Location Code Maintenance

Inspection Locations Maintenance; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > File Maintenance > Local Tables > Inspection Locations Maintenance

Location codes are used across Field to organize records like Punch Lists and Issues by location on the jobsite. In the Locations Maintenance screen, Location codes can be added, deleted, edited, or imported from a CSV/TXT file.

Location codes can have up to 15 levels of detail. For example, "Building A>Floor 1>Room 110" is a location code with three lines of detail representing building>floor>room.

Other examples include:

  • Tower A

  • Tower A > Floor 26

  • Tower A > Floor 10 > Room 1008

  • Tower A > Floor 20 > Room 2020 > Area 1

[Import] - Button

Location codes can be entered manually or imported via Excel. Press this button to upload an import template, a sample of which can be found here.

Check the 'Delete existing imported records' box to overwrite any previously imported Location codes. Once a file has been selected, press the [Upload] button to complete the process.

[Add] - Button

Press this button to enter Location codes manually. Enter each level of detail in the Location fields and press the Plus icon to add more levels. Enter a description for the code in the Description field, if needed. When all details have been entered, press the [Save] button to commit the record.

[Map Location] - Button

With this button, Location codes can be linked to specific regions of a drawing sheet. This is a new feature that was added to improve user experience when creating Punch List Items or Issues from the CMiC Mobile Field app. This feature is currently in beta and will be improved over time.

NOTE: If the Locations Maintenance screen does not appear in the Treeview, this may be because the menu item has not been assigned to the user PM security role. Users with custom menus might need to add the Locations Maintenance menu item by dragging it from the standard Treeview maintenance program.

[Generate QR] - Button

QR codes can be generated for desired locations to allow for easier filtering of Punch Lists by location. Once target locations are selected using the checkboxes in the left-most column, pressing the [Generate QR] button will have the following pop-up appear. The pop-up allows the user to select the number of QR codes to be printed per page.

Screenshot of pop-up window launched from the [Generate QR] button.

Pop-up launched from [Generate QR] button

Toggles at the top of the pop-up window are used to customize how the QR codes are generated and displayed in the PDF. Each of the toggle settings is described in more detail below:

  • Duplicates: Selected location codes will be duplicated by the number of QR codes per page selected below.

  • Unique: Selected location codes will generate unique QR codes based on the number per page selected below.

  • Location: The location code will be printed below each QR code.

  • Description: The location code's description will be printed below each QR code.

After clicking [Export to PDF], a PDF with the QR codes will be downloaded to the user’s computer. The QR codes can be printed and displayed at their associated job site locations to allow the workers to efficiently access the location’s punch lists. See Using QR Codes to Filter Punch List by Location for more information on using QR codes in the Construct PM app.