My Action Items


Pgm: OMSYSACTIONITEMS –Action Items screen in table mode; standard Treeview path: Opportunity Management > My Action Items

Pgm: OMSYSACTIONITEMS – Action Items screen in form mode

Action items are a management tool that enable users to schedule and coordinate actions, like phone calls, delivery dates, and meetings, against organizations, opportunities, or contacts. Actions are recorded as an action item, which are classified by a type, such as: introduction phone call, marketing mailing follow-up, meeting setup, or quote due. When an action item is saved, it is added to the calendar displayed by the Calendar screen, as shown in the below screenshot. Also, an action item need not only be for oneself, it’s possible to create an action item for another member of the sales or opportunity team. For example, create an action item of type “Bid Due Date” to make the estimator aware of the date and time the bid is due.

Calendar screen; standard Treeview path: Opportunity Management > Calendar

NOTE: Actions items can be created on the My Action Items screen or on the Calendar screen. One of the differences between these two methods is how additional contacts are added. On the My Action Items screen, additional contacts are added using the Additional Contacts tab. However, on the Calendar screen, after launching the Add Action Item pop-up window from either the [Add Action Item] button or an Add link beside dates on the calendar, additional contacts are added by clicking on the [For] button to display fields and icons for adding and deleting contacts. Another difference is that action item codes can be created on the fly in the Add Action Item pop-up window.

To learn more about creating action items on this screen, refer to: