Vendor Compliance

This section provides details about changing the compliance status of compliance codes assigned to posted vouchers.

Changes to compliance code details and compliance statuses can be made for a vendor at the system, company, and subcontract/PO Level. These updates can then be propagated down to the corresponding vouchers.

For details about setting up default compliance codes for a vendor, please refer to Vendor Compliance Setup.

Adjust Voucher Status – Screen (Voucher Level)

Pgm: VOUSTAT – Adjust Voucher Status; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Payment > Adjust Voucher Status

The Adjust Voucher Status screen can be used to change the compliance status (‘Compliance’ checkbox) of a compliance code assigned to a single voucher. For details about this screen, please refer to Adjust Voucher Status – Screen.

For details about the Compliance Status pop-up launched by the [Compliance] button, please refer to Compliance Status – Pop-up.

Change Compliance Status – Screen (System to Voucher Level)

Pgm: SCTABCOM – Change Compliance Status; launched via [Change Compliance Status] button at top of the Select Payments screen.

Via the pop-up launched by the [Compliance] buttons on the Vendor, Company and Contract tabs, this screen is used to update default Compliance Code details and statuses for a vendor at the system, company, and subcontract/PO level. These updates can then be propagated down to the corresponding vouchers, via the pop-up’s [Apply Changes] button.

On the Voucher tab, the [Compliance] button’s pop-up can be used to update compliance details for individual vouchers.

For details about the [Compliance] button’s pop-up, please refer to Compliance Status – Pop-up.

Selection Criteria – Section

Use the fields in this section to filter entries on the tabs. To only list vendors with associated contracts, check the ‘Display Only Vendors with Contracts’ checkbox.

Once this section has been completed, click the [Refresh] button to refresh the entries on the tabs accordingly.

NOTE: If compliance code security has been applied to a compliance code, then only authorized users may modify details on that code.

Vendor – Tab

The Vendor tab lists subcontracts according to the information entered in the Selection Criteria section.

[Compliance] – Button

For a selected subcontract, the [Compliance] button’s pop-up on this tab displays compliance code defaults set up for the associated vendor at the system level.

NOTE: The company field in pop-up is in regard to the subcontract, and does not mean the pop-up is at company level.

At the system level, this button’s pop-up is used to change a vendor’s compliance code’s default details and compliance statuses, which can be propagated down to various levels via its buttons.

The security privilege ‘VENCOMPL’ is used to restrict access to the [Compliance] button at the vendor level.

Company – Tab

The Company tab lists subcontracts according to the information entered in the Selection Criteria section.

[Compliance] – Button

For a selected subcontract, the [Compliance] button’s pop-up on this tab displays compliance code defaults set up for the associated vendor at the company level.

At the company level, this button’s pop-up is used to change a vendor’s compliance code’s default details and compliance statuses, which can be propagated down to various levels via its buttons.

The security privilege ‘VENCOMPL’ is used to restrict access to the [Compliance] button at the vendor level.

Contract – Tab

The Contract tab lists subcontracts according to the information entered in the Selection Criteria section.

[Dates] – Button

This button’s pop-up allows entry of dates related to the subcontract.

[Compliance] – Button

For a selected subcontract, the [Compliance] button’s pop-up on this tab displays compliance code defaults for the subcontract, which defaulted to the subcontract from higher levels, or were manually added to it.

This button’s pop-up is used to change a subcontract’s compliance code’s default details and compliance statuses, which can be propagated down to its RFPs (Vouchers in AP).

Voucher – Tab

The Voucher tab lists RFPs (Vouchers in AP) according to the information entered in the Selection Criteria section.

[Compliance] – Button

For a selected RFP/voucher, the [Compliance] button’s pop-up on this tab displays its compliance codes, which defaulted in from higher levels, or were manually added to it.

This button’s pop-up is used to change a voucher’s compliance code’s details and compliance statuses.

Compliance Status – Pop-up

Pgm: INSINFO – Compliance Status; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Voucher > Enter Vouchers – [Compliance] button

This pop-up is launched via the [Compliance] button on the Enter Vouchers, Adjust Voucher Status, or Change Compliance Status screens. It is also available in the Subcontract Management and Purchase Order modules. What it displays and what functionality is available depends on where this pop-up was launched.

