Enter Vouchers – Screen

Sample of the AP Enter Voucher screen

Pgm: VOUCHENT – Enter Voucher; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Voucher > Enter Voucher – Voucher Detail tab

The Enter Vouchers screen is one of the larger and most frequently used screens in the system, and it is used to manually enter vouchers in the AP system for various invoices types. It allows users to enter vouchers against purchase orders, one-time vendor invoices (refer to One-Time Vendor Invoices), and against Subcontracts if the Enter Invoices field on the Contract Defaults tab of the Subcontract Control File is set to “Via – Accounts Payable”. This screen also allows users to release retainage, pull in registered invoices, enter joint payee information, handle compliance codes, and much more.

This screen contains the following tabs:

  • Voucher Detail – Tab: The Voucher Details tab is used to enter a voucher’s details, which are required before the voucher’s distribution can be completed.

  • Defaults – Tab (Override Vendor’s Defaults): The Defaults tab is used to view or edit the default voucher details for the vendor specified and to view or edit a breakdown of the amounts.

  • Joint Payee – Tab: The Joint Payee tab is used to split the payment among multiple payees.

Also, if a vendor’s default distribution setup needs to be overridden for a particular voucher, the [Distribution] button’s pop-up can be used. Refer to [Distribution] – Button for more details.

Note In the Data Import pop-up window, as well as the CSV import file, users can import the Retainage % field values to their corresponding voucher records if needed.

Selection Criteria – Section

The following are details about the fields in this section:


Select the company for which invoices will be entered.


This field is automatically set to the user’s last unposted batch. Its LOV is populated with the user’s unposted batches, and if the user has the security privilege to see other user's batches, it is also populated with all unposted batches for the company.

The display-only field to the right of this field displays the batch’s name, which is composed of three parts: user’s name, current date, and batch type code (single letter).

The following table lists the possible batch type codes:

Batch Type Code

Batch Type

Batch Type Code

Batch Type


Adjustment Batch


Posted Voucher Assign to SC Batch


Automated Check Batch


Release AP Retainage Batch


Depreciation Transaction Batch


Subcontract Request for Payment Batch


Subcontract Release Retainage Batch


Transaction Batch


Foreign Batch


Void Check Batch


Inventory Batch


Voucher Batch


Memo Batch


Void Voucher Batch


Manual Check Batch


Year End Procedure Batch


Void Request for Payment Batch


Request for Payment Batch

A batch is used to group a set of vouchers for processing, and it can be thought of as a 'file folder' of work. The Accounts Payable system requires that a batch number be associated with all supplier-related actions. Whether entering vouchers, adjustments, credit notes, or releasing retainage, enter a batch number for the transactions being entered. The batch number can be used to track the transactions in other modules after they have been processed.

Posting Date

When the Retrieve the Currency Exchange Rate as per the Transaction Posting Date box is checked on the Global tab of the System Options screen, the Posting Date field is added to the Selection Criteria section. If the Enter Voucher screen is saved without the posting date being entered, an error is thrown. Once the user enters the posting date and all other required details, it becomes disabled upon saving on the Enter Vouchers screen and Post Invoices screen. The exchange rate retrieved is based on the posting date rather than the invoice/reference date.

[Create Batch] – Button

To create a new batch, clear the batch field and tab or click away from it. This causes the [Create Batch] button to become enabled. Click it to create a new batch and to have its automatically generated number put into the Batch field. Also, when a batch is created, it is associated with the user, assigned a batch type code, and a batch name is automatically generated for it.

If the batch Control Total functionality is being used (‘Batch Control Total’ checkbox checked on System Defaults tab of AP Control File), when this button is clicked, the following popup appears, which lists unposted Batches on the Unposted Batches tab, and posted Batches on the Posted Batches tab.

To create a new Batch, click the Block Toolbar’s [Insert] button, then scroll down the table to where the new row was inserted. Using the new row, enter a descriptive name for the Batch in the Batch Name field and enter the Batch Control Total in the Control Amount field. Next, click [Save], then [Exit].

Working with Batches & Vouchers

The above screenshot shows the screen in Form Mode, which displays a single voucher at a time.

View List of Vouchers in Batch (Screen’s Table Mode)

Enter Voucher screen in Table Mode, listing all Vouchers entered for a Batch

To view the list of vouchers in a batch, switch the Enter Vouchers screen to Table Mode by pressing the [Table Mode] button when the screen is in Form Mode.

Add Voucher to Batch

A Voucher can be added to a batch when the screen is in Form Mode or Table Mode by clicking the block toolbar’s [Insert] button. Also, when the screen is in Table Mode, the [Add New] button can be used.

Delete Voucher from Batch

If a voucher has not been posted, deleting it is simple. Simply use the block toolbar’s [Delete] button. If a voucher has been posted, it can’t be deleted, but it can be voided. Refer to the Void Posted Vouchers section for further details.

Voucher Detail – Tab

This tab contains general information about the voucher being entered or edited, such as its associated vendor, invoice date, amount, and if relevant, its associated job, subcontract and change order, or purchase order.

To add a voucher to the batch, click the block toolbar’s [Insert] button; and to remove one from the batch, click [Delete].

Some fields are not editable (display only) on the Voucher Detail tab, such as Tax 1 and Retainage, but they can be changed via the Defaults tab.


Select the Vendor. This field’s LOV only displays vendors that allow transactions and have a status of open.

One Time Vendor Flag

This field is used to indicate if the voucher is being entered for a one-time vendor. Please refer to One-Time Vendor Invoices for additional details.


The use of this field is controlled by the ‘Use Invoice Series Code’ and ‘Series Code is Mandatory’ checkboxes on the Voucher tab of the AP Control File screen (under Local Tables menu option). If ‘Use Invoice Series Code’ is checked, this field is enabled, and if ‘Series Code is Mandatory’ is checked, this field is mandatory.

Invoice series code records contain a distribution setup, and they are used to group like invoices, and to set the default distribution for invoices.

