Global Tables - General Ledger

Chart Codes

Pgm: CONSCHFM – Chart Codes; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Global Tables > Chart Codes

Chart codes define groups of GL accounts. Each chart code could be considered the name of the master chart of accounts list that will be used for a specific company or department. This name will be entered when each company is set up. As well, when actual GL accounts are entered, they must be associated with a specific chart code.

It is very important to note that only business entities, companies, and departments that share a specific chart code may be consolidated. This must be kept in mind when creating the company’s chart of accounts.

Code, Name

Enter a code and a name to represent the chart being defined.

Maximum Periods

Enter the maximum number of periods to be used by the chart code that is being defined. If the chart code uses a standard period length of one month, then enter “12” into this field. If the fiscal year for this chart code uses a period length of four weeks, then enter “13” into this field.

Update Control Account

The Update Control Account field is a yes/no field indicating if the user will be using a flat chart of accounts, or a hierarchical chart of accounts. A flat chart of accounts is a standard chart of accounts where each account is an entity onto itself. A hierarchical chart of accounts is where a group of accounts is created that report up to another account for reporting purposes only. Transactions can only be applied to the lowest level accounts.

For example, if a user has bank account #1, bank account #2, and bank account #3, it’s possible to enter them in a flat hierarchy where each account is separate with no connection to the other. In this case, enter “N” in the Update Control Account field. On the other hand, the user may decide that they would rather have a controlling account called “BANKS”, with each bank account grouped to the controlling account. In this case, enter “Y” to the Update Control Account field.

Open Period

If “Y” is entered, when the periods are set up for the chart code, they will all default to the open state, otherwise they will default to the closed state.

Account Structure

Pgm: ACCTYPFM – Account Structure; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Global Tables > Account Structure

This screen is used to customize account types to suit the needs of individual operations. Account types are used to define the function of a GL account, and are usually such things as assets, liabilities, expenses, etc.

This screen allows the operator to create the standard account types as well as any other account types required. It also enables the account types to be linked with specific ranges of account numbers.

When an account is entered on the chart of accounts, the account type code specified on that screen will be checked to make sure the sequence entered is within the range specified on this screen. The operator will not be allowed to enter account numbers for account types that are outside the range entered on this screen.

Chart of Accounts

Enter/select the chart code for the account structure being established.

Account Type, Name

Enter a three-character code for the account type code and the descriptive name.

Base Account Type

Select your base account type code from the drop-down menu.


Enter the sequence order for the account types to be printed in the trial balance and other financial reports.

Low/High Account Sequence

Sequence numbers are entered for each account through the Chart of Accounts Entry screen. When this sequence number falls within the numbers specified for an account type, the account will be associated with that type. The sequence numbers should not be changed once the accounts have been set up, since many accounts may be affected by any changes made.

For example, if the starting sequence number for assets is 1000, and the next higher entry (liabilities) is 2000, the asset sequence numbers will be from 1000 to 1999. The order of the account types will be the standard order for the processing of trial balances. It’s possible to change the processing order through the sequence numbers that are entered, since the numbers will be processed in numeric sequence.

This field is mandatory.

Normal Balance

Enter/select "D" (debit) or "C" (credit) to specify the normal balance for this account. A valid entry must be made in this field.

Negative balances for accounts that usually have a credit balance (such as liability and revenue accounts) do not have to be shown as negative on some reports and financial statements. This code will allow a credit balance for the account to be shown as positive, and a debit balance to be shown as negative.

WM Code

Enter/select the weight or measure code to be applied to the account type. The GL accounts must be associated with a unit of measure. The module defaults the unit of measure entered in the Chart of Accounts screen.

A list of values is available on this field to view and select valid weight/measure codes.

Clear Flag – Checkbox

The clear box indicates to the module whether the account type should be cleared during the year-end processing. Check this box if the account balances should be cleared during the year end procedure. This is normally applied to income statement type account sequences only.

Period Dates

Pgm: PERIOD – Period Dates; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Global Tables > Period Dates

A fiscal year is divided into smaller portions called periods. The total number of periods per year is specified for each company based on the company's chart code. The Chart Code Maintenance screen defines the total number of periods in the fiscal year for each chart code.

