Local Tables - General Ledger
GL Control File
Pgm: GLCTRLFM – GL Control File; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Local Tables > Control File Options
Auto-Reverse Accrual
If enabled, any accruals will automatically be reversed as of the start date of the next non-adjustment period. However, the user can override the field prior to initiating the batch posting.
Journal Code for Inter-Company Allocations
Select the journal code for inter-company allocations to be used for inter-company allocations resulted from GL journal entries.
Validate Transaction Date Against Department Current Period – Checkbox
If checked, the module validates the GL transaction date against the department current period, and a warning is displayed if the user tries to add a transaction for a future period.
Company Setup
Pgm: COMPFRM – Company Setup; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Local Tables > Company Setup
The Company Setup screen will default to display the first company by company code. To view all companies, click the [Table Mode] button, or click [Next] to move to the next record. Click [Add New] to create a new company, otherwise, select the Edit icon () to edit any of the companies listed in the table.
This screen is used to create a new company as was done in the Maintain Companies screen, as well as to edit an existing company’s details. For details about this screen, please refer to [Company Detail] – Button .
Maintain Departments
Pgm: DEPTFRM – Maintain Departments; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Local Tables > Maintain Departments - Department Details tab
Departments are sub‑divisions of companies or other departments, and the module allows for an unlimited hierarchical structure, with sub-departments and sub-sub-departments, etc. They can be used as cost or profit centers, since revenue and expense accounts can be associated specifically to a department through account access groups.
Company Code
Company for which departments are defined; defaults to user’s default company, as set up in the Set User Defaults - General Ledger screen.
Department Details – Tab
Department Code, Department Name
Enter a code for this department. The code "00" is reserved and cannot be used. Lowercase letters will be converted to uppercase for the code.
Parent Department
Once a department has been set up, it may then be used as a hierarchical control for other departments. The Controlling Department field is where the user specifies the department that will control the department being set up. The controlling department must have been previously entered and cannot be the same as the department being entered or maintained on this screen.
For example, if the user wishes to apply transactions such as the accumulation of costs to a western and an eastern sales department, but would also like to apply transactions to the head office sales department, the user would first set up the head office sales department without using the Controlling Account field. Once this is done, the user would then set up both the western department and the eastern department, indicating the head office sales department as the controlling department.
If the field is left blank, the "00" department code will be displayed. This indicates that the controlling department is going to the company. The company level will be displayed. If a valid department is entered here, the name of that department will be displayed.
Business Unit
Enter the business unit code for the business unit that this department (and the company to which it belongs) will be associated with. The business unit code allows organizations to group departments and companies across the organization along product, geographical, or distribution lines, allowing for sophisticated General Ledger financial documents.
This field is mandatory for the consolidation.
Active Flag – Checkbox
Check this box to mark the department as active. Uncheck it to mark the department as inactive.
If the user has the ‘GLVINADPT (GL: Allow User To View
NOTE: The only exception from the above rule is the Maintain Departments screen where both active and inactive departments are visible for the users regardless of the system privilege setting.
Address Information
Address Lines
Each department could conceivably represent different physical locations, and therefore each department could have a unique address different from that of the company.
Phone Number, Fax Number
Enter the department's phone and fax numbers, if required.
Address Code
Enter/select the address code from the list of addresses.
Accounting Information
Current Year, Period
Each department can be closed individually at month-end, so the module needs to know the current year and period of the department.
When the preliminary period end is run, this field will be updated with the next period in the fiscal year. The Enter Transactions screens throughout all modules will look to this field to determine whether the preliminary period end procedure has been run. A warning message will be displayed on those screens if the date entered is for the period immediately or preceding the one displayed here.
Closed Year
This field displays the last fiscal year that was closed during the year end processing cycle. If this field is blank, then the year end procedure has not been run for this department.
Income Closing Department, Account
Enter the account that will be used to clear revenues and expenses for this department during new fiscal year processing. This account will default from the Company Setup screen.