This field will automatically default to the vendor record’s Invoice Series field, on the Accounting tab, after the vendor is selected.


Enter an identifying invoice number. This number is on the vendor’s invoice and it is not the same as the voucher number, which is automatically assigned by the system during voucher entry and used in the backend. Lowercase characters will be automatically converted to uppercase. The invoice number must be unique for the vendor/company combination, as the invoice number is what is used to identify vouchers. If the AP Control File’s ‘Warn When Invoice Number Duplicated Across Vendors’ box is checked on the Voucher tab, the system will check for duplicate invoice codes across vendors.

Voucher Num

This number is automatically assigned by the system during voucher entry and is different from the invoice number. It is used in the backend, and the invoice number is used to identify the vouchers in the various AP screens.


Enter the amount of the invoice, in the currency of the invoice. A valid number between ‑9,999,999,999 and 99,999,999,999 must be entered in this field.


Only enter an address code for this invoice if the remit address is not same as the vendor's main address. Leave this field blank if the remit address will be the address on the vendor detail.

If the vendor has a default alternate address, this address code will default into the field.

If the AP Control File’s ‘Vendor Address Code Mandatory On Invoice Is Mandatory’ box is checked on the Voucher tab, this field will be required. For details about the available options, refer to AP Control File.

Invoice Date

Enter the date of the invoice. Once entered, the system will calculate the Disc Date and the Due Date fields according to the selected value of the Terms field, on the Vendor record’s Vendors tab. Once one record has been entered, this field will default to the last date entered on each new record. The system date will default to this field if the AP Control File’s ‘Default System Date To Voucher Date’ is checked, on its Voucher tab.

Expense Dept

Entering an expense department in this field indicates that the entire voucher is to be distributed to one expense department. Also, any taxes to be charged will be taken from the department setup rather than the vendor setup.


This display-only field displays the retainage amount calculated using the retainage percentage against the invoice amount.

Check Hdl

Only enter this field if the company address is to be replaced. The address associated with the check handling code replaces the company address when a check is printed for this payable. The LOV shows all available check handling codes. The check handling code may have defaulted from the company default setup.

Due Date

This date will default from the calculation of the payment terms associated with this vendor. If you want to change this date, you can either edit the date while the cursor is in this field, or use the Defaults tab. On the Defaults tab, you can change the default number of days in the Due Days field, which will in turn change the due date on the Voucher Detail tab.

PO Selected – Checkbox

This flag indicates if a purchase order is selected.

Tax 1

The amount in this field represents the first level of tax being charged. The tax code to calculate this amount is defaulted in from the vendor’s record (Tax1 Code field on record’s Accounting tab). If the first level of tax has not been defined in the vendor’s record, this amount will be zero.

If this amount is incorrect for this voucher, the Defaults tab can be used to select a different tax code, or it can be used to enter an amount for this tax.

Lump Sum PO - Checkbox

When this box is checked, only lump sum POs will be visible in pop-up window launched by [PO Selection] button.

NOTE: The 'Lump Sum PO' checkbox is hidden by default. Lite Editor can be used to make the field visible.

Status (Payment Status)

This display-only field displays the voucher’s default payment status. The system will default this from the Voucher Status Def. field on the vendor record’s Accounting tab. The Override Status field can be used to override this status.

After the voucher has been posted, the Adjust Voucher Status screen can be used to change this status (see the Adjust Voucher Status section in this guide for details).

The following are the two possible default statuses for this field (the other payment statuses can’t be initial statues):

  • Normal: payment for this voucher follows the payment terms specified by the terms field on the vendor record’s Vendors tab

  • Permanently Deferred: payment for this voucher is permanently on hold, and its status must be manually changed within the Adjust Voucher Status screen (under the Payment Treeview menu option) before automatic payment can be made. Please note that the Adjust Voucher Status screen can only be used after the voucher has been posted

Disc Date

This field will default from the calculation of the payment terms associated with this vendor. If this needs to be changed, it can be done by either editing the date while the cursor is in this field, or by using the Defaults tab. On the Defaults tab, you can change the Disc Days field, which will in turn change the Discount Date field on the Voucher Detail tab.

Discounts are considered ‘taken’ when the discount date is on or after the payment date, and before the next payment date. If the discount date falls outside of this range, or it has not been taken, the amount of the discount will appear in the Discount Lost column on cash requirement reports. Normally, the system will ‘take’ any allowable discounts automatically for you. Discounts that have been taken will appear in the Discount Taken column on reports.

Use the Select Payments screen to ‘turn off’ a discount set to be taken, or ‘turn on’ a discount which has been lost. For details, refer to the documentation provided for the Discount Date, Next Pay Date, and Discount Amount fields in following subsection: Payment Processing > Select Payments.

EFT Flag – Checkbox

This box defaults from the ‘EFT Payments’ checkbox on the Vendor record’s Account tab. If this flag is checked, it indicates that this voucher will be paid electronically instead of by check. If this particular invoice is to be paid by check, then this field must be unchecked. This field will only be checked if there is banking/EFT information set-up on the vendor record.

After the voucher is posted, this field can be adjusted using the Adjust Voucher Status screen, under the Payment Treeview node.


This field represents the total of taxes calculated on taxes 2 thru 5. If this amount is incorrect, the manner in which it is calculated can be changed by using the Defaults tab. On the Defaults tab, it is possible to change any of the tax amounts or tax code fields, which will in turn re-calculate the amount for this field.

Override Status

If the user has the privilege to use this field, this field can be used to override the value in the Status field.

The following table provides details about the payment statuses:


Status Name




Indicates that the due date is used to determine when the voucher will be paid.

NOTE: If the status is overridden to “Normal”, the ‘Pay When Paid’ checkbox will be automatically unchecked.


Temporarily Deferred

Indicates that the voucher is deferred until after the next check run; after the next check run, its status will automatically be set to “N”.


