Qualifying Event Setup

Qualify Events; standard Treeview path: Employee Self-Service > Manager Self Service > Qualify Events Setup

This screen allows the definition of different types of qualifying events. A qualifying event is a change in the personal circumstances of an employee such as marriage or the birth of a child that requires changes to be made to their benefit or deduction elections. The period range for the qualifying event is determined by the number of days specified in the Qualified Event Days field in the Open Enrollment Control Setup screen (standard Treeview path: Employee Self-Service > Manager Self Service > Open Enrollment Control Setup).

Qualifying events can be approved by the appropriate managers in the Qualifying Event Approval screen, and the status of submitted events can be viewed in the Qualifying Event Status screen.

To add a new event type, press the [Add] button.

Code, Name, Description

Enter the code, name, and full description for the qualifying event.

Require Confirmation of Profile Change – Checkbox

Check this box if confirmation is required whenever a profile change is requested for the selected type of qualifying event.

Require Confirmation of Dependent Change – Checkbox

Check this box if confirmation is required whenever a dependent change is requested for the selected type of qualifying event.

Auto Approve – Checkbox

Check this box to automatically approve the submission of any qualifying event of this type.

Different plans can also be made eligible for the qualifying event in this screen.