Self-Balancing – Checkbox
Check the ‘Self-Balancing’ checkbox if the department that is being defined is a self-balancing department, requiring inter-departmental clearing.
Departments checked as self-balancing will require that the user run the inter-departmental clearing procedure to produce a balancing transaction between this department and the clearing (operating) department indicated on the Company Maintenance screen.
Leave this field blank if inter-departmental clearing is not required, or if the department that is being defined is the operating department.
Please refer to Inter-Departmental Clearing Procedure for further details on the posting of inter-departmental balancing transactions.
Inter-Dept Clearing Account
Enter/select the account that will be used to generate a balancing transaction from the self -balancing department, and the operating department during the inter-departmental period end procedure.
Leave this field blank if inter-departmental clearing is not required.
Inter-Branch Revenue Account
If inter-branch transactions will be used, then enter the account to be used whenever an inter-branch revenue transaction is posted to this department.
Leave this field blank if inter-branch revenue charging is not required.
AP Taxes
If the department is in a different tax jurisdiction than the company, the user may want to set the default AP taxes for the department on this window. These taxes will then automatically default into the Enter Voucher screen if the department code is entered on the voucher header.
Recalculate Salary Charge Rates On Overhead Lines – Checkbox
If checked, this will recalculate the salary charge rates on the overhead lines. Recalculating salary charge rates pro-rates the amount charged to the job by the number of hours worked on the job. This only applies if the job is marked for pro-rating in the Job Costing Job Setup screen.
For example: Joe Smith is a weekly salaried employee whose salary is $400 per week for 40 hours, therefore Joe's normal charge rate is $10 per hour. Joe enters 45 hours against a job using this screen. Joe’s recalculated charge rates is $8.88 per hour instead of $10.
This means that no matter how many hours a salaried employee works on a job, unless the employee gets paid for the time the job can’t be charged for the time.
Access Groups – Tab
Pgm: DEPTFRM – Maintain Departments; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Local Tables > Maintain Departments - Access Groups tab
Select the Access Groups tab to enter the account’s access group(s) that will be assigned to this department. The name of the access group will be defaulted by the module. It’s possible to enter more than one account’s access group per department. The department will use only those accounts whose access group code matches the group code of the department.
Department Pick List
Pgm: SDPICK – Pick List; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Local Tables > Department Pick List
Pick lists provide an alternative method to group departments for reporting purposes. The pick lists are a substitution for the Department Range fields of report parameters, for convenience, and to group departments that cannot be grouped by specifying a sequential range of department codes.
Pick lists can be dynamic, fixed, or a combination of both.
Pick List Code – Section
This section is used to create pick lists. Use the Pick List Code and Description fields to enter a code and description for a pick list.
If the pick list being defined is to be dynamic, meaning that departments are added based on the specified criteria when the pick list is used (including any new ones), then check the ‘Dynamic’ checkbox.
To enter the selection criteria for creating a dynamic list, use the [Selection Criteria] button. If the list is small and not required to be dynamic, move directly to the Fixed Entity List section to manually enter the required departments for the pick list being defined.
Dynamic – Checkbox
If the pick list being entered is to be dynamic, meaning that each time it is used the module will re-create the list to ensure that any new departments that match the entered criteria will be captured in the list, check this box. If this box is unchecked, the list is to be static, meaning the module will not recreate the list each time it is used, and the departments in the list are manually entered in the Fixed Entry List section.
NOTE: If the list is dynamic, it is possible to still use the Fixed Entity List section to append departments to the departments selected by the selection criteria.
[Selection Criteria] – Button
Pgm: SDPICKR – Selection Criteria
This button’s Pick List Selection Criteria pop-up window is used to build a pick list of departments based on the selection criteria lines specified in the second Selection Criteria section. All departments satisfying the specified criteria lines will be added to the pick list.
In the second Selection Criteria section, use the Field Code field to select a department record’s field to use to create a selection criteria line for finding the desired departments to add to the pick list.
Use the Operator Code field to select the required comparison operator for the selection criteria line.