Permanently Deferred

Indicates that voucher is deferred until its status is changed via this screen. Deferred vouchers are listed on the Deferred Vouchers tab.



Indicates that voucher is to be paid during the next check run, regardless of its due date.

PO Number

The Voucher Entry program allows for the matching of vendor invoices to purchase orders processed and received within the system.

This field’s LOV shows all received, but not fully invoiced purchase orders for the vendor.

Leave this field blank if the Purchase Order module is not being used, or if this invoice does not apply to a purchase order. If this invoice does apply to a purchase order, use this field if the invoice applies to a single purchase order, otherwise, use the [PO Selection] button to select more than one purchase order.

When a purchase order is selected via this field, the [PO Selection] button can be used to view its details. Also, if a purchase order is associated with a voucher, “Multi Distribution” must be selected via the Distribution Type field, as the Multi Distribution type allows for all distribution scenarios for a purchase order.

NOTE: If the ‘Use PO Terms’ box is checked on the Other tab of the AP Control File, the payment terms of the purchase order override those of the vendor, as well as the Due Date and Discount Date fields.


This field works in conjunction with the PO Number field, and it is used to specify which release of the purchase order this voucher is being created for.

Gross Due

This field is display-only and displays the calculated gross amount.

Contract, Chg

If the Enter Invoices field on the Contract Defaults tab of the Subcontract Control File is set to “Via – Accounts Payable”, these fields are used to associate the voucher being entered with its subcontract and change order.

The LOVs of these fields contain subcontracts and subcontract change orders entered, approved, and posted for this vendor via the Subcontract or Project Management. modules.

Once a subcontract is selected, the Distribution Type field automatically gets set to “Job Distribution”, and the subcontract’s associated job is automatically selected via the Job Code field. The Cost Code and Category fields will need to be filled out for the job distribution.

Retainage%, Discount %

The Retainage % and Discount % fields will default from the vendor record’s Accounting tab. If they need to be changed, use the Defaults tab.


The discount amount will default from the calculation of the discount percentage against the invoice amount. If incorrect, it can be changed by editing the amount on the Discount field of the Defaults tab.

Cash Dept, Cash Acc

This is the department and account associated with the bank account from which this invoice will be paid. When a check is produced for this vendor’s voucher, it will be issued against this bank account.

Generally, this will default from the vendor setup. If the ‘Use Bank Accounts by Job’ box is checked in the Voucher tab of the AP Control File, and a Job Code is entered, this field will default to the default Cash Account for the Job. If the user entering the voucher has a default Cash Department and Cash Account declared on their login to AP, this will override the defaults set for the vendor. If the Default AP Accounts field on the Voucher tab of the AP Control File is set to “Currency”, the bank account will default from the setup in the Currency Accounts screen, under the Local Tables node of the Treeview.

EFT Payment Type

By default this field is hidden and can be added via the Lite Editor if needed. All active payment types in the Payment Types screen are available in the EFT Payment Type drop-down list. The payment type selected in the Maintain Vendors screen is defaulted to the Image Manager, Registered Invoice, and Enter Voucher screens. Please see AP Payment Types for further details.


This field is display-only and displays the calculated net amount.


Enter a description of the invoice. This field is mandatory if the ‘Mandatory Voucher Description’ box is checked on the Voucher tab of the AP Control File.

Retain. Rel.

This a display-only field, displaying the total amount of retainage that is to be released into the new invoice being created via the [Release Retain.] button.

Pay When Paid – Checkbox

If a job code has been entered in the Job Code field, and the AP Control File screen’s ‘Use Pay When Paid’ box is checked (on Voucher tab), this checkbox plus the Days and the Draw fields will be enabled.

If this box is checked, it indicates that this voucher will have the “Pay When Paid” rules applied it to determine its Due Date field. The Draw field will not be mandatory if the ‘Use Auto Draw Number’ box is checked on the Voucher tab of the AP Control File.


This field is the number of days that the voucher will become due for payment, after the hold on its payment is removed.

The value in this field will default from the Days field on the AP Control File screen’s Voucher tab, if the ‘Use Pay When Paid’ box is checked on the same tab. When entering the voucher, if a subcontract and change order number have been entered, then this field will default from the subcontract setting. If the voucher is matched with a purchase order that has the ‘Pay When Paid’ box checked, then this value will default from the purchase order. If the Voucher entered is matched with more than one purchase order with the ‘Pay When Paid’ box checked, the system will take the least number of days of all the attached purchase orders to determine the new due date.


This field is used for the Pay When Paid feature. It is the Job Billing Contract Draw Number entered for the job. This will usually be either the current or next draw number for the contract. This is the draw number on which this voucher will be paid to the vendor.

If the ‘Use Auto Draw Number’ flag is checked in the Voucher tab of the AP Control File, the draw number will not be entered here, and this voucher will be associated with the next draw number when the Job Billing invoice is produced.

Tax on Ret.

This is a display-only field that displays the amount of tax entered against the retained amount.

TP Payment Mode

Select a third party paymode option from the available list, or leave blank if not applicable.

The “Express (E)” payment status will override the non-compliant status and the ‘Pay When Paid’ checkbox.

Distribution Type

Select the distribution type for the voucher. The type selected here determines what fields become enabled on this tab to specify the expense account for the selected distribution type. It also determines what distribution options are available in the Distribution screen launched by clicking the [Distribution] button.

If “General Distribution” is selected, the Department and Account fields become enabled, to override the defaulted expense account.

If “Job Distribution” is selected, the Job Code, Cost Code, and Category fields become enabled, to override the defaulted expense account.

If “Multi Distribution” is selected, a mix of General Ledger and sub-ledger accounts can be specified through the Distribution screen launched by clicking the [Distribution] button. This distribution type can be used to distribute the voucher to more than one job.

Department (Expense Department)

This field is only enabled if “General Distribution” is selected from the Distribution Type field. Along with the Account field, it is used to override the default expense department and expense account for the distribution.

