Control (SC Control File)

The Subcontract Control file screen is used to set the defaults and rules for the Subcontract module for each company that will be using it.

Contract Defaults – Tab

Pgm: SCCTRL – Subcontract Control; standard Treeview path: Subcontract Management > Local Tables > Control – Contract Defaults tab

Enter Invoices

For each Subcontract, there are two options for how Vouchers for payments against it are created in the Accounts Payable module. The option selected for this field defaults into the Invoiced field on the General tab of new Subcontracts, which can be overridden.

The following provides details about these two options:

Via – Subcontract: Vouchers are automatically generated in the Accounts Payable module using Request For Payments (RFPs), when RFPs are posted in this module. These Vouchers created in the Accounts Payable module will be posted Vouchers, ready for payment processing.

If this option is used, the Assign Posted Vouchers to Subcontracts utility can be used to link a posted Voucher in the Accounts Payable module that is associated to a job/cost code/category combination to the corresponding schedule lines in the Subcontract. The Subcontracts in this case must have “Contract Level Release Retention” set in their header.

Via - Accounts Payable: Vouchers against the Subcontract are manually entered through the Enter Vouchers screen of the Accounts Payable module.

Series Code is Mandatory – Checkbox

If checked, invoice series codes are mandatory.

Default Series Code

Enter the default invoice series code for new RFPs entered via the Request for Payment screen.

If AP Accounts are entered against the invoice series code, they will be used when the Pay Request Voucher is created.

The invoice series code entered in this field must have been already set up within the Invoice Series Code Maintenance screen of the Accounts Payable module (standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Setup > Local Tables > Invoice Series Codes).

Default Category Code

Enter the category code that will default as the category cost element within the task detail of the Contract Entry screens, both in Subcontract Management and CMiC Field.

If using more than one designated category code for Subcontracts, leave this field blank.


Enter the default VAT tax code for the task line items on a Subcontract. This field should only be used for a Tax Credit tax, e.g., GST. In the US, this field is not applicable, and in Canada this would be the GST tax code.

This code is defined in the System’s Maintain Tax Code screen (standard Treeview path: System > Global Tables > Tax Code > Maintain Tax Code).

VAT Accrual Account

Enter or select from the available list, the VAT accrual department and accounts. This account is used when processing VAT information for companies (such as in UK) which use subcontractor payment worksheet for pay request creation.

Retainage %

This is the default retainage percent for all SOV lines within the task detail of Subcontracts, except where the vendor has a terms code retainage % set via the Terms field on the Vendors tab of their vendor record or an override set via the Retainage % field on the Accounting tab of their record.

Default Compliance Period

Enter/select the default period “Year”, “Month”, “Week”, or “Day” that will determine the expiry date of any date sensitive compliance codes that are automatically assigned. If you want the default to be Non-Compliant, select the “Non-Compliant” option. The system default is “Day”.

Default Dates – Checkbox

This setting works in conjunction with the Default Compliance Period field setting. If checked, the dates on auto assigned compliance codes will have the start date set to the system date, and the end date will be the system date plus one month, week, day, or year, as set in the previous field. This is for compliance codes set up as “Auto Assign” and “Date Sensitive” at the compliance code level only. If the compliance code is set up at the vendor level, those dates will default. If the checkbox is unchecked, no dates will default.

Use Current Date As Default Date While Entering Contracts – Checkbox

When checked, during Subcontract entry, the system date will default into the Subcontract’s date field. If unchecked, the terms will be defaulted from the vendor’s profile.

Default Taxes – Checkbox

This checkbox’s state is the default for the ‘Default Taxes’ checkbox on the General tab of new Subcontract records.

If a Subcontract’s ‘Default Taxes’ box is checked, taxes applicable to the Subcontract will default from the job, if they exist; otherwise, they default from the vendor.

Default Contract to Self-Billed – Checkbox

This option is applicable to our UK clients, to indicate that a Subcontract is “self-billed”.