The Value field is used to enter the value to compare against the selected department record’s field:
If the selected comparison operator is “=”, the Value field’s value needs to be literal.
If the “Like” operator is selected, enter the “%” wildcard in the Value field (e.g. %23%).
If the “In” operator is selected, enter literal values in the Value field separated by commas.
To view the results of the selection, press the [Show Matching] button.
[Delete Pick List] – Button
Select a pick list using the selection area and click on the [Delete Pick List] button to delete the pick list.
Fixed Entity List – Section
This section is used to manually enter the required departments for a fixed pick list. It is also used to enter departments to append to a dynamic pick list of departments.
[Populate by Selection Criteria] – Button
Use this button to populate the fixed entity list based on the selection criteria that was created to build a pick list of departments. A pop-up window will appear, prompting the user if they want to replace or append the matching entries to the pick list. Clicking [Replace] will replace any existing entries with the matching entries and clicking [Append] will append the matching entries to the list of existing entries.
Account Pick Lists
Pgm: SDPICK – Pick List; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Local Tables > Account Pick List
Account pick lists provide an alternative method to group accounts for reporting purposes. The pick lists are a substitution for the Account Range fields of report parameters, for convenience, and to group accounts that cannot be grouped by specifying a sequential range of account codes.
Pick lists can be dynamic, fixed, or a combination of both.
Pick List Code – Section
This section is used to create pick lists. Use the Pick List Code and Description fields to enter a code and description for a pick list.
If the pick list being defined is to be dynamic, meaning that accounts are added based on the specified criteria when the pick list is used (including any new ones), then check the ‘Dynamic’ checkbox.
To enter the selection criteria for creating a dynamic list, use the [Selection Criteria] button. If the list is small and not required to be dynamic, move directly to the Fixed Entity List section to manually enter the required accounts for the pick list being defined.
Dynamic – Checkbox
If the pick list being entered is to be dynamic, meaning that each time it is used the module will re-create the list to ensure that any new accounts that match the entered criteria will be captured in the list, check this box. If this box is unchecked, the list is to be static, meaning the module will not recreate the list each time it is used, and the accounts in the list are manually entered in the Fixed Entry List section.
NOTE: If the list is dynamic, it is still possible to use the Fixed Entity List section to append accounts to the accounts selected by the selection criteria.
[Selection Criteria] – Button
Pgm: SDPICKR – Selection Criteria
This button’s Pick List Selection Criteria pop-up window is used to build a pick list of accounts based on the selection criteria lines specified in the second Selection Criteria section. All accounts satisfying the specified criteria lines will be added to the pick list.
In the second Selection Criteria section, use the Field Code field to select an account record’s field to use to create a selection criteria line for finding the desired accounts to add to the pick list.
Use the Operator Code field to select the required comparison operator for the selection criteria line.
The Value field is used to enter the value to compare against the selected account record’s field:
If the selected comparison operator is “=”, the Value field’s value needs to be literal.
If the “Like” operator is selected, use the % wildcard in the Value field (e.g., %23%).
If the “In” operator is selected, enter literal values in the Value field separated by commas.
To view the results of the selection, press the [Show Matching] button:
Fixed Entity List – Section
This section is used to manually enter the required accounts for a fixed pick list. It is also used to enter accounts to append to a dynamic pick list of accounts.
[Populate by Selection Criteria] – Button
Use this button to populate the fixed entity list based on the selection criteria that was created to build a pick list of departments. A pop-up window will appear, prompting the user if they want to replace or append the matching entries to the pick list. Clicking [Replace] will replace any existing entries with the matching entries and clicking [Append] will append the matching entries to the list of existing entries.
Account by Department
Pgm: ACCBYDEP – Account by Department; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Local Tables > Account by Department
The chart of accounts is applied to departments in their entirety, allowing all departments’ access to the chart of accounts without the necessity of entering each department’s accounts repeatedly. The account by department was created for those companies who would like to limit access to the accounts that a department may use.