Each period will have a starting and ending date. The fiscal year will be defined by the starting date of the first period to the ending date of the last period. This allows a fiscal year to be longer or shorter than a calendar year, and can start or end at any point within the same calendar year. In most cases, each year will contain either 12 or 13 periods, corresponding to the months of the year or four-week periods of time.

The period dates determine the period balances for accounts. If a transaction date falls within the starting and ending dates for that period, then the amounts of the transaction will affect account balances for that period. This is a very important GL function; period dates should not be changed after entries have been committed.

Periods must be set up for the current fiscal year as well as for the previous fiscal year to allow balances for that year to be entered.

Chart of Accounts, Fiscal Year

Enter the chart code and the fiscal year for which periods are to be setup.

Periods can be set up for as many fiscal years as required. If the periods for this year have already been entered, they will be displayed in the lower block.

If dates are being set up for a new fiscal year, enter values in the lower block. Enter "1" in the first Period field, and then enter the starting date for that period. The ending date will default as one month after the starting date. Change this date or leave it as is. The starting date defaults as one day after the previous period ending date. Change the dates if required. Continue this way until the last period has been specified. The module will prevent the user from entering more periods than the maximum number of periods for this company.

Start Date, End Date

Enter the starting and ending date for the first period. After that, the dates will default as one day after the ending date of the previous period. Change the defaults if required, but the module will validate the entries, ensuring that any dates are not skipped. Once the entries are committed, this field cannot be updated.

Adj (Adjustment)

The adjustment field defines to the module whether the period specified is an adjusting period for entering year-end adjustments. The default for all standard periods is an “N”, indicating that these periods are not adjusting periods. Once all the standard periods have been entered, enter one further period and mark it with a “Y” to indicate an adjusting period. In the example in the figure shown, an additional period, period 13, is added and marked “Y” as the adjusting period. When the auditors adjusting entries are entered, the system will post the adjusting transactions into the 13th period.

The ability to indicate an adjusting period allows the year end adjusting entries to be posted independent of the actual year end balances; then print the trial balance including the adjusting period (which include the auditor’s adjustments) or without them at any time.

Open Period

The Open Period field is a yes/no field and will default “Y” or “N” from the chart code setup, but can be overwritten in the Period Dates screen. The “Y” means the period is open and the “N” means the period is closed. The ‘Allow Posting to Future Periods’ checkbox on the control of individual modules, e.g Accounts Payable, will look to this checkbox to see if the period is open. When the checkbox is checked, posting will be allowed, if unchecked, posting will not be allowed and an error that the period is closed globally will be given.

Business Units

Pgm: BUFRM – Business Unit; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Global Tables > Business Units

This program is used to enter codes defining the business units for this organization. Business units are used to group companies, departments, and sub-departments for financial reporting purposes. They have no effect on data entry.

For example, there may be many companies defined on the system that all have construction departments. A business will link these departments together for financial reporting, making it easy to produce cross-company financial documents.

Code, Business Unit Reporting Name

Enter an alphanumeric code to represent the business unit and a name for the unit.

Business Unit Manager

Use this field to associate a manager's name with the business unit. This is for reference only.

Company Groups

Pgm: GLCOMPPK – Company Groups; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Global Tables > Company Groups

The Company Groups screen provides a method of grouping companies for printing multiple companies within a single report selection.

Currently, this grouping selection is only available on the General Ledger Trial Balance Report (GL2000) and the Accounts Payable Aged Report (AP1000).

Group Code – Section

Group Code, Description

Enter the code and description for the group that is being defined.

Company Codes – Section

Enter the companies to be associated with the group code.

Consolidations Codes

Pgm: CONSHIER – Consolidation Hierarchy Maintenance; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Global Tables > Consolidation Codes

Company consolidation codes allow the user to group the access, display, and reporting of company data within a hierarchical structure.

NOTE: Only companies that share a chart code can be consolidated using consolidation codes.

These consolidation codes can be created as entities onto themselves, or as groupings of companies that report up to other consolidation codes.

Each company created within the system is required to be assigned to a company consolidation code. For this reason, the system will generate a master consolidation code when a new company is created.

