage %.

This default is set in the Retainage % field on the Contract Defaults tab of the Subcontract Control screen. For more information, please refer to Control (SC Control File) .If the default is not desired, enter a new retainage amount, which will in turn change the retainage percentage.

Release Amount

The total dollar value of the retainage amount to be released to the contractor at this time.

Percent Complete

View the project's completion percentage. See Down Payment and Amortization for more information.

Amortization %

View the amortization percentage.

Amortization Amount

This is a display-only field, showing the amount of deposit to be applied to the current RFP.

To Date Amortization

This field is read-only, showing the total amortized amount up to this current voucher. If there is no recovery on the current voucher, then this amount will be the same as it was on the previous voucher.


This section shows submitted RFPs for the relevant contractors. Here, contractors can review and approve any RFPs they may have received.

Editing an RFP

The [Edit RFP] button is available for Pending RFPs. Posted RFPs may not be edited as they have already been accepted.

Posting & Voiding RFPs

Screenshot of RFP with Post button highlighted

Once the RFP is submitted, the [POST] button becomes available. Posting in this screen generates the same Posting Report as in the Subcontract Management screen.

Screenshot of RFP with Void button highlighted

Once the RFP is posted, the Void button is enabled.

Copying an RFP to Imaging

This section will explain how to automatically copy RFPs from this screen to the Imaging module, along with one attachment, when they are submitted. If there is more than one attachment, only the first is copied. If there are no attachments, a dummy attachment is created.

The copied RFP has a status of Unsubmitted which allows it to be edited in the Imaging module.

First, disable the [Workflow] button in the RFP screen.

Next, on the Image Manager section of the Imaging Control screen, the following four fields require entry:

Screenshot of Image Manager Section

Imaging Control screen; standard Treeview path: Imaging > Setup > Imaging Control – Imaging Control tab

Copy RFP Image to Imaging – Checkbox

Check this box to allow the user to copy RFPs to Imaging.

Auto Submit Flag– Checkbox

This works with the ‘Copy PM RFP to Imaging’ checkbox. If both boxes are checked, pressing the [Submit] button will automatically copy the RFP to Imaging. This will automatically launch any active workflow linked to the selected Document Type.

SC RFP Document Type

Select the Imaging Document Type for the RFP copy. Only Document Types for voucher-based RFPs that have been set up to be unsubmitted will appear on this list.

SC RFP Source

This possible entries to this field depend on the selected Document Type.

Viewing an RFP Originally Entered in Imaging

Screenshot of RFP with Show Images button highlighted

Request For Payment; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Budget & Cost Management > Request For Payment

The Show Images button in the Request For Payment screen allows the user to view the Imaging RFP record that was originally entered, with the image intact.

When the SC RFP Invoice is entered in Image Manager and submitted to Workflow, it will be seen in the Request For Payment Log, and can be accessed there if desired.

Pending records will show the In Workflow banner at the top of the Request For Payment screen:

Screenshot of RFP in Workflow

Note The details and examples below are shown for a posted RFP, but apply to pending records as well.

Define the Image Search

The Image Search definition for the RFP is done in the Define ECM Searches screen which can be accessed by clicking on the ECM Documents button on the Block toolbar of the Enter Request for Payment screen in Subcontract Management:

Screenshot of ECM Documents drop-down

Pgm: SCPAYREQ – Enter Request For Payment; standard Treeview path: Subcontract Management > Payments > Enter Request For Payment

After clicking the Define ECM Searches option, the Image Search Setup screen opens to set up the search parameters as shown below:

Screenshot of Image Search Setup

Pgm: SYSSRCH – Image Search Setup; standard Treeview path: Subcontract Management > Payments > Enter Request For Payment > [ECM Documents Button] - Define ECM Searches

In the Conditions section, the values for the Data Column field are coming from the SC RFP and the values for the Data field are picked up from the flysheet data related to the Document Type that is selected in the Document Types section. The conditions in the above screenshot are only examples.

For more information, please refer to Define ECM Search.

Execute the Image Search

The validated search will show in the pop-up window after clicking the Show Images button in CMiC Field's Request For Payment screen:

Screenshot of pop-up launched from Show Images button

Request For Payment; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Budget & Cost Management > Request For Payment – [Show Images] button

Since the search is using the expected Imaging Document Type (from the SC RFP record which was originally entered in Image Manager) the search will be successful:

Screenshot of Image Manager

Image Manager

Printing a Certificate of Payment

Screenshot of RFP with Print Certicate of Payment button

The Print Certificate of Payment button can be used to print the Subcontractor Certificate of Payment (SC320_2). The certificate is like the standard G702/703 document, but the details are for the subcontract, and it is intended as backup documentation to be sent with the payment to the vendor.

Screenshot of Request for Payment

The [Print] button can also be used to print the following certificates of payments:

  • Certificate for Pay Report: Select this option to print the Subcontractor Certificate of Payment (SC320). This invoice includes columns for previous, current, total completed, and percent completed amounts.

  • Certificate of Payment: Select this option to print the Subcontractor Certificate of Payment (SC320_2).

  • SC Invoice (Stored Material): Select this option to print the Subcontractor Certificate of Payment (SC320_MAT). This invoice is similar to the one generated from the Certificate for Pay Report option and includes a column for current stored materials.

For more information, please refer to Print Certificate of Payment.