Account (Expense Account)

This field is only enabled if “General Distribution” is selected from the Distribution Type field. Along with the Department field, it is used to override the default expense department and expense account for the distribution.

Job Code

This field is only enabled if “Job Distribution” is selected from the Distribution Type field, specifying that the voucher is to be distributed to the Job Cost sub-ledger. This field is used to specify the job for this job distribution, which has a Job Cost distribution setup on the Job’s Accounts tab. In conjunction with this field, relevant values for the Cost Code and Category fields must also be selected for the Job Cost allocation.

By doing this, the system will not allow any other job to be selected, including sub-jobs of the controlling job during distribution. The list of available jobs is restricted by the user's Job Cost security matrix.

If the vouchers need to be distributed to a controlling job and its sub-jobs, select “Multi Distribution” in the Distribution Type field and enter the controlling job in the Job Code field. If the vouchers need to be distributed to any number of jobs, leave the Job Code field blank in multi-distribution.

Select either a job or an expense department (but not both), unless using the Pay When Paid functionality, in which case the job should be specified.

After the amount is entered, the system will calculate any applicable retainage, tax, gross, discount and net amounts.

Cost Code (Job Phase)

This field is only enabled if “Job Distribution” is selected from the Distribution Type field, specify that the voucher is to be distributed to the Job Cost sub-ledger. This field is used to specify the relevant cost code for the job. Once selected, the relevant category can be specified using the Category field.


This field is only enabled if “Job Distribution” is selected from the Distribution Type field, specify that the voucher is to be distributed to the Job Cost sub-ledger. This field is used to specify the relevant category for the selected cost code.

NOTE: A Category Name field exists on this screen but is hidden by default. If desired, this field can be added using the Lite-Editor. When the field is made visible, it will be located beside the Category field and will display the category’s name and description.

Advance Payment

This field is hidden by default and can be made visible using the Lite Editor if needed. If this box is checked, the invoice will be considered as an Advance Payment invoice. The Invoice Amount field will default to the Advance Payment amount from the Purchase Order and the user will not be allowed to override the amount for the first Advance Payment invoice. For Advance Payment details in Purchase Order, see Purchase Order – Section.

If the Multiple Advance Payment box is checked on the Defaults tab of the Enter Purchase Order screen, users will be able to override the invoice amount on subsequent Advance Payment invoices and post. This updates the Purchase Order Advance Payment amount.

If this box is unchecked, the invoice will be considered as a recovery invoice for Purchase Order with Advance Payment amount. If the Advance Payment is not associated with the Purchase Order, an invoice will be considered as a standard Purchase Order invoice.

Advance Amount Paid

This field is hidden by default and can be made visible using the Lite Editor if needed. This is the advance amount that's already been paid for the Purchase Order.

Advance Amount Being Recovered

This field is hidden by default and can be made visible using the Lite Editor if needed. This is the advance amount being recovered in the Current Recovery invoice.

Advance Amount Outstanding

This field is hidden by default and can be made visible using the Lite Editor if needed. This is the advance amount available to be applied to future recovery invoices.

Defaults – Tab (Override Vendor’s Defaults)

Pgm: VOUCHENT – Enter Voucher; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Voucher > Enter Voucher – Defaults tab

The system will default voucher details from the vendor’s record, such as payment terms, retainage %, and all applicable tax codes. The Defaults tab is used to override these defaults. It allows amounts to be entered for fields instead of using percentages.

Once the invoice amount has been entered, the system will automatically calculate and display the amount of retainage, taxes, discounts, and other charges on the invoice.

To make changes to any of the amounts, use this tab to change any of the amount fields and tax codes as required. If a tax code is changed, then the system will re-calculate the amounts for you.

If the tax amount on the Voucher Detail tab is incorrectly calculated, you may change the tax amount directly through this tab. When this tab is exited, the change made will be reflected on the Voucher Detail tab. If the voucher has been distributed prior to this change, you must press the [Re-Calc] button and then go into the Distribution screen to accept this change.

The following are details about the fields on the Enter Voucher screen’s Defaults tab:

Entered Amount

Display-only field, displaying invoice’s amount.


Currency of invoice’s amount. For details about entering an invoice that is in a foreign currency, see the Entering a Foreign Currency Invoice section.

Exchange Rate

Exchange rate used to convert currency.

Net Invoice

This is a display-only field that displays the invoice’s net amount.


This field replaces the description field during check printing.


The retainage amount is re-calculated when the Retain % field is edited, and vice versa.

Disc Days

This field defaults to the number of days between the invoice date and the discount date. If this field is changed, the discount date will be changed automatically.


Enter the amount for freight. Whether or not a tax code is applied to this amount depends on the tax code’s ‘Freight’ checkbox. If it is checked, the tax code will be applicable to this amount.

Due Days

This field is only active if the due date on the header is left blank. If this field is changed from blank to a value, the due date on the invoice header will be updated.


This field is used to enter an amount for a miscellaneous charge. Whether or not a tax code is applied to this amount depends on the tax code’s ‘Misc’ (Miscellaneous) checkbox. If it is checked, the tax code will be applicable to this amount.

Tax 1 Amount, Tax 2 Amount, Tax 3 Amount, Tax 4 Amount, Tax 5 Amount

If tax codes are used, these fields are automatically populated with the tax’s amount, which is overridable.

These fields can be used as an alternative to the Tax Code fields, to enter tax amounts manually.

Tax 1 Retainage

This is the amount of Tax 1 that is being withheld due to retainage. This is only applicable for Tax Credit style taxes such as VAT and GST taxes.

Tax 2 Retainage

This is the amount of Tax 2 that is being withheld due to retainage. This is only applicable for Tax Credit style taxes such as VAT and GST taxes.

Tax 1, Tax 2, Tax 3, Tax 4, Tax 5 (Taxable Amount)

This is the amount that is taxable for the corresponding tax code. If the tax code has its ‘Freight’ and ‘Tax on Tax’ checkboxes checked, the freight amount and all preceding tax charges will be included. This field is automatically calculated, but its calculated value can be overridden with a user specified amount.

