Construct PM – Submittals V2
NOTE: The Submittals V2 screen will be released in Patch V12-21.
The Submittals V2 screen in Construct PM can be used to view, add, edit, and delete Submittal records. Users require security privileges to access this screen. For more information, please refer to Construct PM – Security.
Submittals V2 Log Screen
Submittals V2 Log screen
The Submittals V2 log is what appears after selecting Submittals V2 from the main menu. To view a submittal, select it from the log
NOTE: Submittal numbers are automatically assigned upon the creation of an submittal and cannot be edited from Construct PM.
The user may edit a submittal found in this screen, assuming they have the relevant security privileges enabled (please see Security for more details). Once the submittal has been edited, press the Save icon () to confirm the changes.
Press the Filter icon () in the search bar to filter the search results.
Press the icon that reads "Submittal ID" to sort submittals by submittal ID, name, spec section, type, or status. Press the arrow next to the sort option to sort in ascending or descending order.
Group By
Press this icon to group the log by status. Press the arrow to sort the results in ascending or descending order.
NOTE: This option is only available on the web.
The Submittal V2 Maintenance screen can be accessed from the Settings icon (). For more information, please refer to [[[Undefined variable ProductNameSet.Prod_Name_PM]]] Submittals V2 – Settings.
Review Response
The system will alert the user when a review response is required on records where they are currently the responsible contact. Users with the Project Role privilege 'Respond on behalf of Business Partner' can also respond on behalf of others at the same company on records where they are currently the responsible contact.
Press this
Send Response screen launched from [Respond] button on Construct PMSubmittals V2 – Review tab
Users with the Project Role privilege 'Respond on behalf of Business Partner' can respond on behalf of others at the same company on records where they are currently the responsible contact, as shown in the screenshot above.
Creating Records
[Plus] button on SubmittalsV2 screen
Users can press the Plus button () at the bottom of the screen to add a new entry.
Details – Tab
Submittals V2 – Details tab
Only the Name field is required to save a Submittal record. To submit a pending Submittal record, in addition to the Name field, the Submitter and Approval By fields are required. Both of these fields can be populated with one of the following: an individual project contact, a business organization (i.e., companies or partners), or a distribution list.
Enter the name of the submittal. This field is required to save the record.
Select the type of the submittal. These type codes can be set in the Submittal Type screen (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > File Maintenance > Local Tables > Submittal Type).
Submittal Status
This field is read-only and displays the status of the submittal.
Last Review Status
This field is read-only and displays the last review status of the submittal.
Spec Section, Spec Sub Section
Enter/select the specification section and the specification sub-section for the submittal. These codes are used for ordering purposes and can be set in the CSI Code Maintenance screen.
Public Record
Check this box to make the record visible and accessible to all users who have access to the Submittals V2 screen. This grants all team members the ability to refer to specific, approved submittals as necessary. By default, this box is unchecked on all new records.
If a submittal has the 'Public Record' flag checked, the record will be visible and accessible to all users who have both the menu and program security role privileges for the Submittals V2 screen.
NOTE: The ability to modify this checkbox is tied to the security role privilege "Submittal – Make Record Public". As well, by default, field security on the 'Public Record' checkbox is set to “Hidden” for the “ALL” role. Users must set this value as “Unrestricted” or "Read-Only" in order to make this checkbox visible. For more information, please refer to Security Roles - CMiC Field.
Ball in Court
This field is read-only and displays the BIC reviewer(s).
NOTE: Responsible parties will be notified when submittals are under their responsibility (e.g., to provide a response, forward to design team, or review attachments). Users can modify their submittal BIC email notifications via the Receive Submittals Ball-in-Court Notifications toggle in the Settings menu. For more information, please refer to Construct PM – Settings.
Submittal Manager
Enter the contact responsible for managing the submittal review process.
NOTE: If the “Submittal Manager” replacement variable is included in the applied Review Workflow Template, it will be necessary to populate the Submittal Manager field as well. This field may only be populated by project contacts (i.e., it will not accept companies or distribution lists).
This field is used to provide additional details about the submittal and its requirements.
Press the [Add Tags] button to tag the Submittal record. Tags are used to group or classify submittals.