Using this screen, indicate the company and department who are to be limited and specify the accounts which can be used. This is an inclusive list, and therefore only accounts entered in this screen can be used during transaction entry. An error message will appear if an account is entered which does not appear in this list.
NOTE: Limiting access to one department will not restrict those accounts from being used by another department. It is advisable to maintain an accounts by department list for each department.
When maintaining a large number of accounts for a specific department, use the Account Access Groups screen. If a department has been assigned an account access group, the valid accounts for that department will include all valid accounts with the assigned access groups, as well as any additional accounts entered on this screen. Access groups can be assigned to departments in the Access Groups – Tab of the Maintain Department screen.
Selection Criteria – Section
Enter/select the company code that the restriction is to be applied to.
Enter/select the code for the department for which account access is being defined.
Move to the Accounts section and enter the accounts that apply to the department. If an account is not listed in this section, it will not be available to users during transaction entry. If no accounts are applied to a department, then the department has full access to accounts.
Accounts – Section
Account Code, Name
Enter/select the code for the account which is being defined for the department. Name is a display-only field.
Pgm: TACTRWIN – Entering Transaction Allocation Values pop-up window
The [TAC] button allows the user to assign default TAC values and checkboxes to all the accounts within a specified chart code. For more information about transaction allocation codes, see the Transaction Allocation of this user guide.
Cost Pool Allocations
Cost pool allocations are used to re-allocate costs incurred during a period from one or more accounts to one or more accounts on an amount or percentage basis. Cost pools allow for the re-allocation across companies, jobs, accounts, and departments. The Cost Pool Allocation screen in General Ledger > Local Tables allows for the definition of an unlimited number of cost pools, as well as all the rules associated with distributing the cost pool to other accounting entities during the cost pool allocation process via the Allocate Cost Pools screen (standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Transactions > Allocate Cost Pools).
Corporate levies are used to apply costs incurred during a period per a percentage of costs incurred in specified accounts.
Cost pool allocations may be used for setting the information required for Schedule G reports, as well as the printing of the Schedule G reports, at the time the cost pool allocation transaction is created. The module allows for multiple allocations to be defined.
Step 1 – Create Cost Pool Header and Accumulate List
The cost pool allocation process begins with setup in General Ledger > Setup > Local Tables > Cost Pool Allocations. This screen allows for the definition of an unlimited number of cost pools, as well as all the rules associated with distributing the cost pool to other accounting entities during the cost pool allocation process. Use the [Accumulate] button to assign cost pool ledger accounts.
Step 2 – Allocate Cost Pools
Allocate the cost pools in General Ledger > Transactions > Allocate Cost Pools. The actual unposted transactions are in the Job Costing module, as they may contain Job Costing transactions, as well as General Ledger transactions.
Step 3 – Post Transactions in Job Costing Module
To view, edit, and post the transaction allocations, use the Job Costing Transaction screen in Job Costing > Transactions > Enter Transactions to accommodate the posting of any J-line transactions, which is not supported in the General Ledger > Enter Transactions screen (refer to the Job Costing user guide for more information).
Create Cost Pool Allocations
Pgm: GLCOSTPL – Cost Pool Allocation; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Local Tables > Cost Pool Allocations
A cost pool is simply a collection of General Ledger accounts, job cost codes, or equipment cost codes which are used to accumulate transactions over any period. The cost pool allocation process will allow for either the generation of additional costs based on a percentage of the total cost pool, or the re-allocation of the costs posted into the pool into other accounts, jobs, or equipment items.
There are four different methods of creating cost pools.
Amount – Method 1
Example: The user wants to reallocate the office expenses accumulated for the month across all jobs prorated by the sum of the labor dollars of each job, and post this dollar amount to a specific overhead phase/category combination.