Tax 1, Tax 2, Tax 3, Tax 4, Tax5 (Tax Code)

Selected tax code for the corresponding tax. Keep in mind, the system calculates taxes sequentially, hence if a tax is calculated on another tax (tax code’s ‘Tax on Tax’ box is checked), it is important that you enter the tax codes in the order that you want them calculated. If a tax code’s ‘Tax on Tax’ box is checked, the tax code will be applied to the voucher’s amount plus the tax amounts due from preceding tax codes.

NOTE: When using a tax code with a payment percent (withholding tax) that is not equal to zero, no other regular tax code can be added as this is a special tax that is calculated at the time of payment. In this case, the system will prevent users from adding another tax code. An exemption is permitted if both regular tax codes have a zero payment percent.

Tax on Tax – Checkbox

Example 1: Tax on Tax Unchecked for Second Tax

Example 2: Tax on Tax Checked for Second Tax

Tax Calculation Formulas

Let A = Voucher Amount, let T1 = Tax 1, and let T2 = Tax 2

Total - Tax on Tax Unchecked

Total - Tax on Tax Checked

   A•T1  +  A•T2     +   A

Tax 1 Amount   Tax 2 Amount  Voucher Amount 

A•T1  + (A•T1 + A)T2 +   A

Tax 1 Amount   Tax 2 Amount    Voucher Amount

= A•T1 + A•T2 + A•T1•T2 + A

Taxable – Checkbox

Indicates if corresponding tax code is applicable. If unchecked, the corresponding tax code will not be applied.


This is a display-only field that indicates if the ‘Direct Pay’ checkbox has been set for the corresponding tax code. If checked, the user is responsible for submitting this tax to the government; if unchecked, the tax amount will be included in the vendor payment.

NOTE: For details about tax code setups, please refer to the Tax Code section of the System Data user guide.

Tax1, Tax2, Tax3, Tax4, Tax5 (Discount)

These flags are used to control whether the Discount % field also applies to the amount due for the corresponding tax code. If “N” is entered, the discount percentage only applies to the invoice amount; if “Y” is entered, the discount percentage applies to the invoice amount plus the amount due from the corresponding tax code.


This value defaults from the Freight field setting for the tax code selected for the Tax field. It can be used to override the freight setting for the selected tax code. If it is used to override the tax code’s setting, the Freight field on this tab must be re-entered.


This value defaults from the Misc field setting for the tax code selected for the Tax 1 field. It can be used to override the ‘Misc’ checkbox setting for the selected tax code. If it is used to override the tax code’s setting, the Miscellaneous field on this tab must be re-entered.


This is a calculated field that displays the gross amount for the voucher.

Retain %

This field defaults the value from the voucher header. This may be updated as required.


Enter the amount being retained. This field is re-calculated when the Retain % field is edited, and vice versa.


Enter the amount discounted. This field is re-calculated when the Discount % field is edited, and vice versa.

A voucher’s discount is actually an ‘eligible discount’, of which terms are associated, and whether or not the discount is taken is determined during payment processing. As such, the allocation of the discount only shows up on payment posting reports.

Discount %

The discount percentage is defaulted from the voucher header and may be updated as required.

No Discount On

Entering an amount in this field will re-calculate the discount on the voucher amount less the no discount amount. Retainage will not be included in the discount calculation.

Net Amount

Calculated net amount for voucher.

1099 Code

1099 tax code that is most applicable to the vendor. If the vendor’s default 1099 code for this particular purchase is incorrect, it can be changed here.

Discount Allocation Method

By default, this field is set to “AP Discount Department and Account”, which allocates the voucher’s discount to the department and account specified by the Discount fields on the Accounting tab of the vendor record.

Two additional Discount Allocation Methods are available for vouchers with a job distribution. For details, please refer to the Accrue AP Discounts to Job sub-section of this guide.

NOTE: A voucher’s discount is an ‘eligible discount’, of which terms are associated, and whether the discount is taken is determined during payment processing. As such, the allocation of the discount only shows up on payment posting reports.

Hold Voucher – Checkbox

This box will be checked if the ‘Hold All New AP Vouchers’ box is checked on the Voucher tab of the AP Control File. For payment to occur, vouchers posted with this hold must first be released through the Adjust Held Voucher Status screen or through the Deferred Vouchers tab of the Adjust Voucher Status screen.

The ‘APVOUHLD’ privilege, assigned to a User ID or Security Role, determines if the user is able to modify the status of this box.

Discrete Check – Checkbox

If this field is checked, this voucher will not be combined with other vouchers in the Automatic Payment Selection program, and this voucher will have its own check.

Pay By Manual Check – Checkbox

When entering a voucher, if it is known that it will be paid by a manual check, then this box should be checked. This indicates to the Automatic Payment Selection screen that this check should not be considered for payment.

Joint Payee – Tab

Pgm: VOUCHENT – Enter Voucher; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Voucher > Enter Voucher – Joint Payee tab

If at the time of entering the voucher it is known that its payment is to be split among multiple payees, with each payee being issued a separate payment, the payees can be entered on this tab, along with the amounts they are to receive.

To add a joint payee, click the block toolbar’s [Insert], then use the new row to enter the payee’s name and the amount they are to receive. The amount can’t be greater than the net amount of the voucher or a null value.

If the voucher has been posted, and you need to modify the joint payee details, the Adjust Voucher Status screen can be used to do so before issuing the payment.

For further details about joint payees, please refer to the Pre-Lien Vendors & Joint Payees article.

NOTE: The joint payee will not be taken into consideration if the voucher is paid through ‘Quick Pay’ on the Voucher Entry screen.

[Compliance] – Button

Pgm: INSINFO – Compliance Status; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Voucher > Enter Voucher – Voucher Detail tab – [Compliance] button

The vendor compliance functionality only applies to vouchers against subcontracts and purchase orders, and this button is disabled until a subcontract (Contract field) or purchase order (PO Number field) is selected.

