User Audit

Pgm: SDUSRAUDIT - User Audit

The User Audit screen is used by admins to review all user email addresses to ensure they are valid and unique (within the tenant). This is also the screen where admins can invite their users as Guest Users in Azure by selecting the user and clicking on the Send To Azure button. Selected users will receive an invitation to use CMiC SSO.

To invite a user to SSO, their email must be unique. A duplicate email in the Enterprise system contact, PM project contact, or PM system contact will prevent the user from being invited when sending to Azure in the User Audit screen.

Note Access to this screen is granted via a security role. Admins must be assigned security access to the Graph Services program in the Security Roles screen in CMiC Field (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Security > Role Maintenance).

The key columns on the User Audit screen are described in more detail below.

Sent to Azure

This field will be set to Y when the invitation has been sent from Azure.

Azure Guest User

This field will be set to Y when the invitation has been accepted by the end user.


This field will be set to Y when the user email is unique within the tenant and is a valid email format.

Azure Login Id

This field shows the Azure login associated with users who have accepted the Azure SSO invite.

LDAP Login Disabled

By default, users who have received an Azure SSO invite are no longer allowed to use the legacy login method. In the event that users need to switch back to legacy login, uncheck this box. The User Audit screen also has a Sync User LDAP Logon Status button, used to re-synchronize the status of the LDAP Login Disabled checkbox with the login method that the user is supposed to be using.

Note If the user has been using a browser to access CMiC using Azure SSO, please switch to another browser or use private/incognito mode. If that is not viable and the same browser needs to be used, browser cookies for will need to be cleared.

Accessing User Audit Screen

The User Audit screen will not be available in the standard Treeview menu as it is only used by administrators. The screen can be added in two ways, as shown below.

Method 1

Using Treeview Builder, add the User Audit screen to a custom menu by selecting "SD - User Audit" in the Target Name field's LOV.

Screenshot of adding User Audit screen by selecting the screen in the Target Name field's LOV.

Example of adding User Audit screen in Treeview Builder by selecting the target

Method 2

Instead of adding the screen to a custom Treeview menu, users that are logged in can access the User Audit screen by opening a new browser tab and pasting the URL that directly accesses the screen .

The URLs for ATLAS and NOVA are as follows:

Launching Treeview Builder

The URLs to access Treeview Builder for CMiC SSO ATLAS and NOVA are as follows: