Checklist Maintenance (Classic)

Additional Checklist Types can be defined in CMiC (the Weekly Checklist was already a part of the product offering). These types can be defined under the menu item File Maintenance> Local Tables > Checklist Maintenance. For example, checklists can be defined for Cleanup, Safety, Site Preparation, etc.

An outline of how to set up the Checklist Maintenance for use is provided in the following sequence of steps:

1. Assign security access to the Checklist Maintenance program via the ‘Assign Menu Items’ option.

2. The program is now available on the standard CMiC Field Treeview for launching. Any custom Treeview will require changing to include this program.


3. Launch the Checklist Maintenance program to allow setting up of various checklist Types. TYPE1 is a standard checklist representing the ‘Weekly Check List’ program located under Site Management node.

4. Click the [Add Type] button to add more checklist types.

Example of pop-up window launched from [Add Type] button on Checklist Maintenance screen

5. Once Checklist Types are created, a number of related records are created in the system:

a)     Company Control – Code Masks

Standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > File Maintenance > Company Control

b)    Project Maintenance – Masks

Example of pop-up window launched from [Masks] button on Project Maintenance screen

c)    Security: Assign Programs, Assign Menu Items, Add/Remove Privileges (Add, Edit, Delete):

Example of Assigning Programs

Example of Assigning Menu Items

Example of Adding and Removing Privileges

6. After assigning security access to these programs, menu items and privileges, the user can now start using the checklists. They are located under the Site Management > Checklists node of the standard Treeview but may need to be added to custom Treeviews.

Example of Checklists in Treeview Menu

7. When the user clicks on the [Add] button after selecting a checklist program, the screen display will be based on the setup definition in step 4, for example, for ‘Miscellaneous’ the following screenshot would be shown.

Field security can also be applied to the [Add Type] button and Delete icon on the Checklist Maintenance screen (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Security > Role Maintenance – Programs/Checklist Maintenance).

Example showing [Add Type] button and Delete icon on the Checklist Maintenance screen



8. Set up the user-defined fields using the Free Form Fields screen (program: PMFFSET), which can be found in the System module (standard path: System > User Extensions > Free Form Fields):