Remember that when creating the consolidation codes, only the consolidation codes at the lowest level can be assigned at the company level. The codes created at the higher level are used for user access and reporting purposes.

To create a hierarchical consolidation structure, create the consolidation code at the highest level, and then create the codes below it. As the codes are created at the lower levels, define the hierarchy by assigning the control code to which the lower level will report. For example, there may be a master consolidation that consolidates all the companies within the system. The user may then want to create consolidation codes which group all companies working on a specific project. These consolidation groups could be controlled by the master consolidation so that statements can exist for each group, or for all companies within the structure.

When defining consolidation groups, remember that only companies that share a chart code (they have the same chart of account and fiscal year) can be assigned within a single hierarchical structure.

In addition to its reporting capabilities, company consolidations allow the user to assign security access by these codes (see Assign Users to Consolidation Codes section within the System Data guide). When setting up a user’s security, grant access by these consolidation codes as well as by an individual company.

Chart Code

Enter the chart code to be associated with the consolidation code.

Code, Consolidation Name

Enter a code and name to represent the consolidation code that is being defined.

Control Code, Control Consolidation Name

Enter the code for the consolidation group that will control the code that is being defined.

Once a consolidation code has been set up, it may then be used as a hierarchical control for another consolidation code. The Control Code LOV is where you specify the consolidation code that will control the code being defined.

The controlling code must have been set up previously, and cannot be the same as the code being entered on this line. Consolidation codes at the highest level of the hierarchy will have the code “ALL” automatically assigned to this field.

Low Level – Checkbox

The ‘Low Level’ checkbox will be checked if a controlling consolidation code has been entered against this consolidation code. Consolidation codes at the top of the hierarchy will have this box unchecked.

Detailed Consolidations

Pgm: CONSOLD – Detailed Consolidations; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Global Tables > Detailed Consolidations

Use this screen to group business units, companies, and departments within the organization for producing consolidated financial documents and to run the Executive Query screen. Contrary to the Consolidation Hierarchy Maintenance screen, this screen does not allow consolidations in a hierarchical format.

For each consolidation code defined, enter the desired business units, companies, controlling departments, and departments whose General Ledger information should be integrated. Each group of codes entered in the second block must themselves have been set up on their own entry screens (for companies, use the Company Setup screen; for business units, use the Business Units Entry screen; for departments, use the Department Codes Entry screen).

Each line represents one group. This setup allows large organizations to consolidate financial information by departments within companies, by companies within corporate groupings (business units), and for the entire organization as one enterprise.

NOTE: Codes created in the Consolidation Hierarchy Maintenance screen will appear in the list of values but will be available as display only.

Making an entry in a field will cause all transactions associated with that field to be consolidated. Leaving a field blank, will consolidate transactions across that field regardless of the other fields they are associated with.

For example, if entering a business unit code and leaving the other fields on this line blank, all companies and departments associated with this business unit will be consolidated using this consolidation code. If the Company Code field is left blank, consolidate across specific business units or departments within companies, regardless of which company code they are associated with.

It is recommended that at least one consolidation code is set up that includes the entire company. One of the best query screens is the Executive Query screen, and it can only be accessed by a consolidation code.

For this reason, even if Consolidation Codes are not needed, set up one code (perhaps using the company code as the consolidation code) where the Company Code and department 00 is entered in the components section.

Consolidation Code, Name

Enter a code for each consolidation required. Lower case letters will be converted to uppercase. This code will be used when formatting documents to provide the correct consolidation of accounts for the various business units, companies, and departments whose financial information must be grouped.

Chart Code, Chart Name

Enter the chart code to be associated with this consolidation code. The chart code entered must have been previously set up on the Chart Codes screen. Move to the detail section of the screen.

Components – Section

Business Unit, Name

Enter the business unit code for the business unit whose GL information should be included in the consolidation. If a business unit code is entered and the other fields on this line are left blank, all companies and departments associated with this business unit will be consolidated using this consolidation code. If this field is left blank, consolidate across companies and departments, regardless of the business unit they are associated with.

Company, Name

Enter the company code for the company whose GL information should be included in the consolidation.