This pop-up displays the compliance codes automatically added to the voucher based on the default compliance codes set-up for the vendor’s purchase orders/subcontracts, along with any compliance codes that may have been added manually.

For details about this pop-up, please refer to the following article: Compliance Status – Pop-up.

[Release Retainage] – Button

Pgm: VOUCHENT – Enter Voucher; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Voucher > Enter Voucher – Voucher Detail tab – [Release Retainage] button

The Retainage Release screen is used to release the retainage from several vouchers into a single voucher. During the retainage release process, the system will automatically release amounts from the oldest to the newest voucher, equaling the amount specified via the Release Amt field, and it will generate a single voucher with a zero amount and a negative retainage amount. Alternatively, the amounts to be released, which must equal the amount specified via the Release Amt field, can be specified via the Release Amt column. After a voucher’s retainage is released, its Retainage Outstanding Amount field is updated accordingly.

NOTE: The distribution type of the retainage release invoice should match the original invoice.

Release Amt

Enter the total amount of retainage that is to be released into the new voucher being created. The amount entered in this field should not include tax. Retainage tax will be applied to the voucher.

Rel. Method Code

Select the release method from the dropdown list that pertains to the retainage release that being generated. The system allows two different release methods: “Retainage Outstanding Vouchers” and “All Outstanding Vouchers”.

Select the former to only see vouchers with a positive amount of retainage outstanding. Select the latter to see all vouchers with retainage regardless of the amount, whether positive or negative. The “All Outstanding Vouchers” option must be used to view negative release retainages.

[Retrieve Invoices] – Button

Click this button to display all vouchers matching the criteria entered.

[Accept] – Button

The [Accept] button saves the entry and returns to the Enter Voucher screen. The distribution of the voucher is done automatically by the system, and is not updateable.

[PO Selection] – Button

The Voucher Entry program allows for the matching of vendor invoices, entered as vouchers in the system, to purchase orders processed and received within the system. Entering a voucher that is associated with a purchase order is similar to the standard voucher entry process, in that their common invoice fields, such as Vendor, Series Code, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Due Date, and Discount Date, are required in the way that they are for all entered vouchers. The difference is, before the amount fields are entered, the user must either enter the purchase order number if the voucher is only for one purchase order, or use the [PO Selection] button to select more than one.

This button launches the Purchase Order Invoice Detail pop-up, shown below, to associate more than one purchase order to a voucher. The pop-up is also used to display the details of the purchase order and Line Items being invoiced, and allows the editing of payment details. If a purchase order is selected via the PO Number field, this button can be used to view and alter the purchase order’s details.

Also, if a purchase order is associated with a voucher, “Multi Distribution” must be selected in the Distribution Type field, as the Multi Distribution type allows for all distribution scenarios for a purchase order.

PO Detail Invoice Select List – Screen

Pgm: APPOPICK – PO Detail Invoice Select List; pop-up window launched from [PO Selection] button on Enter Voucher screen (standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Voucher > Enter Voucher – Voucher Detail tab)

This screen is used to match the purchase order line items to the invoice check. When a line is selected, the invoice amount and received quantity will automatically be populated according to the lines receiving information.

Invoice Amt, Discount %, Disc. Amt

Enter the invoice amount and Enter/select the discount % and/or discount. The system defaults the discount % as defined by the terms code.

NOTE: The terms code may be determined by either the vendor or the purchase order, depending on the setting of the ‘Use PO Terms’ checkbox on the Other tab of the AP Control File.

Taxes Incl. – Checkbox

Check this box if the amount entered in the Invoice Amount field includes any tax amounts.

Sel – Checkbox

These checkboxes are used to select the corresponding purchase order line.

Cls – Checkbox

Sometimes, although the complete line has not yet been received, or the amounts don't quite match, the line is complete and should be marked as closed. Because there is a discrepancy, the system will not automatically mark the line as closed, but it can be done manually by checking this box.

If the line has a ‘J’ distribution, the quantity commitment to the job will be relieved for this line.

In some cases, generally when the Automatic Receipt option is used while processing a purchase order, the quantity will not change, but the amount may need to be changed. To have the commitment to the job relieved for the amount, the Purchase Order Control File’s ‘Increase Commitment To Match Higher Costs’ checkbox must be checked on the Posting tab.

A line can’t be closed if the purchase order line is for a non-stock or a free-form item and the Purchase Order module’s ‘Control File’s Post to GL’ and ‘Post To JC’ checkboxes are checked on the Posting tab. To do so, use the Close/Re-Open PO utility (standard Treeview path: Purchase Order > Utilities > Close/Re-Open PO).

Closing all lines on a purchase order does not close the purchase order to allow for future purchase order change orders. To close the purchase order, you must use the PO Utility, Close/Re-Open PO.

NOTE: Both the [Sel] and [Cls] buttons must be used for the line to close.

Tax Amounts

The tax amounts and tax codes may be changed at this time to reflect the voucher. To change the tax codes, enter the tax code required against Tax1, Tax2, or Tax3 in the line detail area of the screen. If the tax needs to be changed for the entire purchase order, change the tax codes in the PO Tax fields where necessary.

[Variance] – Button

When entering an invoice amount that does not equal the purchase order line item amount due to a variance, the system requires that the amount of the variance be distributed.

In the case where a variance has occurred, at the bottom left hand corner of the screen the Invoice Variance field will not be equal to zero. Use the [Variance] button and distribute the amount of the variance.

Within the variance window, the system allows distribution of the variance to General Ledger accounts (G distribution type), jobs (J distribution type) or equipment (E distribution type).

If a G distribution type is entered and then the user tabs through the fields, the system will automatically enter the General Ledger account defined on the control file as the PO Variance Account.

The [Retrieve Distribution] button that is available on the variance window will automatically populate with the original distribution if the PO Control File is set to not post Non Stock or Free Form items during receipt. If the system is set-up to post during receipt, then this button will retrieve the expense account. The distribution this button uses can be seen on the PO Matching screen, along with the tax and shipping information.

