Catalog of Reference Guides in PDF
This is our catalog of the latest CMiC reference guides which are available for download. Entries have been sorted alphabetically.
Click the name of the reference guide to download a PDF copy of the guide.
NOTE: Our catalog is updated to Patch V12-020.
Reference Guide | Overview | Last Updated |
1099 Reporting - R12 | A 1099 form is a type of information return form used for income not covered by the W-2. There are many different types of these forms, all of which are supported by the 1099 module in Enterprise. This module also supports the printing and media creation for Miscellaneous and Interest Income 1099 forms. This module is fully integrated with the Accounts Payable system and accumulates data each time a payment from a vendor is received. The system allows for manual adjustment of amounts and the addition of records if required. | October 24, 2024 |
2020 Federal W4 Changes User Doc (V12) |
In 2020, Form W-4 eliminates some withholding allowances and adds other items to determine appropriate federal withholding for employees. Use one of the new filing statuses when the employee uses the new 2020 W-4. |
December 23, 2019 |
Accounts Payable - R12 | CMiC Enterprise’s Accounts Payable (AP) module is one of the key financial modules within the system. The AP module not only tracks vendor balances and produces checks, it is also fully integrated with the US Payroll, Job Costing, Subcontract Management, Equipment Costing, Material Sales, Preventive Maintenance, Imaging, and Work Flow modules to ensure timely and accurate reporting in all modules, and to consolidate vouchers into one place. | October 24, 2024 |
Accounts Receivable - R12 | The CMiC Accounts Receivable (AR) module is fully integrated, not only with the General Ledger module, but also with the Job Costing, Job Billing, Equipment Costing, Preventive Maintenance, and Work Order Billing modules. | October 24, 2024 |
BI Analytics - R12 | CMiC’s BI Analytics is a tool used for organizing and launching dashboards, queries, and card views. Users can create customized canvases to fan out their data analyses by dragging and dropping object cards (dashboards, queries, and card views) into specific user-defined groups called buckets to display and launch their analytics in a convenient, logical manner. BI Analytics is used in conjunction with CMiC’s other Business Intelligence (BI) tools, which include BI Dashboard Builder, BI Catalog Builder, and BI Query Builder. | October 24, 2024 |
BI Catalog Builder - R12 | The BI Catalog Builder tool works in conjunction with the BI Dashboard Builder tool to create custom, dynamic dashboards. The BI Catalog Builder tool is used to create a catalog of data sources, and the BI Dashboard Builder tool uses these data sources to create custom dashboards that provide high-level overviews, operational metrics and KPIs. | October 24, 2024 |
BI Dashboard Builder - R12 |
BI Dashboard Builder is a powerful business intelligence tool for building custom dashboards with interactive charts, gauges, and tables that use real-time data directly from a user’s CMiC system to:
October 24, 2024 |
Bluebeam Integration - R12 |
Bluebeam and CMiC have collaborated to allow the integration of their software with CMiC Field to perform basic and advanced operations on PDFs, such as adding markups, creating revisions alone, or creating revisions collaboratively with invited associates via Bluebeam Studio sessions. Bluebeam offers a free PDF viewer (Bluebeam Vu) that can be used to view PDFs, and licenses are only required for users that would use Bluebeam to create markups, revisions, and to collaborate (Bluebeam Revu). |
May 26, 2021 |
Change Management - R12 |
CMiC’s Change Management (CM) system is the single place of entry for changes to the Job Costing (JC), Job Billing (JB), and Subcontract Management (SM) systems, and consequently, the Contract Forecasting systems. External, Internal, Original Budget and Transfer Change Orders (COs) are entered via one screen that allows the user to link Job Costing, Job Billing and Subcontract information all in one transaction. |
October 24, 2024 |
CM PCI Basics Quick Guide - R12 |
This quick guide provides an overview of the different types of PCIs:
January 6, 2021 |
CMiC Cloud Scanning - Quick Guide | This quick guide provides the basic procedures for using CMiC’s Cloud Scanning software application, a unique browser-based capture solution. This scanning application is used to scan documents to Cloud. | May 23, 2019 |
CMiC Collaboration |
Project Gateway Reference Guide – R12: Project Gateway enables CMiC Field clients to easily invite their project team to collaborate on any project to which they have been invited, using their Single Sign-On credentials. |
November 13, 2024 |