This checkbox’s state defaults to the ‘Self Billed’ checkbox on the Summary tab of new Subcontract records.

Schedule Level Retainage Release – Checkbox

This checkbox’s state defaults to the ‘Schedule Level/Retainage Release’ checkbox on the General tab of new Subcontract records. The defaulted state can be modified for new a subcontract, however, once the subcontract is posted, it cannot be modified for new Change Orders.

Schedule level retainage release allows retainage to be managed at the task level instead of at the subcontract level. This allows each task line on a Subcontract to have its own retainage release, and for specific lines of a Subcontract to be 100% complete, including retainage paid out, while others are still open. It is recommended that this box is checked, as it allows for the most flexibility managing Subcontracts.

Print Task Detail – Checkbox

When printing the Subcontract Change Order document, there is a choice of which description to print: the “Task Short Description” or the “Task Long Description”. To print the long description, check this box.

Vendor Address Code Mandatory – Checkbox

If checked, during Subcontract entry, the vendor address code is mandatory, and users are issued a message until a valid code is entered.

Update Vendor/Contract Data on JB Contract – Checkbox

Sample of Contract Entry screen in Job Billing module (standard Treeview path: Job Billing > Contracts > Enter Contracts)

When a Subcontract is posted, the posting routine checks if there are Job Billing contract lines (listed on the Billing Codes tab of the Enter Contract screen, as shown above) in the corresponding JB Contract that match the Subcontract’s SOV lines, based on their job/cost code/category combinations. If there are matching JB contract lines, and their ‘Self-Per. Work’ box is not checked and their Vendor and Sub-Contract fields are empty, the routine enters the vendor and subcontract code into the Vendor and Sub-Contract fields of those JB contract lines, as framed in red in the above screenshot.

NOTE: This feature only works correctly if there is a one-to-one relationship between the Billing Code and the Job/Cost Code/Category and if there is a unique Job/Cost Code/Category for every Vendor/Subcontract.

Automatic SC Numbering – Checkbox

Check this checkbox to have an automatic number generated when creating Subcontracts. Enter the mask to be used in the Mask field. The mask is overridable if the ‘Allow Override’ checkbox is checked.

The automatically generated SC Numbers may be set as unique by ‘Job’ or ‘Vendor’ by selecting the desired option via the Unique By radio buttons.

Unique By – Radio Buttons

These options are relevant to the ‘Automatic SC Numbering’ checkbox functionality.

If ‘Job’ radio button is selected, SC Numbers are unique by job, and two vendors cannot have the same SC contract code on the same job.

If ‘Vendor’ radio button is selected, SC Numbers are unique by vendor, and two vendors can have the same SC contract code on the same job.

Reverse Job Code Selection – Checkbox

These options are relevant to the ‘Automatic SC Numbering’ checkbox functionality.

If checked, the specified number of job code characters to include in the SC Number are selected starting from the rightmost job code character; otherwise, they are selected starting from the leftmost job code character.

For example, if the job code is “ABCD” and the SC Auto Numbering mask uses three characters from job codes as jjj*****, then:

  • If this box is checked, the generated SC Number will be “BCD0001”.

  • If this box is unchecked, the generated SC Number will be “ABC0001”.

SCO Posting To Not Allow Total Less Than Billed – Checkbox

If checked, when a Subcontract/Subcontract Change Order is posted, posting is not allowed if the change makes the overall Subcontract value less than the Subcontract amount already invoiced.

For further details, please refer to SCO Posting To Not Allow Total Less Than Billed.

Do Not Validate Total Contract Amount Against Control Contract Amount When Modifying The Subcontract

This checkbox is hidden by default and can be added using the Lite Editor if needed. The default value for this checkbox is unchecked.

When this box is unchecked in the Subcontract Control screen and if a subcontract is modified via the Modify Original Contract screen, then the system validates if the total amount of SOV matches the Control Contract Amount field in the Subcontract screen of CMiC Field. If the total amount of SOV does not match the control contract amount, then an error message will be shown.