NOTE: The [Variance] button may or may not be available depending on the AP Control and privilege settings.

[Create Voucher] – Button

Once all the details have been entered, use this button to create the voucher and associated distribution for its invoice. The distribution of the voucher will automatically be created by the system and it is not updateable by the user.

Lump Sum POs

Pgm: APPOPICK – PO Detail Invoice Select List; pop-up window launched from [PO Selection] button on Enter Voucher screen

If using lump sum POs, lump sum lines will be visible along with their allocated sub-items. When the 'Lump Sum PO' checkbox is checked on the Voucher Detail tab of the Enter Vouchers screen, only lump sum POs will be visible in this pop-up window. The lump sum line will be highlighted in a different color. The invoice amount will be recorded only against the lump sum items.

NOTE: If using tax, the Invoice Amount will be a pre-tax amount and tax will be created on Invoice Amount. Users will have an option to override the tax amount.

Refer to Using Lump Sum POs for more information on using this lump sum POs.

Advance Payment

Advance Payment button in the PO Detail Invoice Select List pop-up window

Advance Payment Details pop-up window from the PO Detail Invoice Select List pop-up window

Note Users must uncheck the Taxes Incl. checkbox in the PO Selection pop-up window when creating the recovery invoice.

Click on the Advance Payment button from the PO Detail Invoice Select List pop-up window which launches the Advance Payment Details pop-up window. It displays the invoice details for the Advance Payment and the fields described below.

Note The change order (if applicable) must be posted before entering and posting the Advance Payment invoice. If the Advance Payment invoice is already posted, users must void the Advance Payment invoice and then recreate it in order to reflect Purchase Order Change Order changes in the Advance Payment amount. Users will not be allowed to void the Advance Payment invoice if an associated recovery invoice is posted. For Advance Payment details in Purchase Order, see Purchase Order – Section.

Advances Paid

The advance amount already paid for the Purchase Order. This field will be non-editable.

Advance Being Recovered

The advance amount being recovered in the current recovery invoice. Enter the amount being recovered from advances.

Advance Outstanding

The advance amount available to be applied to next recovery invoice. This field will be non-editable.

Advance Payment Recovered

The Advance Payment recovered and posted for the Purchase Order. This field will be hidden and non-editable.

[Registration] – Button

Pop-up window launched from [Registration] button on Enter Voucher screen (standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Voucher > Enter Voucher – Voucher Detail tab)

This button is used to convert a registered invoice to a voucher and to insert the voucher into the batch selected on the Enter Vouchers screen. The pop-up displays all registered invoices that require conversion. If the ‘Require Approval Of Registered Invoices’ box is checked on the Voucher tab of the AP Control File, only those that have been approved will be listed.

A registered invoice that does not balance or is marked as invalid in the Register Invoice screen can be ‘pulled’ into the Enter Vouchers screen versus ‘pushed’ (converted to a voucher), which only allows for balanced distribution and invoices marked as valid in the registry.

The [Registration] button can be used with or without a vendor code being entered. When the button is used, its pop-up displays a list of all registered invoices for the current vendor, if applicable, or for all vendors otherwise. Select the required registered invoice and click [Select] to convert it to a voucher, and to add the voucher to the selected batch on the Enter Voucher screen.

[Re-Calculate] – Button

If the voucher has been distributed, but an amount change requires that it be re-calculated, use this button. A prompt will ask whether to delete the existing distribution. Click [Yes] to re-calculate it.

[Distribution] – Button

Pgm: DISTFRM – Enter Voucher; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Voucher > Enter Voucher – Voucher Detail tab – [Distribution] button

The Distribution pop-up, launched by clicking the [Distribution] button, is used to view a voucher’s defaulted distribution setup and change it if necessary. The system will use the voucher’s defaulted distribution to automatically distribute the invoice amount amongst various GL accounts for accounts payable, taxes payable, retainage payable, discounts taken, etc., and if specified, to the Job Cost, Equipment Costs, and Work Orders (Preventive Maintenance) sub-ledgers.

Default Distribution Hierarchy

First, the default distribution setup on the Accounting tab of the AP Control File is used to automatically set the default distribution for a created vendor record. A vendor’s default distribution is then used to automatically set the distribution for vouchers created for the vendor.

This screen can be used to change this defaulted distribution. Ideally, however, a voucher’s defaulted distribution does not need to be altered.

Alternatively, an invoice series code, which has a distribution setup, can be used to override the voucher’s defaulted distribution (standard Treeview: Accounts Payable > Setup > Local Tables > Invoice Series Codes).

Change Voucher’s Defaulted Distribution

In this screen, the options and distribution types available for the distribution lines is determined by the type selected from the Distribution Type field on the Voucher Detail tab.

If the distribution is unbalanced, this screen will display a message stating so.

Type (Distribution Type Code)

The system will default the distribution type code (G, J, E) code specified on the Vendor Setup for the vendor into this field. The other headings and fields in this block will change depending on the distribution type code selected. The Distribution Type “W” can’t be assigned to a Vendor for Automatic Distribution, so it will have to be manually entered if required.

Enter a "J" to distribute dollars to a specific job, cost code, and category. If the job field has been entered in the voucher header and a “J” distribution is either defaulted or selected the job will default into the Job field in the distribution screen. Enter the code for the job, cost code and category that will incur the cost indicated by the amount on this distribution line. If a subcontract has been entered in the Voucher header, the cost code and category may be limited to the cost code and category assigned to the subcontract, depending on the subcontract selections on the Other tab of AP Control File. The General Ledger account associated with the job/cost code/category will be used to balance the distribution in this block. There are LOVs for each of the Job/Cost Code/Category fields that are limited to jobs the user has access to.

