Employee Profile

The Employee Profile that appears in the Human Resources module is the same as the one in the US Payroll module. As such, please refer to the US Payroll guide for full documentation of this screen. This guide covers those fields and tabs that are most relevant to the Human Resources module.

Personal – Tab

Screenshot of Employee Profile Personal tab

Pgm: PYEMPLOY – Employee Profile; standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Employees > Employee Profile – Personal tab

Work Status

Also referred to as the sub-status, this field is visible only for active employees and is used to record whether the employee is currently working, on temporary layoff, or on a leave of absence. New employees are created with a work status of “Working” by default. Update this field using the Employee History screen.


This field is used to record the years of service credited to the employee. It can be manually set here or the Year-End Update screen can update it automatically (standard Treeview path: Human Resources > Utility > Year-End Update).

[License/Certification] – Button

Clicking on this button brings up a separate screen that is used to maintain a list of employee licenses and certifications. This is the same as the Employee Certification/Licenses screen (standard Treeview path: Human Resources > Training/Certification > Employee Certification/Licenses). The only exception here being that the employee queried on the main Employee Profile must be changed in order to view the certifications and licenses for another employee.

Before entering them on this screen, licenses and certifications must be defined in the Types of Certification/Licenses screen (standard Treeview path: Human Resources > Training/Certification > Types of Certification/Licenses).

This button is not available until the employee profile has been saved.

[Skills] – Button

Clicking on this button brings up a separate screen that is used to maintain the list of employee skills.

Before entering them on this screen, skills must first be defined in the Skills screen (standard Treeview path: Setup > Local Tables > Skill Definitions > Skills).

This button is not available until the employee profile has been saved.

HR Information – Tab

Screenshot of HR Info tab

Pgm: PYEMPLOY – Employee Profile; standard Treeview path: Human Resources > Personnel > Employee Profile – HR Info tab

Address Company

Enter/select the company from which to select possible site addresses.

System User

Enter/select a system user ID for the employee.

Site Address

Enter/select the default site address for the employee. Both the company code and the address code must be entered. The address can be set up in the Address Maintenance screen (standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Local Tables).


Enter/select the default region code for the employee. The address must have been set up previously in the Region screen in the HR Local Tables menu (standard Treeview path: Human Resources > Setup > Local Tables > Regions).


Enter/select a disability code for the employee. The disability code must have been set up previously in the Human Resources module (standard Treeview path: Human Resources > Setup > Codes > Disability Codes).

Ability to Travel – Checkbox

Check this box if the employee is able to travel for work purposes.


Enter the agreed maximum traveling distance for the employee.

Contract Type

Select whether the contract is a single, married, or family type. This field is used in the calculation of flight benefits in the International Payroll module. For more information, please refer to Flight Benefits.

Preferred Language

Select the preferred language for the employee. The language option can be set up in the Human Resources module (standard Treeview path: Human Resources > Setup > Codes > Languages).

Sex, Marital Status, Ethnic Code

Select the sex, marital status, and ethnicity of the employee.

Military Status

Select the military status of the employee.

Military Separation Date

If the employee is a veteran, enter their date of discharge or release from active duty. This date is used in the VETS-100 HR report to display employees hired in twelve months of their release date.

Dominant Hand, Preferred Language

Select the dominant hand and preferred language of the employee.

Paystub Password

Enter the paystub password for the employee.

Yearly Salary

Enter the yearly salary for the employee.

Calculate Accrued Leave From

Select from what date to start calculating accrued leave.

Benefit Type

Select which benefit type to calculate.

Calculate Burdens From

Select from what date to start calculating burdens.

[Employee Hire/Term] – Button

Pgm: PY_EMP_HIRE_TERM_INFO – Employee Profile; standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Employees > Employee Profile – HR Information tab – Employee Hire/Term button

This button can be used to hire or terminate employees as well as send emails detailing the change in employment.

Post Grad Loan Indicator– Checkbox

Check the 'Post Grad Loan Indicator' box to post the grad loan. This field is used when generating UK FPS reports in the International Payroll module. For more information, please refer to UK RTI Feeds.

Post Grad Loan Type

Enter the type of post grad loan plan. This field is used when generating UK FPS reports in the International Payroll module. For more information, please refer to UK RTI Feeds.