PM Exchange Reference Guide - R12: PM Exchange enables project data to be mapped and translated so it can be shared between companies, where one or both companies are using a CMiC system. Integration options include: • CMiC to CMiC • CMiC to Third-Party • CMiC to Third-Party (CMiC Packaged) Refer to our CMiC PM Exchange brochure to get an overall sense of how this tool works. |
May 11, 2024 | |
Pay Request Reference Guide - R12: Pay Request allows collaborators who have been invited to join a project using Pay Request, to submit their Request for Payments (RFP) for this project directly in CMiC Collaborate. | October 24, 2024 | |
CMiC Field - R12 | The CMiC Field module is a web-based collaborative application that enables all parties to participate in management activities online, ensuring that a quality product is delivered on time and on budget. Employees, vendors, contacts, and others can use CMiC Field to upload documents, enter meeting minutes, log issues, and a host of other tasks crucial to the life cycle of a project. The system is designed to manage project from initial bid to close while keeping all project team members informed at all times. | November 4, 2024 |
CMiC I/O - R12 | CMiC I/O is an application that complements the CMiC Collaboration suite. CMiC I/O allows both internal and external collaborators to use email to do selective data entry into the CMiC Field module. This allows users to create or add notes and attachments to issues, RFIs, and communication records without having to log into the Collaboration suite from the internet or local/wide area network. | May 11, 2024 |
Comdata Integration - R12 | This quick guide provides procedures for using the Comdata check processing functionality integrated in CMiC’s Accounts Payable module. | June 14, 2023 |
Construct CT App |
This guide is designed to help users get started using the Construct CT app. This app helps users gain insight into their crew's productivity with accurate time tracking. Features like crew management, and a scheduling and approval process allows users to record full cost-coded time accurately, anywhere, and anytime for job site crews. |
November 4, 2024 |
Construct ESS App | This guide is designed to help users get started using the Construct ESS app. This app allows employees to gain real-time access to their personal data from the HR and the Payroll system, making it easy to efficiently and independently handle many HR and Payroll tasks on their own. This includes updating personal information and profiles, logging vacation and personal days, modifying and updating timesheets, and viewing benefits plans. | November 4, 2024 |
Construct PM App |
This guide is designed to help users get started using the Construct PM app. This app is an all-purpose application giving field personnel access to essential information and allowing them to update the centralized database with their findings in real-time, rather than at the end of the shift, for maximum accuracy and timeliness. This app supports the recording of jobsite conditions, daily activities, and employee productivity, as well as giving construction workers access to the modules used by office staff. The project directory is accessible from the app, and workers can use it to respond to RFIs, manage drawings, upload multimedia content such as photos and update punch lists, along with many more helpful functions. |
November 4, 2024 |
Contract Forecast with PCI Projections - R12 |
This guide focuses on Contract Forecast with PCI Projections in CMiC Field. It includes details regarding recommended best practices and describes the fields and features used in contract forecasting. NOTE: This guide is still currently under development and contains some screenshots that need to be updated to R12. |
November 3, 2024 |
COVID-19 Payroll Processing Guide | The FFCRA’s paid leave provisions are effective on April 1, 2020, and apply to leave taken between April 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020. This guide provides procedures for the COVID 19 US legislative leave setup. | April 16, 2020 |
Corpay Integration - R12 | Corpay cloud payment software enables AP teams to make check, ACH, credit card, and international payments in a single payment process. Integrated with CMiC, pay 100% of invoices electronically and remove payment risks through Corpay’s managed payment services. | December 13, 2023 |
DBA Quick Guides - R12 |
December 28, 2020 |
December 28, 2020 | ||
December 28, 2020 | ||
January 20, 2023 | ||
April 8, 2021 | ||
DocuSign Integration - R12 | The CMiC DocuSign integration provides the easiest and most robust Enterprise electronic signing solution. Layered on top of CMiC ECM (Enterprise Content Management), the solution allows users to quickly prepare documents for signing by selecting project documents and specifying recipients. Then with the click of a button, the documents are locked and transmitted to DocuSign’s eSignature transaction management platform. Recipients are notified to complete the signing process in DocuSign. After completing the signing process, the signed document, with signatures, is made available in CMiC as a new revision. | October 24, 2024 |
