Employee Self-Service Maintenance

Screenshot of Employee Self Service Maintenance

Employee Self-Service Maintenance; standard Treeview path: HCM > File Maintenance > Employee Maintenance

The Employee Self-Service Maintenance screen displays all employee profiles that have been created in either the Payroll or Human Resource modules in Enterprise. The displayed results can be refined by entering the search criteria at the top of the screen. Employee details can’t be edited or viewed in this screen aside from the columns shown in the screenshot above.

This screen can be used as part of the Azure Authentication validation process as described in Azure Authentication for ESS.

Records with a warning icon (Image of warning icon, orange triangle with exclaimation mark) are missing manager information. Manager information is based on the controlling position ID setup in the Reports To field in HCM Positions.

Employees highlighted in purple have been granted access to the ESS and/or E-Time modules. Access can be granted or modified using the 'Access to Self Service' and 'Access to Etime' checkboxes. The record will be highlighted green to indicate a change has been made.

NOTE: The registration process requires that an email address is entered for the employee under the Address tab of the Employee Profile in the US Payroll module.

Access To Self Service – Checkbox

Check this box next to any employees that should have access to the ESS module. For more information, please refer to the ESS Registration article.

Access To Etime– Checkbox

Check this box and press the [Update] button to send an email to the user containing a link to the E-Time login screen. The user will also be assigned an access code automatically.

NOTE: Employee access to the ESS and E-Time modules can also be granted or modified on the Employee Access tab in the Employee Details section on the Employee Dashboard screen (standard Treeview path: Human Resources > Personnel > Employee Dashboard). For more information, refer to Employee Dashboard.