Defining User Preferences

Screenshot of User Preferences screen in log view.

Pgm: SDUPREF –User Preferences; standard Treeview path: System > Preferences > User Preferences - Log

Once a user ID has been set up, this screen is used to define the preferences which will distinguish that user.

If you have the security privilege to create/modify users or you have entered this screen as “DA”, a list of users will be displayed, as shown in the log above. Otherwise, if this screen is being used by any other user, the system will limit access to only the current User record.

NOTE: The user "DA" applies to Enterprise environments only and does not apply to Cloud customers. The preferences set on user “DA” for date formats and colors will automatically default to all users. Therefore, before setting up any users other than “DA”, it is best to ensure that “DA” has these corporate defaults set.

User Preferences

Pgm: SDUPREF – User Preferences; standard Treeview path: System > Preferences > User Preferences

The screenshot above shows an example of a selected user's preferences. Lite Editor can be used to add additional available fields, as required (e.g., Preferred Report Engine).


The user ID for which preferences are being defined.

Date Input Format

The format specified in the Date Input Format field defines the way in which this user can enter dates in the screens.

Date Display Format

The format specified in the Date Display Format field defines the way in which this user will see the dates displayed in screens.

Date Report Format

The format specified in the Date Report Format field defines the way in which reports printed by this user will display dates.


The Theme field defines the console theme for this user.  A default theme may have already been set at the system level on the System Options screen (standard Treeview path: System > Setup > System Options – Global tab), but it can be changed here at the user level. A theme selected here also defaults into the Theme field in the Defaults tab of the User Settings pop-up window launched from the username link on the UI Console.

Default Locale

User Preferences - Default Locale Pop-Up Window

Pop-up window launched from Default Local field

This field is used to define the display language for ADF software screens (i.e. UIRuntime, UIConsole, etc.). This field defaults from the Default Locale field on the Global tab of the System Options screen. For more information, please refer to Global – Tab Clicking on this field opens the Locale Code Lists pop-up window, which lists base languages and their associated country-specfic variants. Other base default display languages currently available include Spanish and French, so local codes which start with the prefix "es_" (e.g. es_US, es_Spain, etc.) will display in Spanish and local codes which start with the prefix "fr_" (e.g. fr_Canada, fr_France, etc.) will display in French.

User Settings Pop-Up Window

User Settings pop-up window launched from console

The default display language can also be set in the User Settings pop-up window launched from the user’s console.

User Preferences - French Canada Default Locale

Example of Default Locale Set to French - Canada

When a new default language is applied, the screen will need to be refreshed to see the updated default language displayed. The screenshot above shows an example of the Default Locale field set to "fr_CA" which switches the display language to "French - Canada" (i.e. the base language is French and the locale is Canada). The text in the Treeview menu and the screen is displayed in French.

NOTE: Currently, not all screens support French and Spanish as display languages (e.g. JSP).

In addition to determining the display language, the Default Locale field is also used in conjunction with the Default Timezone field to define how Jasper Reports display local date and time for the currently selected user.

Default Timezone

The Default Locale and Default Timezone fields define the way in which Jasper Reports printed by this user will display the local date and time. This field defaults from the Default Timezone field on the Global tab of the System Options screen. For more information, please refer to Global – Tab