Employee Console - R12 | The Employee Console module consolidates various applications related to the display and entry of employee information. It allows the user to view, enter, or change information related to an employee, such as an employee’s assigned assets. | January 20, 2020 |
Enterprise Content Management - R12 |
Enterprise Content Management is a CMiC document management and tracking system that integrates Image Manager and Project Management with MS Outlook and MS Word via plug-ins. Within Outlook, emails and email attachments can be dragged from Outlook and dropped onto an Image Manager folder (including CMiC Field Attachments) or file, thereby creating a new document or document revision in CMiC. Word documents can also be modified in the Image Manager interface. Once the documents are loaded into CMiC via ECM, other CMiC modules can use them (e.g. Workflow, PCIs, Subcontracts, Daily Reports, etc.). |
October 24, 2024 |
Equipment Costing - R12 | The Equipment Costing module is an effective multi-tasking system. It can track different types of costs for each piece of equipment. Types of costs are user defined and unlimited. The user can track repair, maintenance, insurance, licensing… the list is endless. At the same time, the system also tracks revenues against each piece of equipment. This revenue can be automatically calculated by the system according to equipment location and duration or can be manually entered from timesheets. | October 24, 2024 |
ESS Administrators - R12 | The CMiC Employee Self Service (ESS) module is a web-based application used by employees, applicants, and administrators to edit personal information and a variety of other data relating to the Payroll and Human Resources modules. The guide documents the ESS module for administrator use. | November 4, 2024 |
ESS Employees and Applicants - R12 | The CMiC Employee Self Service (ESS) module is a web-based application used by employees, applicants, and administrators to edit personal information and a variety of other data relating to the Payroll and Human Resources modules. This guide documents the ESS module for use by applicants and current employees. | November 7, 2024 |
E-Time - R12 | The E-Time system allows employees and payroll administrators to maintain timesheet and expense data via a web-based, secure-entry system. Depending on the settings, E-Time data may require an administrator to approve entered timesheets. Conversely, employees may be able to enter their own timesheet records without requiring access to the Enterprise application. | November 7, 2024 |
Financial Document Formatter 2.0 - Quick Guide | The Financial Document Formatter 2.0 screen allows the user to design various custom financial document types about account balances beyond the balance sheet or income statement types. This screen is also used to print these documents either individually or as a group. | July 13, 2022 |
Fixed Assets - R12 | The CMiC Fixed Assets (FA) module is used to keep track of regular expenses attributable to major assets. Strictly speaking, the assets tracked need not be fixed because they may be movable equipment such as cars and trucks. However, they must be tangible and must not be consumable. | May 14, 2024 |
General Conditions Monitor - R12 | General Conditions Monitor (GC Monitor) is used to project a Job’s cost, as a stand-alone application, by using Bill Codes contained in the Job’s JB Contract to create Forecast Lines. Additionally, it can be used with the CMiC Field (PMJSP) Contract Forecasting with PCI Projections application to help forecast labor Forecast Lines more accurately. GC Monitor is also integrated with the Resource Planning module to allow the importing of Need Lines from Resource Planning into GC Monitor as Forecast Lines, and to allow the exporting of Forecast Lines from GC Monitor in Resource Planning as Need Lines. | October 27, 2024 |
General Ledger - R12 | The CMiC Enterprise General Ledger (GL) is one of the key financial modules within the system. The General Ledger module not only maintains companies, departments, and accounts, it is fully integrated with the Job Costing, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and System Data modules to improve efficiency, and to ensure timely and accurate reporting in all modules. | October 24, 2024 |
Getting Started - R12 | This Getting Started guide provides a general overview of CMiC Enterprise. It provides an overview of CMiC Enterprise’s environment, navigation, and the functionality that is common to its screens. | October 24, 2024 |