Select the [Accumulate] button:
Account # 5400.600 – Office Utilities $27,500
Account # 5400.650 – Office Insurance $1,200
Account # 5400.700 – Admin Salaries $75,500
Total $104,200
Prorate By: Company CM, ALL Jobs, ALL Phases, Category “Labor”, Total $100,000
Job 1000 – Labor Costs = $25,000
Job 2000 – Labor Costs = $40,000
Job 3000 – Labor Costs = $35,000
Allocate To: Company CM, ALL Jobs, Phase 01-100, Category “Overhead”
Job 1000 = $104,200 * $25,000/$100,000 = $26,050
Job 2000 = $104,200 * $40,000/$100,000 = $41,680
Job 3000 = $104,200 * $35,000/$100,000 = $36,470
Total = $104,200
Quantity – Method 2
Example: The user wants to reallocate the non-job office expenses accumulated for the month across all jobs prorated by the labor hours of each job.
Account # 5001 – Office Utilities $27,500
Account # 5002 – Office Insurance $1,200
Account # 5004 – Admin Salaries $75,500
Total $104,200
Prorate By: Company CM, ALL Jobs, ALL Phases, Labor, Total Hours = 1000
Job 1000 – Labor Hours = 250
Job 2000 – Labor Hours = 400
Job 3000 – Labor Hours = 350
Allocate To: Company CM, ALL Jobs, Phase 01-100, Category “Overhead”
Job 1000 = $104,200 * 250/1000 = $26,050
Job 2000 = $104,200 * 400/1000 = $41,680
Job 3000 = $104,200 * 350/1000 = $36,470
Total = $104,200
Percentage – Method 3
Example: The user wants to reallocate telephone costs booked to department 00 to all departments on a pre-defined percentage, e.g. 20% to accounting, 30% to purchasing, and 50% to marketing.
Account # 5003 Dept 00 Telephone $1,300
Prorate by: Manually entered %:
20% to Account # 5003 – Department 01 – Accounting
30% to Account # 5003 – Department 03 – Purchasing
50% to Account # 5003 – Department 05 – Marketing
NOTE: Total prorate percent must equal 100.
Corporate Levy – Method 4
Example: The user wants to charge subsidiary companies a percentage fee for managing their cash.
Accumulate: Sum of Subsidiary Company C1Bank Accounts $1,123,000
Allocations: 10% of Accumulate to Subsidiary Company C1 – Management Fees 10
10% of Accumulate to Home Company “CM” – Fee Revenue
Create the Cost Pool Header
Pgm: GLCOSTPL – Cost Pool Allocation; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Local Tables > Cost Pool Allocations
Cost Pool Code, Description
Enter a unique code and description to identify the cost pool.
Enter/select the default source company code of the cost pool transactions. This may be changed on each line, but this field is the default field.
Proration Method
Enter/select the proration method appropriate for the transaction being created. This is a mandatory field. If the cost pool is being set up for Schedule G reports, the method must be amount.
Processed – Checkbox
If the cost pool entered has been used previously, this box will be checked. If it is a new cost pool, this box will default unchecked.
Active – Checkbox
To enable the cost pool to be used, it must be checked as active. The default value when entering a new allocation is checked (active).
This WM field will default as blank. If selecting “Quantity” for the Prorate Method field – this LOV will populate with available weight measures for selection.
Create Accumulate List
Pgm: GLCOSTPL – Cost Pool Allocation; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Local Tables > Cost Pool Allocation – [Accumulate] button
The accumulate list is a list of companies, departments and accounts or companies, jobs, cost codes (phases) and categories or equipment and transactions that you want to sum together to create the dollar value to allocate to other areas of the Accounts/Job Costing module.
The Allocation Percentage column allows a user to accumulate dollar values of different accounts on a percentage basis. This column is hidden by default but can be displayed using Lite Editor. If the Allocation Percentage field is left null, then it will be treated as 100%. Percentage value can be defined in the range of 0% - 100%.
Enter/select the account type. The type code is either “G” for General Ledger account, “J” for job, or “E” for equipment. The module defaults “G” into this field (G is required to set up a cost pool for Schedule G reports).
Enter/select the code of the company that owns the account or job that is to be part of the accumulator.
