CMiC Analytics: Catalog Builder - Setup

Setup - BI Catalog Builder

CMiC BI Security – BI Catalog Builder

System Privileges

The following system privileges pertain to BI Catalog Builder:

System Privilege Description


CMIC BI: Allows user to create calculated fields and modify their calculation.

Refer to following section for details: Context Menu (Right-Click Menu).


CMIC BI: Allows user to modify folder filters in BI Catalog Builder.

Refer to following section for details: Editing Folders.


CMIC BI: Allows the user access to BI Catalog Builder.


CMIC BI: Allows the user to modify security.

For details, see part 2 in the following Security Setup & Rules – Catalog Security section.


CMIC BI: Allows the user to modify setup for User Defined Fields definitions.

Allows BI Developer to modify the Base Object Name property of User-Defined Fields in folders.


CMIC BI: Allows the user to create User-Defined Folders.

Allows user to rename or delete User-Defined Views. Refer to the following section for details: User-Defined Folders.


CMIC BI: Allows the user to modify Folder Join Conditions in BI Catalog Builder.

Refer to the following section for details: Folder Joins.

Security Setup & Rules – Catalog Security

1. BICTLGBLDR System Privilege: Allow Access to Catalog Builder

Only users with the BICTLGBLDR system privilege can run BI Catalog Builder.

2. BISECMNG System Privilege for BI Administrators: Allow Modification of Security

  i. Only users with the BISECMNG system privilege, which is required to modify security in BI Catalog Builder (assign/revoke security roles), can access the following options:
  ii. In BI Catalog Builder, not in BI Dashboard Builder, users with the BISECMNG system privilege can access all data sources, business areas and folders, regardless of the security role assignments.

3. Catalog Security Not Enabled

If no security roles are assigned to any data sources, business area, or folder, Catalog Security in BI Catalog Builder is not enabled, and all data sources, business areas, and folders are available to everyone.

4. Enabling Catalog Security

If at least one security role is assigned to any data source, business area or folder, via the Assign Roles context menu option for them (shown below), Catalog Security is enabled.

Once Catalog Security is enabled, for each data source, business area and folder, only users belonging to the security role(s) assigned to them can access them; also, the Security icon appears at the bottom-left side of the Edit Data Sources screen, as shown below:

5. Catalog Security & Dashboard Builder

In BI Dashboard Builder, if a BI Developer has rights to a data source, but not all of its business areas and folders, the business areas and folders to which the user does not have rights are hidden from the user. If a user does not have rights to a data source, the data source and any dashboards using it are hidden from the user.

6. Security Role Inheritance

When a security role is assigned to a top-level data object (data source/business area), the security role is automatically inherited by all lower level data objects. For example, when a role is assigned to a data source, all of its business areas and folders are assigned the role.

7. Copying Data Objects & Security Roles

When a data source, business area or folder is copied using the “Copy” context menu option, its assigned security roles are also copied.

8. New Data Objects & Security Roles

When any new data source, business area or folder is created, security roles are not automatically assigned to it, even for new business areas and folders of a data source that has assigned security roles. All newly created data sources, business areas and folders must have security roles manually assigned to them.

Working with Multiple Environments

When working with multiple environments, where you are planning on developing in one environment (e.g., TEST or DEV) and then promoting these changes into another environment (e.g., PROD), the following rules and best practices for import/export should be considered:

  1. Always make changes to your data source and dashboards in your development environment (e.g., TEST, DEV, etc.).

  2. Once changes are completed and ready to be promoted into your production environment (e.g., PROD):

    1. Export your data source from the development database and import it into your production database. For details on exporting data sources, refer to the [Export Data Source] button in the Editing Data Sources article. For details on importing data sources, refer to the Importing Data Sourcesarticle.

    2. Export your dashboards from the development environment and import them into your production environment. For more details, refer to the Export – Menu Option and Import - Menu Option sections of the BI Dashboard Builder guide.

  3. Importing a data source will override the existing data source in the destination environment, therefore, it’s important to follow Rule 1.

  4. If users modify a dashboard in the “source” environment, and these changes don’t require any modifications in the corresponding data source, then it’s not necessary to export/import the data source. In this case, users can skip Rule 2a.

  5. If you are planning to clone one environment into another (e.g., clone PROD to DEV) and you have data sources and/or dashboards in the destination environment (e.g., DEV) that don’t exist in the source environment (e.g. PROD), or you don’t want some of them to be overridden by cloning, you will need to export these data sources and dashboards before cloning and import them back after cloning.

NOTE: If you export/import a dashboard between different environments and the dashboard required any changes in the corresponding data source, then you first need to export/import your data source.