Global Tables - R12 | There are a handful of screens that are shared among all the applications and are grouped into a menu called Global Tables. These screens contain information that is common to many applications such as tax information, currency information and units of measure. Global Tables can be accessed from a sub-menu of the Setup menu in each application. This allows users easy access to these standard screens. The screens that make up the Global Tables are described in this guide. | May 11, 2024 |
Greenshades - R12 | The Greenshades Tax Filing Center is a third-party software package that can be integrated with CMiC’s Payroll system to provide e-filing solutions. Currently, CMiC can be integrated with Greenshades for filing SUTA/SUI, W-2, 401K, New Hire, 941, 1099, and 1095-C forms. | November 3, 2024 |
Human Capital Management - R12 |
The Human Capital Management module (also sometimes referred to as HR Self-Service) provides several tools, including the ability to process applications, make hiring requisitions, and organize company structure. Many of the screens in this module share codes or definitions with the Human Resources module in Enterprise. These modules are designed to be used together. |
October 24, 2024 |
Human Resources - R12 | The Human Resources module in Enterprise is designed to track the information of both employees and applicants. This includes maintaining benefits and deductions to which they may be entitled, as well as tracking safety records and relevant medical history. | November 3, 2024 |
Imaging - R12 | The CMiC Imaging module is a combination module that allows the user to link an image directly to one or more CMiC objects such as vouchers, jobs, and indirectly to Job Billing invoices. All images that are registered can be viewed from any related CMiC Enterprise screen just by using a search utility. | October 24, 2024 |
International Payroll - R12 | Enterprise provides the ability to process and post payrolls from both American and international companies. As such, the US Payroll and International Payroll modules are similar and share many screens in common. However, there are some key differences between the two. The International Payroll guide is not exhaustive and only documents these differences. Therefore, this guide should be regarded as supplemental to the main US Payroll guide. | November 3, 2024 |
Inventory - R12 | The Inventory module is a strong component in the operation modules of Enterprise modules, integrating with financial, project, equipment, maintenance, material sales, and purchasing. It offers support of small equipment and tools tracking by employee, special pricing for legal entities and jobs, inventory location tracking, tax hierarchy, class and products, inventory receipt and release for cost markups, item issues with or without requisition control, and more. | October 24, 2024 |
Jasper Report Parameters Customization - Quick Guide - R12 | This guide provides details about editing the report parameters on Enter Parameters screens. | August 2, 2023 |
Job Billing - R12 | The Job Billing module is a fully integrated billing application that automatically produces time and material invoices as well as AIA style invoices. | November 3, 2024 |
Job Costing - R12 |
The Job Costing module is a powerful toolset, but its ultimate usefulness depends on the setup. Before beginning the setup procedures for the Job Costing module, it is a good idea to assess the requirements and go through many of the different setup options with a consultant. |
November 3, 2024 |
Kofax Integration - R12 | CMiC created an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) integration with Kofax to facilitate the extraction and exchange of digital documents and information to generate Imaging objects like AP Registered Invoices and Subcontract Request for Payments. Kofax provides the scanning, OCR and data release infrastructure. Operators scan invoices into an OCR workflow where invoice attributes such as invoice number, job number, and invoice date are extracted and validated using CMiC’s Kofax schema to enforce accuracy and data integrity. | May 11, 2024 |
Lite Editor - R12 | CMiC’s Lite Editor is used to create customized versions of screens for particular users and UIC groups. Via the editor, various properties of a screen’s fields and tabs can be modified, new tabs and fields can be added to the screen, and the screen’s startup mode (table mode or form mode) can be altered. | October 24, 2024 |
Log Builder - R12 | Log Builder is an Enterprise business intelligence tool that enables users to filter, organize, and present a complex table’s data in a manner that helps them make informed business decisions. In this way, customized logs are similar to reports, and if required, their data can be exported to a spreadsheet. | April 16, 2020 |