Enter the Distribution
If “G” was entered as the type, then enter a single department code, or, if all departments are needed, enter the word “ALL”. Then, enter the specific account required (see section at the end of the Setting Up Cost Pool Allocations for Schedule G Reports section below).
If “J” was entered as the type, then enter a specific job code, or, the code “ALL” indicating all jobs. Enter a specific phase or the code “ALL” to indicate all phases and a specific category, or enter “ALL” for all categories.
NOTE: The moving via cost allocation of job cost is a financial transaction only. It does not move Subcontract, Billing, Change Management, or Purchase Order links.
Enter the Prorate By Data
If the method is amount or units, the pro-rated by data can either be GL account-related or job-related. Each prorate by line entered will be expanded and used as a percentage of the accumulate amount. If the method is percentage, then the user will only have the Percent field available.
Prorated By Type
The type code is either “G” for General Ledger account or “J” for job. The module defaults “G” into this field but the user may change it to “J” if required.
Enter/select the code of the company whose account or job that should be a part of the accumulator.
If “G” was entered as the type, enter a single department code. If all departments are needed, enter the word “ALL”, then enter the specific account required.
If “J” was entered as the type, enter a specific job code, or the code “ALL” indicating all jobs. Enter a specific phase or the code “ALL” to indicate all phases and a specific category, or enter “ALL” for all categories.
If the method is corporate levy, then the data entered in the Prorate By fields is the place (GL or job) where the debit side of the transaction will be written. This is usually the subsidiary company, department, and account.
This is only applicable for percentage method allocations or the corporate levy method allocations. Enter the percent of the accumulator to distribute.
Enter Prorate To Data
For each line entered as prorate data there must be a matching pro-rate to line. This side of the transaction is where the cost will be transferred.
Prorated To Type
The type code is either “G” for General Ledger account or “J” for job. The module will default “G” into this field but the user may change it to “J” if required. If using corporate levy, this must be “G”.
Enter/select the code of the company whose account or job should be part of the accumulator.
If “G” was entered as the type, enter a single department code. If all departments are needed, enter the word “ALL”. Then enter the specific account required.
If “J” was entered as the type, enter a specific job code, or the code “ALL” indicating all jobs. Enter a specific phase or the code “ALL” to indicate all phases and a specific category or enter “ALL” for all categories.
If the method is corporate levy, then the data entered in the Prorate To fields is the place (GL) where the credit side of the transaction will be written. This is usually the home company, department, and account.
Setting Up Cost Pool Allocations for Schedule G Reports
The Schedule G report is driven by a control department to derive two report sets for DCA compliance. Each report set will be broken down by control accounts. Each control account will be composed of allowable (allocable) and non-allowable (non-allocable) expenses to one of the three control departments called “Office”, “Field”, and “Overhead”. For the division reports, a detailed consolidation structure will be used to define the control accounts in each division. There will be a separate division report for each control department % split defined on the cost pool allocation rule. Each report will report on the % split of the cost pool, defining overhead expenditures, plus the current charges to date in the office and field control departments.
General Ledger > Set Up > Maintain Accounts
Set up accounts which should appear on the Schedule G reports, as these are the accounts which the allocable and un-allocable expenses will roll up to:
The account(s) cannot have a controlling account associated with it
Uncheck the ‘Allow in Cost Pool Allocation’ checkbox (as part of the distributable amount)
Check the ‘Group By And Report At This Account Level On Schedule G Allocation Reports’ checkbox
For each account set up in step one, set one each for allocable expense and un-allocable expense. Have these accounts controlled by the accounts set up in step one and check the ‘Allow in Cost Pool Allocation’ checkbox.
Set up two accounts: direct labor and indirect labor, leaving both above-mentioned checkboxes unchecked.
Go through the balance of the accounts and mark them with the ‘Group By’ checkbox if they are to appear on the report, but not being a roll-up or having roll-ups associated with it.