When this box is checked in the Subcontract Control screen and if a subcontract is modified via the Modify Original Contract screen, then the system does not validate if the total amount of SOV matches the control contract amount. Even if the total amount of SOV does not match the control contract amount, the subcontract can be posted successfully.

Note These validations apply only to the base contract and not to change orders.

Mask, Sample

If the ‘Automatic SC Numbering’ checkbox is checked, this field is used to enter the mask that specifies how SC Numbers are auto-generated for new Subcontracts.

The Sample field displays a sample auto-generated SC Number based on the mask entered in the Mask field.

NOTE: Spaces are not allowed when defining masks.

The following are the pre-defined codes to indicate how SC Numbers are to be auto-generated:





“b” represents a character of the customer code entered on the job.

So, if the customer code is “ACME01”, the first 4 digits of the customer code would start the job number.



“t” represents a character of the contract type code entered on the subcontract.  If the contract type code was “COSTPLUS”, the 5th-8th digits will be the start of the contract type code.



“c” represents the company code of the job. So, if the company code is “03”, this code would also be the first 2 digits of the job code.



“y”,”m”,”d” represent date formats. If the current year is 2004, this mask would start the job with the number “04”.



“#” represents duplicate the controlling job number for “x” number of characters.

“s” indicates the actual sub-job unique code.

NOTE: This mask should only be used if your sub-jobs have dependent numbers.

Job: ACME0001

1st Subjob:

2nd Subjob:


“j” represents a hard coded job prefix.

“–” represents the first delimiter.

“*****” represents a 5-character numeric string, auto-generated.

“-” represents the second delimiter.

“02” represents a predefined suffix.


Allow Override – Checkbox

This option is applicable if the ‘Automatic SC Numbering’ checkbox is checked. If this box is checked, the auto-generated SC Number can be overridden during Subcontract entry , otherwise it cannot. If this box is checked, the auto-generated SC Number can be overridden during the initial Subcontract entry (i.e., before the record is saved). Once the overridden code is entered and then saved, the SC Number will no longer be editable.

Do Not Allow Posting If Contract Exceeds Budget – Checkbox

This setting is used in conjunction with Contract Option radio button setting as follows:

  1. If this box is checked and the ‘Base Contract’ radio button is selected for the Contract Option setting:

    The subcontract (including posted/unposted) posting routine verifies that the dollar amount of the purchase (plus all other existing subcontract commitments) is not larger than the original budget for the cost code/category combination. This will be verified on every line within the subcontract.

  2. If this box is checked and the ‘Base Contract And Change Order’ radio button is selected for the Contract Option setting:

    The subcontract/subcontract change order (including posted/unposted) posting routine verifies that the dollar amount of the purchase (plus all other existing subcontract commitments) is not larger than the current budget (i.e., original budget + approved change orders) for the cost code/category combination. This will be verified on every line within the subcontract or change order.

NOTE If checked, the system only validates against the subcontract commitments and the budget, not all commitments. Validation only considers subcontracts and subcontract change orders and it does not consider purchase order commitments.

NOTE: If this option is used, users with the system privilege ‘SCEBAPST – SC: Allows the user to post the subcontract or RFP even if exceeds the subcontract budget’ granted to their User ID or security role are exempted and allowed to post subcontracts that exceed the budget.

If the validation determines that the budget will be exceeded, a notification is sent to the PM role selected for the PM Role to Notify field, and the posting of the subcontract/change order is terminated.

Make sure the project contact to receive the notification is assigned to the relevant project(s) and that:

  • PM role to notify is assigned to their Contact record.

  • A valid e-mail address is entered in their Contact record.

  • PM role to notify has the ‘Key Player’ checkbox checked and can be seen in the Key Players tab of the project.

