Using QR Codes to Filter Punch List by Location


In addition to the current sorting options available for filtering the Punch Lists log in Construct PM, QR codes can now be used to filter the log by location. The QR codes are created in the Locations Maintenance screen, associated to different location codes, and then scanned through the Punch Lists log. After scanning, the Punch Lists log will filter by the location code associated to the QR code.

Locations Maintenance

Screenshot of Locations Maintenance screen with records selected.

Inspection Locations Maintenance; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > File Maintenance > Local Tables > Locations Maintenance

In the Locations Maintenance screen in CMiC Field, select the locations for which to generate QR codes by checking the box on the location record’s row, as shown in the screenshot above. Once all target locations have been selected, click on the [Generate QR] button. The following pop-up window will appear, allowing the user to select the number of QR codes to be printed per page.

Screenshot of pop-up window launched from the [Generate QR] button.

Pop-up launched from [Generate QR] button

Toggles at the top of the pop-up window are used to customize how the QR codes are generated and displayed in the PDF. Each of the toggle settings is described in more detail below:

  • Duplicates: Selected location codes will be duplicated by the number of QR codes per page selected below.

  • Unique: Selected location codes will generate unique QR codes based on the number per page selected below.

  • Location: The location code will be printed below each QR code.

  • Description: The location code's description will be printed below each QR code.

After clicking [Export to PDF], a PDF with the QR codes will be downloaded to the user’s computer. The QR codes can be printed and displayed at their associated job site locations to allow the workers to efficiently access the location’s punch lists.

Screenshot of PDF generated containing QR codes.

Punch Lists

After navigating to the Punch List screen in the Construct PM app, click on the Search icon (Image of search icon, magnifying glass). Select the Location Code filter and press the [Scan] button to use this feature.

Screenshot of Select Location Code pop-up

The following pop-up will appear requesting permission to use your device's camera.

Screenshot of permission pop-up

After clicking [OK], place the QR code at the location site in view of your camera and allow the app to scan the code. Punch lists will then be filtered by the location encoded in the QR code.

Screenshot of Punch Lists filtered by location code

Setting a Default Location

Screenshot of Home screen

The [Set Default Location Code] button available on the Construct PM app can be used for QR code scanning.

It allows users to set the default location code. This can be done by either selecting a location code from a List of Values (LOV) or scanning a QR code.