For a particular vendor, at the system level down to the voucher level, this pop-up can be used to:

  1. Add or delete compliance codes to or from a selected vendor’s existing subcontracts, POs and vouchers.

  2. Change the compliance status of a vendor’s default compliance code, which becomes the code’s default status. The compliance code and its default compliance status will default to any new vouchers against the vendor. This is useful if a vendor fulfills a compliance code’s requirement, and the user wants to set the compliance status of that compliance code to compliant, so that any new vouchers created for the vendor will have that compliance code’s compliance status default to compliant.

  3. Also, once a compliance code’s default status is changed, the [Apply Changes] button can be used to propagate the change to the existing vouchers for the vendor.

NOTE: When leaving the Compliance Status pop-up at the voucher level, if the voucher is not compliant based on all of its compliance codes, the system will set its Payment Status to “Compliance Hold (C)”.

System Level – Vendor’s Default Codes Under All Companies

If this pop-up was launched for a vendor at the system level, this pop-up displays the default compliance codes for the vendor’s subcontracts and POs at the system level. This pop-up is launched at the system level by clicking the [Compliance] button on the Vendor tab of the Change Compliance Status screen.

Since these vendor compliance details are at the system level, the [Add to Companies], [Add to POs], [Add to Contracts], and [Apply Changes] buttons are enabled to allow changes to propagate to lower levels, namely:

  • Vendor’s default compliance codes for POs/subcontracts, under all companies

  • Existing POs/subcontracts for vendor, under all companies

  • Existing posted vouchers associated with PO/subcontract for vendor, under all companies

These system level defaults for the vendor can also be viewed via the Vendor Compliance screen.

Company Level – Vendor’s Default Codes Under Specified Company

If this pop-up was launched for a vendor at the company level, via the Company tab of the Change Compliance Status screen, this pop-up displays the default compliance codes set up for this vendor’s subcontracts and POs at the company level.

Since these vendor compliance details are at the company level, the [Add to Companies] button is disabled (only enabled at system level), but the [Add to POs], [Add to Contracts], and [Apply Changes] buttons are enabled to allow changes to propagate to lower levels, namely:

  • Existing POs/subcontracts for vendor, under specified company.

  • Existing posted vouchers for the vendor associated with PO/subcontract, under specified company.

These company-level defaults for the vendor can also be viewed via the vendor by Company Compliance screen.

PO/Subcontract Level – PO/Subcontract’s Assigned Codes & Details

If this pop-up was launched for a particular PO or subcontract, this pop-up displays its compliance codes, which default to vouchers against them. The compliance codes displayed were automatically added to the subcontract or PO based on the defaults set up for the vendor at the system, company or job level, or they were manually added to this particular subcontract/PO. Since these compliance details are at the PO/subcontract level, the [Add to Companies], [Add to POs], and [Add to Contracts] buttons are disabled. The [Apply Changes] button is enabled, however, to allow changes to be propagate to existing vouchers for the vendor, under the specified company.

Voucher Level – Voucher’s Assigned Codes & Details

If this pop-up was launched for a particular voucher, this pop-up displays its compliance details. The compliance codes displayed were automatically added to the voucher based on the defaults set up for the vendor, or they were manually added. Since these vendor compliance details are at the voucher level, the [Add to Companies], [Add to POs], [Add to Contracts], and [Apply Changes] buttons will be disabled, as there are no lower levels to propagate changes to.

Screen’s Buttons

[Delete] – Button

Press this button to delete a selected compliance code.

[History Of Updates] – Button

Press this button to view the history of changes to a selected compliance code.

[Copy] – Button

Use the [Copy] button to copy the compliance code to a target vendor.

[Documents] – Button

The Documents pop-up can be used to maintain reference details (doc number, date, description, and amount) about documents associated with the selected compliance code.

[Add To Companies] – Button

This button is used to assign a selected compliance code as a default for the vendor, under all companies. This button is only enabled if this pop-up was launched at the system level.

When this button is clicked, a record of the default will be created under all companies for which the vendor exists. These defaults can be viewed via the Vendor Compliance by Company screen.