General Ledger > Setup > Local Tables > Maintain Departments
For each company to be included in the cost pool, set up three controlling departments titled “Field”, “Office”, and “Overhead”. Under each controlling department, set up as many departments and categories as required (match to the number of allowable and non-allowable accounts set up) and have them controlled by one of the three controlling accounts. Set up a department called “Field Direct Labor” and have it controlled by the Department field. Set up Department office – indirect labor and have it controlled by the office control.
General Ledger > Setup > Global Tables > Detailed Consolidations
Set up a new consolidation, having one line each for each company, controlling departments “Office” and “Field” and roll-up department.
i.e. Company Code 01, Controlling Dept. Field, Roll-up Dept. Field 1
Company Code 02, C Controlling Dept. Field, Roll-up Dept. Field 1
General Ledger > Setup> Local Tables > Cost Pool Allocations
Set up the cost pool allocation as per previous instructions.
In the Allocate section, set up one G-line for each field direct labor and office indirect labor using the account numbers set up in step three. For each company involved in the cost pool, these two allocations must be set up.
Activate the [Accumulate] button.
Set up the Overhead accumulation
i.e. line 1 – G, Company Code 01, Department Overhead 1, Acct 5041 Advertising allowable
line 2 – G, Company Code 01, Department Overhead 1, Acct 5042
Duplicate Cost Pools
The [Duplicate This Cost Pool] button will copy all the info from one cost pool setup to a new one. This is very useful if there is a large list of accumulates or pro-rate by that are similar or the same in multiple cost pools.
Cost Pool Pick List
Pgm: SDPICK – Cost Pool Pick List; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Local Tables > Cost Pool Pick List
This screen is used to create a cost pool pick list. If the Cost Pool Pick List field in the Allocate Cost pool screen is used, all the cost pools in the selected cost pool pick list are processed together and allocated.
Pick List Code – Section
This section is used to create pick lists. Use the Pick List Code and Description fields to enter a code and description for a pick list.
If the pick list being defined is to be dynamic, meaning that cost pools are added based on the specified criteria when the pick list is used (including any new ones), then check the ‘Dynamic’ checkbox.
To enter the selection criteria for creating a dynamic list, use the [Selection Criteria] button. If the list is small and not required to be dynamic, move directly to the Fixed Entity List section to manually enter the required cost pools for the pick list being defined.
Dynamic – Checkbox
If the pick list being entered is to be dynamic, meaning that each time it is used, the module will re-create the list, ensuring that any new cost pool that match the entered criteria will be captured in the list, check this box. If this box is unchecked, the list is to be static, meaning the module will not recreate the list each time it is used, and the cost pool in the list are manually entered in the Fixed Entry List section.
NOTE: If the list is dynamic, it is possible to still use the Fixed Entity List section to append cost pools to the cost pool selected by the selection criteria.
[Selection Criteria] – Button
Pgm: SDPICKR – Selection Criteria
This button’s Pick List Selection Criteria pop-up window is used to build a pick list of cost pool based on the selection criteria lines specified in the second Selection Criteria section. All cost pools satisfying the specified criteria lines will be added to the pick list.
In the second Selection Criteria section, use the Field Code field to select a cost pool record’s field to use to create a selection criteria line for finding the desired departments to add to the pick list.
Use the Operator Code field to select the required comparison operator for the selection criteria line.
The Value field is used to enter the value to compare against the selected department record’s field:
If the selected comparison operator is “=”, the Value field’s value needs to be literal.
If the “Like” operator is selected, use the % wildcard in the Value field (e.g., %23%).
If the “In” operator is selected, enter literal values in the Value field separated by commas.
To view the results of the selection, press the [Show Matching] button.
[Delete Pick List] – Button
Select a pick list using the selection area and click on the [Delete Pick List] button to delete the pick list.
Fixed Entity List – Section
This section is used to manually enter the required cost pool for a fixed pick list. It is also used to enter cost pool to append to a dynamic pick list of cost pools. The [Populate by Selection Criteria] button will populate the fixed entity list based on the selection criteria created in the Selection Criteria pop-up window.