Material Sales - R12 | Material Sales is a complete module that will process high volume data related to the sale of internal production for internal and external customers, tracking of material quantities and projected material requirements, and use of equipment to produce and deliver materials. Tracking and charging of delivery by internal truckers, sub-haulers, and third-party brokers, as well as the entry and posting of back charges are introduced in this module. | October 24, 2024 |
Microsoft Integration Package - R12 | CMiC Microsoft Integration Package (MIP) is a component that allows the use of Microsoft Word® documents to easily create templates for MIP based form letters (MIP Word documents), and provides Word documents as output from MIP documents in order to touch-up or edit their output more easily. MIP also allows Microsoft Excel® worksheets, with or without macros, to be used as standard templates for the printing of specified data through CMiC’s Send-to-Spreadsheet feature. Lastly, MIP provides integration between the Microsoft Outlook® calendar and CMiC contacts. | October 24, 2024 |
Mobile Workspace - v10x | CMiC offers a range of mobile products for smartphones, tablets and desktops that allow tasks in CMiC Enterprise to be performed remotely. These mobile products are designed to improve productivity and convenience by enabling personnel to perform Enterprise-based tasks anywhere and anytime, and by allowing secured access to current documents and data remotely. This facilitates smarter, informed decisions so that high-quality projects are completed on time and within budget. | September 3, 2021 |
New Functionality - R12 | This DRAFT documentation is provided as an overview for new or enhanced functionality provided in the R12 Open Enterprise system. This document currently covers most new features provided up to the patch V12-015-2HF level. | August 11, 2023 |
Opportunity Management - R12 | Opportunity Management has been designed to assist with the coordination, management, and decision making required during the sales process. In particular, it has been developed to support the complex sale, which involves the participation of multiple persons on both the buying and selling sides. | October 24, 2024 |
Patch Highlights | Patch 20 Highlights | January 21, 2025 |
Patch 19 Highlights | January 21, 2025 | |
Patch 17 Highlights | January 21, 2025 | |
Power BI Connector | This guide provides instructions for installing the CMiC Power BI Connector. | December 18, 2024 |
Preventive Maintenance - R12 | The Preventive Maintenance module is used primarily to allow scheduled maintenance on all equipment being managed within CMiC. | October 24, 2024 |
Process Builder - R12 | CMiC’s Process Builder is used to create a process, which is comprised of a series of links to screens used to complete a particular process, such as the one required to enter, review, and post invoices. | May 11, 2024 |
Prompt Maintenance in CMiC Field - Quick Guide - R12 | This quick guide provides an overview of how users can globally customize prompts/messages in CMiC Field. It explains how to use the Prompt Maintenance screen as a global entry place for making updates, which will be reflected throughout the screens in CMiC Field. | March 2, 2021 |
Purchase Order - R12 | The CMiC Purchase Order (PO) module is fully integrated with financials and projects, as well as the following modules: Requisitions, Material Sales, Inventory, Preventative Maintenance, CMiC Field, and Equipment Costing. By delivering financial control and project support, the Purchase Order module reduces errors and double entries. | October 24, 2024 |
Real-Time Integration - R12 | CMiC RTI is a tool that allows for the bi-directional updating of databases via XML standards. Called CMiC Real Time Integration (RTI), the tool flows data entered into the general contractor’s system to the owner’s system by internet and XML protocols, allowing for different systems to seamlessly communicate. | January 11, 2023 |
Requisitions - R12 | The Requisitions module is used to create and process requests for inventory or purchase orders. | October 24, 2024 |
Resource Planning - R12 | CMiC Resource Planning is a visual resource management tool, thoughtfully designed with input from our customers, to help schedulers and project managers more efficiently and optimally review and manage the resource needs of projects. It can also be used to identify overutilization and underutilization of resources, in order to manage their availability. This is achieved by providing visual overviews of project needs and of resource usage; and by providing tools to search for and display relevantly skilled personnel or suitable equipment, in order to drag-and-drop them to needy projects. | May 12, 2024 |
