Enter Request for Payment - Details - Tab

[Compliance] - Button

This button launches the Compliance Status pop-up window, used to manage a vendor's compliance with payment terms before a payment can be made against a Subcontract. Refer to Compliance (Defaults Setup) for more detailed information about how compliance codes are used.

[Retainage Release] - Button

Refer to Retainage & Retainage Release - Subcontract Management for details on how this button is used.

[Extra Payment Info.] - Button

Pop-up window launched from [Extra Payment Info.] button on the Enter Request for Payment screen

The [Extra Payment Info.] button is related to Self Billed Payment functionality for UK clients. The pop-up window contains two fields. The Pay Request Date field is used to enter the pay request entry through Self Billed Payment in CMiC Field. The Job To Date Pay Request field is used to enter the Job To Date Amount of Self Billed Payment Request.

[Participation] - Button

If a Subcontract is going to be handled by more than one vendor, the [Original Participation] button on the Subcontract Maintenance screen is used to enter participant percentages for the first tier vendor and the second tier vendors, which determine how an RFP’s amount is distributed to each of the participating vendors. When entering an RFP against a Subcontract, the participation percentages/amounts that will carry over to the Voucher can be reviewed via the [Participation] button on the Enter Request for Payment screen.

Advance Payment

This feature allows the ability to record an advance payment (deposit) against a specific vendor subcontract and then track the recovery/amortization of the advance payment through the RFP progress payments. When this box is checked, an advance payment RFP is generated. For more information and detailed examples, please see Advance Payment - Subcontract Management.

When unchecked, a regular RFP is generated with the capability to amortize the deposit/advance payment amount.

Note This checkbox is hidden by default and can be made visible via the Lite Editor. The Use RFP Screen for Advance Payment Creation checkbox must be checked on the RFP Details tab of the Subcontract Control screen for this checkbox to be visible. Please see Advance Payment information in Control (SC Control File) and AP Control File for more details on setup.

When the Advance Payment box is checked, the following fields are enabled:

  • Details − Tab

    • Owner Payment Required checkbox

    • Advance Payment Amount field

    • Advance Payment % field

    • Remaining Deposit Amount field (display only)

  • Schedule of Values − Section (See Enter Request for Payment - Schedule of Values for more details)

    • Current Deposit % (Advance Payment %)

    • Current Deposit Amount (Advance Payment Amount)

    • Remaining Deposit Amount (display only)

When the Advance Payment box is unchecked, the advance payment RFP related fields are disabled, the remaining fields of the screen are enabled, and regular RFPs can be created.

For amortization of advance payment, the following fields are enabled:

  • Details − Tab

    • Defer Deposit Payment Recovery

    • Amortization %

    • Amortization Amount

    • Previous Amortization Amount - Subcontract Management only

  • Schedule of Values − Section (See Enter Request for Payment - Schedule of Values for more details)

    • Amortization %

    • Amortization Amount

    • Previous Amortization Amount - Subcontract Management only

    • Previous Amortization % - Subcontract Management only

Owner Payment Required

This checkbox is only enabled when the Advance Payment box is checked. Its value is saved on the Advance Payment Voucher and is for information purposes only.

Advance Payment %

This checkbox is only enabled when the Advance Payment box is checked. Users can manually enter the advance payment percent if needed. It is automatically calculated if the Subcontract Amount and Advance Payment Amount fields are populated.

Advance Payment % = Advance Payment Amount ÷ Contract Amount

The default value is 0, but it can be overridden. This field cannot be less than 0 and cannot exceed 100.

Advance Payment Amount

This checkbox is only enabled when the Advance Payment box is checked. Users can manually enter the advance payment percent if needed. It is automatically calculated if the Subcontract Amount and Advance Payment % fields are populated.

Advance Payment Amount = Advance Payment Percentage × Contract Amount

The default value is 0, but it can be overridden. The total of the Advance Payment Amount plus the previously posted Advance Payment Amount cannot exceed the total contract amount and cannot be less than zero.

Advance Payment Remaining

This is a display-only field that shows the total of the Remaining Deposit Amount column from the SOV for that subcontract.

Defer Deposit Payment Recovery

Check this box to defer amortization of the advance payment. When checked, the Advance Payment Amount and Amortization Amount fields are disabled so that users can proceed with regular RFP entry and posting without amortization of advance payment.

Amortization %

Calculated as Header Amortization Amount ÷ Current Invoice Amount. It can be overridden. If it is overridden, system automatically populates the Amortization% from header to SOV lines.

Amortization % cannot be less than 0 and cannot exceed 100.

Amortization Amount

Calculated as Amortization % × Current Invoice Amount. It can be overridden. The Amortization Amount (current + previous) cannot exceed the total Current Amount and cannot be less than zero.

Previous Amortization Amount

Display Amortization amount posted for the subcontract.


Enter the vendor code for the supplier who has requested payment for the work on the subcontract.

If the Subcontract Control File’s ‘Warn for Alternate Addresses’ checkbox is checked on the RFP Defaults tab, and alternate addresses are specified for the vendor, as soon as the user navigates out of this field, a message pops up to remind the user that there are alternate addresses for this vendor.

EFT Flag – Checkbox

This checkbox’s default state comes from the ‘EFT Payments’ checkbox on the vendor record’s Accounting tab (standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Setup > Maintain Vendors).  If this checkbox is checked, it indicates that this RFP is to be paid electronically instead of by check.

In order to use this payment method, the vendor’s banking and EFT information must have been set up on the vendor’s record.

