Qualifying Event Approval
Qualifying Event Approval Log; standard Treeview path: Employee Self-Service > Manager Self Service > Qualifying Event Approval
This screen can be used to approve any qualifying events submitted by employees. Press the [Approve] or the [Reject] buttons to approve or reject the request. When the request is approved, the qualifying event will appear in the Welcome to CMiC Open Enrollment screen if the period range is current. When the request is rejected, the record is removed from the Approval screen and the employee should make the necessary changes and resubmit. An email notification is sent to the email address specified in the Employee Profile when the request is approved or rejected.
The Updated By column allows administrators to identify the user who initiated, edited, submitted, rejected, or approved the request. All actions are stored in an audit table for each request, including the action, date, time, and user, if the record was impersonated.
The [Review Profile Change] button displays the Employee Profile record associated with the qualifying event that was assigned when the event was submitted.
The [Review Dependent Change] button displays the dependent record associated with the qualifying event that was assigned when the event was submitted.