NOTE: This button is not available in the Vendor by Company Compliance screen as this button creates defaults at the system level.

[Add to POs] – Button

This button is enabled if the pop-up was launched for a vendor at the system or company level.

If this pop-up was launched at the system level, this button assigns a new compliance code to the vendor’s existing posted POs and their associated posted vouchers system wide.

If this pop-up was launched at the company level, this button assigns a new compliance code to the vendor’s existing POs and vouchers associated with the POs under the specified company.

If this pop-up was launched at the system level, this module will examine every PO and voucher associated with a PO for the selected vendor system wide. If this pop-up was launched at the company level, this module will examine every PO and associated voucher for the vendor under the specified company. If the POs or vouchers do not have the code, it will be added. If any of them already have this code and the Insurance Company and Certificate # fields match, the code’s details will be overwritten with this code’s details. If a PO or voucher already has this code and the Insurance Company and Certificate # fields do not match, this code will be added under the variant version so that users can see details such as when the older compliance certificate ends and the new one begins.

NOTE: For vouchers, a compliance code is added or updated only if the voucher’s payment status is “Compliance Hold (C)”. A voucher is automatically assigned the compliance hold payment status when it is posted and the system determines that it is not compliant. Once the payment status is changed to a different status, compliance codes can no longer be added to, or updated for the voucher via this screen.

[Add to Contracts] – Button

This button is enabled if the pop-up was launched for a vendor at the system or company level.

If this pop-up was launched at the system level, this button assigns a new compliance code to the vendor’s existing posted subcontracts and their associated posted vouchers system wide.

If this pop-up was launched at the company level, this button assigns a new compliance code to the vendor’s existing subcontracts and vouchers associated with the subcontracts under the specified company.

If this pop-up was launched at the system level, this module will examine every subcontract and voucher associated with a subcontract for the selected vendor system wide. If this pop-up was launched at the company level, this module will examine every subcontract and associated voucher for the vendor under the specified company. If the subcontracts or vouchers do not have the code, it will be added. If any of them already have this code and the Insurance Company and Certificate # fields match, the code’s details will be overwritten with this code’s details. If a subcontract or voucher already has this code and the Insurance Company and Certificate # fields do not match, this code will be added under the variant version so that users can see details such as when the older compliance certificate ends and the new one begins.

[Apply Changes] – Button

This button is enabled if the pop-up was launched at the system, company, or PO/subcontract level, to propagate changes down to the corresponding vouchers.

This button is used to update the details of a compliance code assigned to a vendor’s posted subcontracts, POs and vouchers associated with the subcontracts and POs. If this pop-up was launched at the system level, this module will examine every PO, subcontract, and voucher associated with a PO or subcontract for the selected vendor system wide. If this pop-up was launched at the company level, this module will examine every PO, subcontract and associated voucher for the vendor under the specified company. If this pop-up was launched at the PO/subcontract level, this module will examine every voucher associated with the PO or subcontract. If any of these items have the Compliance Code and the Insurance Company and Certificate # fields matching, the compliance code’s details will be updated with the following details.

This button can also be used to change the compliance status (via the ‘Compliance’ checkbox) of a compliance code assigned to vouchers en masse, at the following levels:

  • System level: all vouchers associated with POs and subcontracts for vendor, system wide.

  • Company level: all vouchers associated with POs and subcontracts for vendor, under specified company.

  • PO/subcontract level: all vouchers associated with PO/subcontract.

To change the compliance status of a compliance code assigned to a single voucher, use the Adjust Voucher Status screen.

[Notes] – Button

Press this button to view or add a note to the selected compliance code.

Update Date Sensitive Compliance – Screen

Pgm: APCHGCOM – Update Compliance Codes; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Payment > Update Date Sensitive Compliance

If any of the compliance codes being used are date sensitive, this program should be run to ensure that the date sensitive compliance codes are updated where necessary. This procedure will check every date sensitive compliance code on every vendor and voucher to determine if the current compliant status is still applicable, and updates it where necessary. The date used in updating depends on the Update Date Sensitive Compliance setting (SYS Date or Invoice Date) on the Voucher tab of the AP Control File.

As of Date

This is the date that will be compared with the rules of the compliance code to determine if the vendor is compliant or not.