If a company code is entered and the other fields of this line are left blank, all the departments associated with this company will be consolidated using this consolidation code. Since the company may be associated with only one business unit, that one unit will be reported on, but only for the company code entered.

If this field is left blank, consolidate across specific business units or departments within companies, regardless of which company code they are associated with.

NOTE: For more information on companies, please refer to the Company Setup .

Controlling Department, Name

Enter the controlling department code for the company whose GL information should be included in the consolidation.

If a controlling department code and a company code are entered and the other fields on this line are left blank, all departments that report to this code for this company will be consolidated using this consolidation code. Because each company and department may only be associated with one business unit, that one unit will be reported on but only for the company and department entered here.

If this field is left blank, consolidate across companies and regular departments.

NOTE: For more information on controlling and regular departments, please refer to the Maintain Departments section of this guide.

Department Code, Name

Enter the department code for the department whose GL information should be included in the consolidation.

If a department code is entered and all the other fields are left blank, all the business units and companies that have GL information for this department code will be consolidated using this consolidation code. If this field is left blank, consolidate groups of departments (using a controlling department code) or groups of companies, or groups of business units.

Account Access Groups

Pgm: ACCGRP – Account Access Groups; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Global Tables > Account Access Groups

The chart of accounts is applied to companies and their departments in their entirety. Account access groups allow the user to limit access to a group of accounts a department can use. In contrast to assigning individual accounts to departments (see Account by Department ), this feature allows the user to assign accounts to access groups and then apply those account access groups to various departments.

It is important to note that the allocation of accounts to departments does not require the use of account access groups. If allocating the use of all accounts within the company’s chart of accounts to a department, do not assign an account access group to that department.

If assigning a small number of accounts to a specific department, choose to use the accounts by department feature.

If, however, large numbers of valid accounts need to be defined across a multitude of departments, assign account access groups to the accounts, then assign them to the appropriate departments.

Assign accounts to a department through the Account By Department screen, as well as assign an access group to that same department. In such a case, the department would be granted access to all the accounts within the access group as well as any additional accounts assigned to the department.

The way in which account access is allocated to the departments is dependent on the companies’ requirements. Use this screen to create the group access codes for the accounts within the system. If set up of the company is completed and the accounts have been defined within the chart code, apply the desired accounts within each group using the [Accounts] button pop-up window. If the company is in the process of being set up and the accounts have not yet been created within the chart of accounts, return to this screen later to assign the accounts for each group.

Define Account Access Groups

Chart Code

Enter/select the chart code for the companies where account access groups are being entered.

Account Access Group Code, Name

Enter a code and name to represent the access group code that is being defined.

Assign Accounts to Access Groups – [Accounts] button

Pgm: ACCGRP – [Accounts Button] in Account Access Groups; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Global Tables > Account Access Groups

If the company is in the process of being set up and the accounts have not yet been created within the chart of accounts, return to this screen later to assign the accounts for each group.

Press the [Accounts] button to apply the accounts that will have access through this group code. Then, enter the accounts as required.

Journal Names

Pgm: JOURFRM – Journal Names; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Global Tables > Journal Names

A journal lists transactions in the order they are entered, showing the transaction history. Usually a journal is set up to group transactions that apply to a specific account, like the cash or Accounts Payable accounts. In the General Ledger module, journal codes are used to identify transactions as members of the journal so transactions can be printed for specific journals, if required.

One common method of defining journals is by sub-ledger - to have a different journal for each module which produces transactions which flow through to the General Ledger. "AP" could be used for Accounts Payable, "AR" for Accounts Receivables, and so on. "GJ" is commonly used for transactions entered directly into the General Ledger module.

As the journal code is identified, also indicate the starting transactions number as well as whether access to this journal should be allowed through the Transaction Entry screen within the General Ledger module.

Code, Name

Enter the 2 alphanumeric character codes for the journal, and a name. Lowercase letters will be converted to uppercase for the code value.

Transaction Number

Modify the starting transaction number used to identify transactions within each journal. As new transactions are created, this number will increase sequentially within the journal that the transaction was created.

Access Via GL – Checkbox

Check this box if access to this journal should be allowed within the General Ledger Transaction Entry screen. If this box is not checked, the journal code will only be allowed to be used by the other modules.