Construct PM – Journals
The Journal screen can be used to record the day's activities on the job site. This information can be used to explain costs or justify project delays.
Journal Log
The Journals log
The Journals log is what appears after selecting Journals from the main menu. To view a journal record, select it from the menu on the left hand side. Journals are labeled by their journal number, creation date, and the user that prepared the record.
NOTE: Journal numbers are automatically assigned upon the creation of an journal record and cannot be edited from Construct PM.
The user may edit journals found in this screen, assuming they have the relevant security privileges enabled (please see the Security section for more details). Once the journal has been edited press Save.
Press the Filter icon () in the search bar to filter the search results. Issues can be filtered by author (prepared by), rain day, and status.
Press the icon that reads "Creation Date" to sort journals by record number or creation date. Press the arrow next to the sort option to sort in ascending or descending order.
Group By
Press this button to group the log by journal number, date, author (prepared by), low temperature, high temperature, or precipitation. Press the arrow to sort the results in ascending or descending order.
NOTE: This option is available via the Search bar for mobile devices.
Creating a New Journal
General – Tab
The General tab of the Create Journal screen
Prepared By
Select the contact preparing the journal entry. This field will default to the currently logged in user.
Creation Date
Select the date of the journal entry. This field will default to the current device date.
Enter the weather on the work site for that day. Edit the individual weather fields, or default the weather based on the project address and the date of the journal entry by pressing the [Set Weather] button. Real-time weather data is provided by Weatherstack.
NOTE: The unit of measure for temperature is based on the country entered in the Country field for the project address on the Project Maintenance screen in CMiC Field. If the Country field is left blank, or has US/USA/United States entered, Construct PM will default Fahrenheit.
If the project address references any other country, Construct PM will default Celsius.
Enter the daily activity.
Work Completed
Enter the work completed by the end of the day.
Issues to Report
Enter any problems or delays that affected any activity.
Safety Issues
Enter any safety issues to report.
Enter any comments about the day's activities.
Sky Conditions
Enter any sky conditions that affected the day's activities.
Press the Add Attachments button in this field to add an attachment to the journal entry. The user can either take a new photo with the device's camera, attach a file from the device library, or attach a document or drawing already saved in Construct PM.
Enter any additional notes for the journal entry here.
Manpower – Tab
The Manpower tab of the Create Journal screen
This tab can be used to enter hours worked on the project. A summary of all previously entered hours appears by default. Press [Add Entry] to add a new manpower entry.
Select the company for which the work was performed.
Activity Code
Select the activity code for the work performed.
Number of Workers
Enter the number of workers.
Regular Hours, Overtime Hours, Double Overtime Hours
Enter the number of regular, OT, and DOT hours worked by the workers. The sum of these hours will be displayed in the Total Man Hours field.
Trade Equipment – Tab
The Trade Equipment tab of the Create Journal screen
This tab can be used to enter the types and quantity of equipment used or rented by subcontractors. A summary of all previously entered trade equipment appears by default. Press [Add Entry] to add a new trade equipment entry.
Select the project partner to whom the trade equipment belongs.
Equipment, Description
Enter the name and description of the trade equipment.
Materials – Tab
The Materials tab of the Create Journal screen
This tab can be used to enter any materials used for the project. Press [Add Entry] to create a new materials entry.
Select the company using the material
Item Name
Enter the material name.
Enter the weight measure of the material.
Enter the ticket number of the material.
Enter the amount of the material used.
Press the clock icon to select the amount of time for which the material was used.
Received By
Select the contact who received the material.
Enter the vendor that provided the material.
If the material has a purchase order number, enter it here
Enter any additional notes for the material and its use here.
Visitor – Tab
The Visitors tab of the Create Journal screen
This tab can be used to log any visitors to the work site.
Safety – Tab
The Safety tab of the Create Journal screen
This tab can be used to enter any relevant safety notes for the journal entry. Enter all relevant safety information and press the [Save] button.
Emailing a Journal Report
A Journal report can be generated in various formats and shared via email. These formats are described in more detail in Types of Reports. To share a report, click on the Journal Menu icon () and select the "Email Report" option in the drop-down menu.
NOTE: The Email Report feature requires the user’s Enterprise security role to have the ‘Report User’ flag enabled. For more information, please refer to Define Roles - System Data.
In the Email Report pop-up window, click on the Select icon () in the Report field to choose the desired report type.
Next, use the To and CC fields to select the contacts who will be the recipients of the report.
When finished selecting contact(s), press [Done].
Once recipients are selected, click on the Send icon () to email the chosen report to the recipients.
Types of Reports
The report types available to be generated from the Journal screen are described below.
NOTE: The report's logo is maintained in the Company Logo field on the Company Setup screen in the General Ledger module.
Daily Journal Report
The Daily Journal Report creates a summary of the daily journal with all notes included.
Consolidated Daily Journal
The Consolidated Daily Journal creates a consolidated summary of the Daily Journal.
Daily Journal with Photos
The Daily Journal with Photos creates a consolidated summary of the Daily Journal with photos
Creating Journal Reports
The reports printing functionality in Construct PM allows users the flexibility of printing a single report (form letter), or multiple reports (form letters) and attachments, the latter option producing a single PDF file with all the reports and attachments as pages of that file. For more information, please refer to Construct PM – Construct Printing .
Copying a Journal Entry
Select "Copy Journal Entry" from the menu to copy details to a new journal record.
The Copy Journal screen allows users to choose which tabs they want to copy and also includes the ability to copy notes and attachments. The details will be copied into a new journal entry.