Tags are maintained in the Tags screen in Submittal Settings or can be created on-the-fly when adding a tag to a Submittal record.
Only the “Procurement Item” tag exists by default. If it is applied to a Submittal record, the Fabrication and Delivery stages will be included in the schedule. All other tags are created by system admins or the project team (i.e., users with the 'Submittal Admin' security role privilege or users with the 'Maintain Tags - SubmittalsV2' PM role privilege).
Submitted By
Enter the contact responsible for providing the information and/or materials under review in the submittal, including one of the following: an individual project contact, a business organization (i.e., companies or partners), or a distribution list.
Transmitted For
Select whether the submittal is being submitted for approval, clarification, information only, or selection.
Approval By
Enter the contact designated primary receiver or approver, including one of the following: an individual project contact, a business organization (i.e., companies or partners), or a distribution list.
Press this button to add employees to CC when the submittal is submitted.
Press the Add Location button in this section to assign multiple location codes to the Submittal record.
Related Objects
Press the Link Related Objects button in this section to link another Construct PM object to the Submittal record. This object can be another submittal (V2), an RFI, a punch list item, or an issue.
Press the Add Attachments button in this section to add an attachment to the Submittal record. The user can either take a new photo with the device's camera, attach a file from the device library, or attach a document or drawing already saved in Construct PM.
Enter any other related comments on the Submittal record here. Comments provided as part of a review response will be displayed as notes on the record.
Review – Tab
Submittals V2 – Review tab
Submittal records typically go through a review process. By default, the review workflow for a new submittal will take the following structure:
Submitter (default)
Submittal Manager
Submittal Manager
The submittal will pass from the submitter to the submittal manager to the receiver and back to the submittal manager. The "Placeholder" variable will pull values from the corresponding fields on the Details tab.
Review Template
Select a review workflow from the drop-down LOV.
Edit Template
Press this button to launch the Edit Approval Chain screen to customize the review workflow by adding/removing review steps in the process or by adding/removing contacts to the review steps. The first step of the review workflow is always the submitter from the record header. For the subsequent review steps, there can be any number of additional steps. Each step should have one or more review contacts included. For more information on the fields on this screen, please refer to Review Statuses.
NOTE: Users require either 'Submittal Admin' security role privilege or the 'Maintain Review Workflows - V2' PM role privilege to create or update a template.
Select a cycle of review to display.
Create New Cycle
Press )
Schedule – Tab
Submittals V2 – Schedule tab
Often, when submittals involve physical goods and materials, it’s important to carefully schedule the fabrication and delivery of those goods so that they arrive at the job site in time. To include Fabrication and Delivery stages in the schedule for a submittal, apply the “Procurement Item” tag to the Submittal record. When this tag is added, the Fabrication and Delivery stages will appear in the Schedule tab, with their initial Lead Time values set by the system’s default settings.
Edit Schedule
Press the )
Scheduling Method
Select one of the following scheduling methods:
Start Date: Using a particular start date builds a schedule forwards based on the Lead Time duration of the review workflow, as well as the Fabrication and Delivery stages, if relevant.
By default, new submittals use this method, inserting the current date for the start date.
This provides a planned completion date for a submittal getting underway immediately.
End Date: Using a particular end date builds a schedule backwards based on schedule-stage Lead Time durations. Providing a planned start date ensures the submittal is completed on the target end date.
When using the End Date method, the schedule will include an additional “Coordination” stage which is intended to help keep the completion of the submittal on the scheduled date.
The time allotted for coordination serves as a scheduling buffer, in case of delays in the review process (e.g., delayed responses or additional review cycles).
If the review process is delayed, it will eat into the coordination time. As long as the delay does not exceed the amount of time set aside for coordination, it should still be possible to complete the submittal on the originally scheduled date.
The Coordination stage also helps ensure that Fabrication and Delivery of goods occur on schedule (i.e., neither early nor late).
If the review process proceeds faster than scheduled, then the duration of the Coordination stage will be increased so as to keep the dates for Fabrication and Delivery as originally planned.
Select a starting or ending date for the submittal. This field is not available for the scheduling method type "Activity".
History – Tab
Submittals V2 – History tab
This tab can be used to view all changes and edits made to a Submittal record. This tab is view-only and changes must be made in the Details tab.