Construct CHK - Getting Started
NOTE: The Construct CHK app is only available on iOS and Android tablets.
Before your employees can start using the Construct CHK app to clock in and out of a job site, you will need to provide them with a pin code. The format of the pin code is set in the E-Timsheet tab of the System Options screen in the System Data module. There are two options available in the Labour Clock-In/Out Pin Validation field: "EmployeeNo" and "Last Six Digits of SSN/SIN". The option selected here will apply at the company level and will determine whether the pin code your employees use will be their employee ID number or the last six digits of their social security number.
Pgm: SYSOPT – System Options; standard Treeview path: System > Setup > System Options – E-TimeSheet tab
Additionally, users must be granted access to the Construct Check In app by assigning them the 'HCMCIOACS' privilege, which is located on the System Privileges tab of the User Maintenance - System Data screen.
Pgm: SDUSRMNT – User Maintenance; standard Treeview path: System > Security > Users > User Maintenance - General tab
Construct Check In
Construct CHK login screen
At the beginning of a shift, an employee will enter their pin code in the Construct Check In screen of the Construct CHK app. The format of the pin code will depend on the option pre-determined by the company in the System Options screen.
Available options in green when employee is punched out
Once the pin code is entered successfully, the employee's name and any available timesheet tracking options will be displayed. This screen is used to punch in, track breaks, and punch out. The [Start Shift] and [End Shift] buttons are used for punching in and out at the start and end of a shift. The [Start Break] and [End Break] buttons are used for taking breaks over the course of a shift.
Available options in green and red when employee is punched in