Scheduling 2.0 - R12 | Scheduling 2.0 is designed to assist project managers in developing schedules, assigning resources to activities, and tracking progress. | October 24, 2024 |
Subcontract Management - R12 | The Subcontract Management module is used to track all activity related to subcontracts that may be involved in a project. This includes entry of contract details including billing and taxes, as well as tracking of change orders when used with CMiC Field or Change Management module(s). | November 3, 2024 |
Subcontractor Prequalification - R12 | CMiC Subcontractor Prequalification Management helps your organization manage subcontractors from start to finish, by integrating all subcontracting activity into your organization. | October 24, 2024 |
System Administration - R12 | This is CMiC's System Administrator's guide. It contains a variety of procedures for technical DBA functions. | October 27, 2024 |
System Data - R12 | The System Data module is automatically shipped with every install. This module includes many different functions that affect how the system operates. This System Data module is generally restricted to superusers. Many of the screens in this module require in-depth knowledge of both the Enterprise application and the network setup. These programs are not for general users. This module covers such items as user security, user-defined options, system setup preferences, and user preferences. | November 7, 2024 |
Translation Manager - R12 | The Translation Manager tool gives users the ability to use the CMiC Enterprise System in different languages. The Translation Manager tool is used to create translations for languages not provided by CMiC, or copy CMiC-provided translations, such as French or Spanish, to use them as a base for the user's own translations. | May 12, 2024 |
Treeview Builder - R12 | Treeview Builder allows an administrator to customize the Treeview menu used to list and launch the modules of Enterprise, external URLs, and created UI logs and dashboards. Also, it allows Treeviews to be saved at either the user, group, or site level, so that Treeviews can be customized for just one user, a group of users, or for all Enterprise users. | May 12, 2024 |
US Payroll - R12 | The Payroll module in Enterprise is designed to record time spent by employees, calculate labor costs, as well as transfer and calculate billable labor and equipment costs to projects or the company General Ledger. The tracking and calculation of vacation time, benefits, deductions, union dues, and taxes are all components of the Payroll module. The Employee Profile screen, which tracks employee information, drives key functions in the Payroll module. After employees have been set up, their time spent can be entered, processed, and viewed through the various reports and utilities available. | November 3, 2024 |
US Payroll Quick Guides - R12 | March 9, 2021 | |
March 9, 2021 | ||
March 9, 2021 | ||
March 9, 2021 | ||
March 24, 2021 | ||
March 19, 2021 | ||
UI Console - R12 | A User Interface (UI) Console is a customizable, named object that functions like a window into the CMiC Enterprise system, or into any other system that may be reached via an internet or intranet address. Customized consoles are designed to facilitate a user’s tasks in Enterprise by providing menus and modules relevant to them, and to facilitate the making of informed business decisions by providing information relevant to their particular needs. | October 27, 2024 |
Vertex® Payroll Tax |
This is the Calculation Guide for Vertex® Payroll Tax for the United States. For more information, refer to Vertex. |
This file is updated on a monthly basis. |
Vertex® GeoCoder Master List |
The Vertex GeoCoder Master List contains over 60,000 line items covering every state, county, incorporated city, and/or districts that create unique taxing scenarios. For more information, refer to Vertex. |
August 2024 |
Workflow - R12 | CMiC Workflow is designed to enhance an organization’s effectiveness by improving operational efficiencies and providing greater control of business processes. Workflow enables more precise management of people, resources, activities, and systems without being invasive or time-consuming. | October 27, 2024 |
Work Order Billing - R12 | This module has been designed for specialty contractors. The concept is that in many cases there are standing contracts with their clients to do work on a purchase order basis. Each purchase order from the client will become a work order. The billing of these work orders can be one of three ways, time and materials, fixed price, or not billed. All work orders have three types of data associated, the budgeted billing amounts, the actual cost amounts, and the actual billing amounts. All types of work orders have costs entered via transactions entered in other CMiC modules, such as Accounts Payable, Purchase Order, and Payroll using "W" lines. | October 27, 2024 |