NOTE: If you are creating subcontracts in the Change Management module (i.e., CM Control File’s ‘Create Subcontracts from Change Management’ option is checked) and the CM Control File’s ‘Post Vendor Contract With The Change Item’ option is also checked, while using this option to validate the Subcontract Amount against the Budget, if the user is posting a PCI that will create a subcontract as well, and if the SC posting fails due to validation, the PCI item posting will be rolled back. The SC posting will not go through, and an error message about the Budget Amount being exceeded is prompted.

Contract Option – Radio Buttons

For details, refer to the preceding details about the ‘Do Not Allow Posting If Contract Exceeds Budget’ checkbox, as this option is applicable to it.

PM Role to Notify

This field is applicable to the ‘Do Not Allow Posting If Contract Exceeds Budget’ checkbox. For details about this field, refer to the preceding details about the ‘Do Not Allow Posting If Contract Exceeds Budget’ checkbox option.

Negative Contract Balance Triggers – Radio Buttons

The system allows a Subcontract balance to go below zero. This option sets whether this is allowed with a warming, or if this is not allowed by prompting an error message:

  • Select ‘An Error’ radio button if the system is to return an error when a negative Change Order takes the balance of a Subcontract below zero, preventing the user from proceeding.

  • Select ‘A Warning’ radio button if the system is to return a warning when a negative change order takes the balance of a subcontract below zero, allowing them to proceed.

SOV Sorting

Sorting method to use for SOVs (tasks) in the Enter Subcontract and RFP screens:

  • Select “None” to not use a sorting method.

  • Select “Sort Order” to add a Sort Order column, for sorting, to the SOVs table on Schedule Of Values tab of the Enter Subcontract screen and to the SOVs table on Details tab of the Enter Request for Payment screen, as shown below:

    Pgm: PMSCFM – Subcontract Maintenance; standard Treeview path: Subcontract Management > Contracts > Enter Subcontract/Change Order – Schedule of Values tab

  • Select “Record of Entry” to sort SOVs by their date and time of entry.

NOTE: If this setting is changed, the affected screens need to be restarted to reflect the change. Also, sorting occurs after SOVs are saved.

Assign Vendor/Contract on JB Contract using SC Bill Code

This checkbox is hidden by default and must be added using the Lite Editor if needed. When this checkbox is checked, the system will automatically assign the vendor and subcontract to the bill code in the Job Billing contract that was used on the posted subcontract SOV line.

Note The Update Vendor/Contract Data on JB Contract checkbox must be unchecked in order to use the Assign Vendor/Contract on JB Contract using SC Bill Code checkbox.

RFP Defaults – Tab

Pgm: SCCTRL – Subcontract Control; standard Treeview path: Subcontract Management > Local Tables > Control – RFP Defaults tab

Request For Payment Approval Required – Checkbox

If approval is required before a Request for Payment can be posted to the Accounts Payable system, then this box should be checked.

Hold All New SC Pay Requests – Checkbox

If checked, all Requests for Payments are automatically put on hold, by checking the ‘On Hold’ checkbox for new RFPs entered in the Enter Request For Payment screen.

Their corresponding Vouchers in Accounts Payable are manually released using either the Adjust Held Voucher Status or Adjust Voucher Status screen in the Accounts Payable module.

Auto Hold Pay Request Over Contract – Radio Buttons

If ‘None’ radio button is selected, this option is not used.

If ‘All’ radio button is selected, when a Request for Payment plus all previous requests exceed the Revised Contract Value (Original Contract plus Change Orders), its corresponding Voucher and all other Vouchers for the Subcontract will have their ‘Exceed Hold’ checkbox checked and their Voucher Payment Status set to “Compliance Hold (C)”.

If ‘Latest’ radio button is selected, when a Request for Payment plus all previous requests exceed the Revised Contract Value (Original Contract plus Change Orders), only the latest RFP’s corresponding voucher will have its ‘Exceed Hold’ checkbox checked and its Voucher Payment Status set to “Compliance Hold (C)”.