On Hold – Checkbox

This checkbox can be checked manually or automatically by checking the ‘Hold All New SC Pay Requests’ checkbox on the RFP Defaults tab of the Subcontract Control file (standard Treeview path: Subcontract Management > Local Tables > Control – RFP Defaults tab).

If checked, the corresponding voucher in the Accounts Payable module will have its ‘On Hold’ checkbox checked.

Discrete Check – Checkbox

The checkbox’s state defaults from the vendor record’s Accounting tab (standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Setup > Maintain Vendors).

During payment processing, all outstanding Vouchers for a vendor are processed together and paid via a single check.  If the Discrete Check feature is used, each Voucher for the vendor is paid via separate checks.

Leave this checkbox blank if this voucher can be combined with other outstanding vouchers in order to generate a single check for this vendor during payment selection and check printing.

Contract, Change Order Code

Enter the Contract and Change Order number against which this invoice will be processed. Only those contract codes, which apply to the vendor code entered in the previous field, can be entered.

Final – Checkbox

Check this box to indicate if the RFP is the final pay request. When checked, if the RFP is selected when printing unconditional partial or final waivers, the invoice will be marked final even if the RFP for the subcontract has only been partially billed.

The checkbox is automatically updated to checked if the previously completed RFP plus the current RFP equal the total Subcontract value. The user can override this value.

This checkbox:

  • Defaults into the Print Lien Waivers screen.

  • Is used in conjunction with the Hold Final Payment Only functionality for compliance codes.

When a compliance code is marked as “Hold Final Payment Only”, it will only be considered on a final payment Voucher.

If a compliance code assigned to the RFP is not compliant, and the ‘Hold Final Payment Only’ checkbox is unchecked, the voucher will not be considered on payment hold.


Enter the series code that will apply to the Voucher generated from this Request for Payment. The series code will default from the Contract Defaults tab of the Subcontract Control file, if entered.


Enter the vendor's invoice number for the Request For Payment that is being entered.

Payment Mode

Select the Third Party Payment mode for the RFPs corresponding voucher in the Accounts Payable module.

Reg. Amount

Registered amount. This is a display-only field.


Enter the date for the Voucher to be generated from this Request for Payment.


Displays corresponding customer. This is a display-only field.

Disc Date

The discount date will default to this field based on the term's code defined for the vendor. The user can update this date as required.

PB Contract

Code of Subcontract for which this payment is against. This is a display-only field.

Vendor Address

This field is hidden by default and displays the address code of the vendor, either from the Subcontract, if it exists, or from the vendor file.

Alt. Address

This field generally displays the address code of the vendor, either from the Subcontract, if exists, or from the vendor file.

If the Subcontract Control file’s ‘Edit Remit To Address’ checkbox is checked on the RFP Defaults tab, the user may select an alternate address code from this LOV.

Due Date

The due date will default to this field based on the term's code defined for the vendor. The user can update this date as required.

Dept. Account, Bank Account

This is the department and account associated with the bank account from which the corresponding Vouchers in Accounts Payable will be paid. When a check is produced for this vendor’s Voucher, it will be issued against this bank account.

These fields default from the Cash and bank account fields on the Accounting tab of the vendor’s record (standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Setup > Maintain Vendors).

If the ‘Use Bank Accounts by Job’ checkbox is checked in the Voucher tab of the AP Control File (standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Setup > Local Tables > Control File Options – Voucher tab), and a job code is entered, this field will default to the default Cash Account for the job.  If the user entering the Voucher has a default Cash Department and Cash Account declared on their login to the Accounts Payable module, this will override the defaults set for the vendor.  If the Default AP Accounts field on the Voucher tab of the AP Control File is set to “Currency”, the bank account will default from the setup in the Currency Accounts screen (standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Setup > Local Tables > Currency Accounts).

Check Handling Code

If this field is used, the address associated to the check handling code will replace the company address when a check is printed for this payable.  The LOV shows all available check handling codes.  The check handling code may have defaulted from the company default setup (standard Treeview path: Subcontract Management > Local Tables > Control – Contract Defaults tab).


This field is used for the Pay When Paid feature.  It is the Job Billing contract draw number entered for the job.  This will usually be either the current or next draw number for the Subcontract.  This is the draw number on which this voucher will be paid to the vendor.

If the ‘Use Auto Draw Number’ box is checked on the RFP Defaults tab of the Subcontract Control file, the draw number may be left as null, and the RFP’s voucher will be automatically given a draw number from the next job billing invoice.

If the ‘Use Auto Draw Number’ is unchecked on the RFP Defaults tab of the Subcontract Control file, this field is mandatory.

The draw number is a user-entered number, which must be unique for each Request for Payment.

If the ‘Use Auto Draw Number’ is unchecked on the RFP Defaults tab of the Subcontract Control file, and the ‘Pay When Paid’ checkbox is checked, the draw number will default the current Job Billing draw number plus one.

If the ‘Use Auto Draw Number’ checkbox is unchecked, and the ‘Pay When Paid’ checkbox is unchecked, the draw number must be entered manually, ensuring that the draw numbers are the same for matching purposes with Job Billing draw numbers.


Enter a short description about this Request for Payment.

Separate Billing Code

This field is populated with JB separate billing REF code when creating an RFP from posting a job billing invoice. In other words, this field is related to the Job Billing functionality of creating an RFP from JB Invoice posting. This field establishes the relationship between the voucher header and the job billing detail line.

Customer Code

Code for customer associated to this payment.