Add Action Item

There are two options to add an action item through the My Action Items screen. One option is available when the screen is in table mode (listing all action items), and the other when the screen is in form mode (displaying a single action item). The My Action Items screen can also be launched through the Organizations and Opportunities screens.

For details about the fields on the tabs of the screen in form mode, please refer to the Item – Tab and Additional Contacts – Tab sub-sections.

To add an action item when the My Action Item screen is in table mode, click the Main Toolbar’s [Add New] button, as shown in the first screenshot of this section. This will switch the screen to form mode, for the entry of the action item’s information. If the Block Toolbar’s [Insert] button is used, the entry of the action item’s information is done while the screen is in table mode. Click [Save] when finished.

To add an action item when the My Action Item screen is in form mode, click the Block Toolbar’s [Insert] button. Click [Save] when finished.

When an action item is saved, it will be added to the calendar displayed by the Calendar screen, as shown in the previous screenshot.