A voucher’s Exceed Hold and Voucher Payment Status fields can be modified via either of the following screens:

  • Override Voucher Status (standard Treeview path: Subcontract Management > Status > Over-ride Voucher Status)

  • Adjust Voucher Status (standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Payment > Adjust Voucher Status)

  • Adjust Held Voucher Status (standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Payment > Adjust Held Voucher Status)

Do Not Allow To Post RFP When Exceeds Contract Amount

This setting is enabled if the Auto Hold Pay Request Over Contract field setting is not used (i.e., set to “None”).

The value for this field controls whether a Request for Payment can be posted if it is over the Subcontract Value or over the budget amount for a Subcontract’s SOV line’s Bill Code, depending on the option selected for this setting:

  • If “None” is selected, this feature is not used.

  • If “SOV Line Is Greater Than Assoc. Contract SOV” is selected, an RFP cannot be posted if it causes any SOV line in the Subcontract to be over the amount budgeted for its Bill Code.

  • If “Overall Request Payment Is Greater Than Contract Amount” is selected, an RFP cannot be posted if it is greater than the overall Subcontract Value.

Use Bank Accounts By Job – Checkbox

If this checkbox is checked, the Job Bank Account feature is activated. Normally, without this feature activated, when creating an RFP, the system uses the default Cash Account set up for the vendor. If this feature is activated, when creating an RFP, the system uses the default Cash Account set up for the job, via the Bank tab of the Enter Job screen, instead of the default account set up for the vendor; and if a Job does not have its default account set up, the system will report an error and require that its default account be set up in order to finish creating the RFP.

Checking this box forces the entry of a valid job bank account for the job on new Subcontracts. If a default job bank account exists on the job itself, that account will default into the job bank account field on the Subcontract Entry screen. Leave this field blank if you do not require the bank account to be associated with the job.

This feature will ensure that all payments for this contract will be taken from the entered bank account.

If this feature is to be used, it needs to be activated in both the Accounts Payable and Subcontract Management modules. In Accounts Payable, it is activated using the ‘Use Bank Accounts By Job’ checkbox on the Voucher tab of the Accounts Payable Control File screen (standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Setup > Local Tables > Control File Options).

Separate Request For Payment For Change Orders – Checkbox

By default, the system only allows one pay request per Subcontract to be entered but not posted. If this box is checked, more than one pay request can be entered, but only if the requests are for unique Change Orders.

In other words, users will be able to enter separate requests for payment for Change Orders on the Subcontract. Otherwise, Change Order task lines will be displayed on the original Subcontract Request for Payment. If more than one Request for Payment per Subcontract could be active during a single period, and the request is not for the same task, then checking this box will allow the second Pay Request to be entered. This feature validates that both open pay requests are not for the same task.

Allow Only Single Job, Change Order Per Request For Payment – Checkbox

If checked, when a payment request is posted, it will be split into multiple Vouchers – one for every unique Job/Sub-Job and Change Order combination on the payment request.

This should be set in conjunction with the ‘Separate Request For Payment For Change Orders’ checkbox.

Description On Request For Payment

This field allows the user to set whether the “Job Name” or “SC Description” will be defaulted as the description of the payment request. The description will then default to Accounts Payable where it will be the reference description on the payment check.

  • Select “Print SC Description on Request For Payment” to populate the “SC Description” in the Description field on the Details tab of the Enter Request for Payment screen. Users may override the description as required.

  • Select “Print Job Name on Request For Payment” to populate “Job Name” in the Description field on the Details tab of the Enter Request for Payment screen. Users may override the description as required.

  • Select “Do Not Populate Request For Payment Description” to not populate “Job Name” or “SC Description” in the Description field on Details tab of the Enter Request for Payment screen. The field will be left blank. User may override the description as required.

Use Pay When Paid (SC) – Checkbox

The Pay When Paid feature is used to automatically set a payment hold for RFP’s corresponding Vouchers, until the draw is paid by the owner.

