Project Management Notifications


When actions are taken on collaboration objects in CMiC Field, such as publishing an RFI or forwarding a communication, the user can elect to receive notifications by email.

NOTE: Notifications are never generated for the user who performed an action. Events that would normally trigger email notifications are inhibited for the user that made the change. In other words, to test email notifications, it's always necessary to have a second user to perform the actions that should generate the notification.

Notification Email

An example of a typical email notification is shown below. It shows an email notification that was sent after an Issue record was created.

Image os sample notification email

This notification provides a link to the issue in question on CMiC Field, as well as details about the sender and responsible parties. At the bottom of the email are links to download the Mobile Field app for both iOS and Android devices.

Notification Template

An example of the notification template used in the PM module is shown below.

NOTE: PM email notifications for RFIs, Issues, and Communications are based on templates that are maintained by CMiC. These templates are not available for user customization.

Image of notification template


A user can select what type of notifications they receive. Notification settings can be defined at the contact level or project role level. Regardless of the level, the notification settings used to make the customizations are exactly the same.

Watch this video to learn about E-Mail Notification Settings and how they can be defined at the contact level or project role level.

Contact Level

At the contact level, setup can be completed at the system level or at the project level.

System-Level Contact

Screenshot of Email notifications tab

Contact Maintenance; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Security > Contacts – Email notifications tab

At the system level, the notification settings are located on the E-Mail Notifications tab of the Contacts Maintenance screen under the Security menu. From the E-Mail Notifications tab, users can set which PM objects they receive notifications for and the conditions under which they receive them.

To learn more about how the checkboxes are used on this screen, refer to E-mail Notification Settings.

Project-Level Contact

Screenshot of Email Notifications tab

Contact Maintenance; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Communication Management > Project Contact Directory > Email Notifications tab

At the project level, the notification settings are located on the E-Mail Notifications tab of the Contacts Maintenance screen under the Communication Management menu. From the E-Mail Notifications tab, users can set which PM objects they receive notifications for and the conditions under which they receive them.

To learn more about how the checkboxes are used on this screen, refer to E-mail Notification Settings.

Project Role Level

Screenshot of Project Roles screen

Project Roles; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Security > Project Roles

These settings can also be applied at the project role level on the Project Roles screen. From this screen, the ‘Default Email Notifications Settings’ link is used to launch the Email Notifications pop-up window, where role-based email notification options can be set.

To learn more about how the checkboxes are used on this screen, refer to E-mail Notification Settings.