Pre-Lien Vendors & Joint Payees

Overview – Pre-Lien & Joint Payees

Pre-lien vendors are companies or individuals to whom the subcontractor owes money. Most likely, they are performing part of a job or supplying materials, although there could be other scenarios. When a subcontractor gets paid, these vendors also need to be paid. What needs to be known by the paying party (CMiC Enterprise user) is: a) there is a pre-lien vendor, and b) the amount that needs to be paid to the vendor out of the next subcontractor payment.

This feature provides the ability to keep track of unlimited number of joint payees that are associated with a vendor or subcontractor on a particular job. These payees can be added, deleted, and modified as long as there are no pre-lien payment selections in progress against any associated vouchers. There may be multiple tiers of pre-lien vendors, but realistically only the second and third tiers need to be tracked.