If this box is checked, the subcontractor payment will not be released until the owner has paid the matching draw. This feature is only applicable to jobs being billed via Job Billing. If your standard policy is such, then check this box; otherwise, leave it unchecked. The value entered here will default into the Enter Subcontract screen but may be changed during contract entry (but this is kept under “RFP defaults” to group all the other PWP flags such as “Keep Future Due Date”, “Use Auto Draw Number”, etc., together).

For additional details about the Pay When Paid functionality, refer to Pay When Paid & Days Value - Subcontract Management.

Use Pay When Paid (AP) – Checkbox

Check this box to ensure that the ‘Use Pay When Paid (SC)’ box remains checked when a subcontract is created and the user selects ‘Invoiced via Accounts Payable’.

Hold payment for another <enter value> day(s) (Default # of Days)

This field is used in conjunction with the Pay When Paid functionality to enter the number of days to hold payment after the owner payment is made.

This value can be set regardless of the Use Pay When Paid setting, and it defaults to the Subcontract document when Pay When Paid is activated through either the Use Pay When Paid setting or by enabling it at the document level. This value represents the number of days to add from the receipt of the customer payment before making the contract payable.

Enter “0” to have Pay When Paid payables due immediately on payment receipt from the customer.

Keep Future Due Date – Checkbox

If checked, the corresponding Vouchers for the RFPs entered through the Enter Request for Payment screen keep their original due date when they are paid early.

If unchecked, the future due date is not kept, and the Voucher’s due date is recalculated using the Accounts Receivable invoice payment date plus the PWP days. For example, if a subcontractor’s invoice is due in 30 days, but the owner pays today and the PWP days value is set to “5” days, then the subcontractor is to be paid within five days.

Use Auto Draw Number – Checkbox

This functionality is used in conjunction with the Paid When Paid functionality.

If this box is checked, when entering a Request For Payment, the draw number associated to the “Use Paid When Paid” is not mandatory and may be left as null. When the job billing invoice is produced, the draw number will be automatically associated to the Voucher. If the job billing invoice is subsequently voided, the draw number will be automatically removed, and the next billing draw number will be applied.

Warn for Alternate Addresses – Checkbox

If checked, during Subcontract Pay Request entry, as soon as the user tabs out of the Vendor field, a message will pop up reading “Alternate Addresses exist for this vendor”. This is just a reminder, and users may click [OK] and proceed.

Edit RFP Remit To Address – Checkbox

If checked, the Alternate Address field is editable during Subcontract Pay Request entry.

Import Only SC Registered Pay Requests by Default – Checkbox

When unchecked, users can select from all Registered Invoices, while only those predefined for payment of a Subcontract can be selected/seen when the option is checked and importing Registered Invoices.

Allow Payment Request Against Instructed Contracts – Checkbox

If checked, this option allows payment requests to be made when the originating Subcontract is not posted.

Use Job Security For Registered Invoices – Checkbox

By default, this checkbox is unchecked. When checked, job security is applied to Subcontract registered invoices, so that the SC Pay Request screen’s Registration pop-up will only display invoices where the user has security access to the job in the header of the registered invoice.

Use RFP Screen for Advance Payment Creation

When this box is checked, it enables the advance payment creation/amortization in the Enter Request for Payment screen and the Advance Payment checkbox becomes visible. If unchecked, it is not visible. For more details, please see the Advance Payment – Checkbox details in Enter Request for Payment - Details - Tab.

Note There is down payment functionality applicable to the Subcontract Entry and RFP Entry screens in CMiC Field. Clients using the down payment functionality must ensure that the Use RFP Screen for Advance Payment Creation box is unchecked. For more details, see Down Payment and Amortization.

Advance Payment Compliance

The Advance Payment Compliance LOV is bringing data from the Vendor by Company Compliance screen. This field can be left null if not required.

When a compliance code is populated, and the subcontract is assigned with the compliance code, then during RFP posting, the program validates that the code is fully compliant before posting is allowed. Otherwise, the RFP posting is canceled with a valid message.