Enter a "G" to distribute dollars to a specific General Ledger department and account. Enter the company code for which this entry is to apply. Enter the department and account code to be affected by the cost indicated by the amount on this distribution line. The account must have been set-up previously within the General Ledger chart of accounts. An LOV is available on these fields to view and select the appropriate account. The G-line created by the system for the Accounts Payable Control account only allows the department code to be altered. The G-line created for retainage does not allow the department or account to be modified.

Enter an "E" to distribute dollars to a specific piece of equipment and cost code. Enter the company code for which this entry is to apply. The company will default from the voucher header, but it may be changed to a company that is set-up to allow inter-company transactions. Enter the code for the equipment, category, and transaction code that will incur the cost indicated by the amount on this distribution line. Enter the code “ALL” if an equipment category is not required. When posted, the department will come from the home location of the equipment, and the account will come from the equipment transaction code. If there is a transaction code that you know exists, but is not appearing in the LOV, check the equipment transaction code setup under ‘Cost Transaction Code Used’, and verify that the checkbox under AP is checked. If unchecked, the transaction code is not allowed in the AP distribution.

Enter a "W" to distribute dollars to a specific work order, work item, and expense code. Enter the work order number, work item, and expense code to be affected by the cost indicated by the amount of the distribution line. The work order must have been previously set-up with the Preventive Maintenance module. You will only see the work orders that have been created to use costing via transactions. Work orders created to have costing at close-out will not appear on the LOV. When posted, the Preventive Maintenance expense allocation setup will be checked for the distribution. If the work order was an “E” type, the transaction code entered in the Expense Allocation screen will determine the account used. If a job type, the category entered in the expense allocation will determine the account used, and if a “G” type, the account used will come directly from the Expense Allocation setup.


The company code will default to the same company as the invoice is entered against, but there may be times when an invoice spans two or more companies. This field can be changed as required according the user's company security matrix. If the company is changed, the system will validate the department, account, job, cost code, category code, and equipment against the newly selected company.

The system will automatically create the inter-company distributions required (at posting time) to balance the transactions. An inter-company distribution requires the use of inter-company clearing accounts, so that the General Ledger distribution of each entity is in balance. Also, to distribute amounts to multiple companies, inter-company setups are required for the companies involved. This is done via the [Inter-Company Setup] button on the Maintain Companies screen in the GL module (standard Treeview path: GL > Setup > Local Tables > Maintain Companies).

When posted, the above distribution will create the following GL transactions:

*    CR    Company A1 Accounts Payable        100
*    DR    Company A1 Expense             50
*    DR    Company A1 Clearing            50
*    DR    Company A2 Expense             50
*    CR    Company A2 Clearing                50

Job, Dept, Eqp, WO

Depending on the distribution type, select the relevant job, department, or equipment for the distribution line.

Cost Code, Account, Compo, WI

Depending on the distribution type, select the relevant cost code, account, component, or work item for the distribution line.

NOTE: Accounts defined as subledger control accounts can’t be used in distributions.

Cat, Tran, Exp

Depending on the distribution type, select the relevant category code, transaction code, or expense code.

Distribution Units and Amount

Enter the units and amount of the invoice to be applied to the line. Units are not mandatory but the amount is. The complete amount does not have to be distributed in one line. The system will not allow the record to be saved unless the complete invoice amount has been fully distributed.

Repeat the distribution line entry as many times are required, the distribution types can be mixed as required. If for some reason the voucher needs to be removed while in the distribution block, the [Delete Voucher] button will perform this function.

[W-line Detail] – Button

This button is only active if the distribution is a “W” and it allows for more information to be entered. The type of data that can be entered varies according to the expense code of the line. labor expense codes allow for the entry of the resource, material expense codes allow the user to enter an inventory or non-stock item and the equipment expense codes allow for the entry of a tool. This information can be viewed after the voucher is posted, in the Preventive Maintenance work order budget summary screen when the radio button ‘Cost’ is used.

[TAC] – Button

This button is only active for a G-line and then only if the account is utilizing TAC codes. This is where the user can enter/modify the transaction allocation code associated with this transaction and account. TAC codes can be updated but not deleted from this screen. For more information, please refer to Transaction Allocation Codes.

[Detail] – Button

This button launches a screen that displays the distribution details for the selected line. If required, a description of this particular line can be entered via this window. Also, if the selected line is a J-line, a bill rate, bill amount, and trade can be specified.

[Accept] – Button

This button will trigger some backend validation, save the distribution if no errors are found, and return you to the Entry Voucher screen. Errors are reported using red text, under the screen’s title.

[Close] – Button

This button will return you to the Enter Voucher screen without saving any changes.

[Save and New] – Button

This button is used to save the current voucher and to reset the screen to enter a new voucher.

One-Time Vendor Invoices

If the invoice being entered is an invoice from a vendor that will not be used again, then use the one-time vendor feature instead of having to create the business partner and vendor records for a one-time invoice.

When entering a one-time vendor invoice, the steps are identical to entering a normal invoice, except:

  • The vendor code selected must be for a vendor set-up as a one-time vendor.

  • The vendor name and address information must be entered via the Address pop-up that will automatically open. The name and address entered here will print on the check produced for this voucher.

Once the vendor Address pop-up is exited, an address code is created and applied to the voucher. This will make this vendor readily available for selection again, should the need arise. There is a list of names and addresses already used available in the Address pop-up.

NOTE: One-time vendors can't be used in the Imaging module for entering one-time vendor invoices.

Entering a Foreign Currency Invoice

This type of voucher means that the currency of the vendor does not match the currency of the invoice. In this case, when entering the data, you will need to change both the currency code of the voucher and the cash account.

The currency is changed via the Defaults tab. There are two ways to change the currency. First, you may change the cash account of the voucher. You will be warned that the currency differs from the vendor currency, and once you accept the warning, the currency code on the Defaults tab will automatically change. The second way is to change the currency on the Default tab first. If this method is used, you must return to the voucher and change the cash account. The cash account fields will only allow entry of accounts that are associated with bank account and currency entered. The amount entered will be the amount in the invoice currency.