
BI Queries

Business Intelligence (BI) queries are custom dashboards with interactive charts, gauges, and tables that are built using real-time data directly from the CMiC system. In addition to providing the same or similar functionality provided in the standard logs and queries, they also provide features such as subtotals, groupings, pivots and drill-downs.

The AP module contains the following BI queries:

  • AP Invoices

  • AP Checks

  • Aged Payables Drill-Down

  • Aged Payables Detail

The following sections describe each of these queries and how they are used. Queries will be modifiable or display-only, depending on the user’s security privileges.

NOTE: Administrators must assign BI queries to the appropriate security roles. Only users who have been assigned these security roles will be able to view/edit the BI query. Security can be assigned using the Assign Roles to BI Dashboard screen or using the BI Analytics tool where mass security updates can be carried out.

For more information on working with BI queries, please refer to the BI Query Builder – Quick Guide, located in the BI Dashboard Builder guide.

AP Invoices

AP Invoices; standard Treeview path: standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Query > AP Invoices

The AP Invoices query provides an invoice listing with payment details for each invoice and associated invoice image via drill-down. This query screen is updated as soon as an invoice is entered and saved, and posting is not required for the invoice to appear in the query.

AP Checks

AP Checks; standard Treeview path: standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Query > AP Checks

The AP Checks query provides processed check information by company and vendor. This query screen is updated as soon as a check is entered and saved, and posting is not required for the check to appear in the query.

Aged Payables Drill-Down

Aged Payables Drill-Down; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Query > Aged Payables Drill-Down

The Aged Payables Drill-Down query provides a summarized view of the aging report for outstanding payables (aged 31 to 120+ days) by vendor. Outstanding payments are displayed according to the time frame in days in which the payments are outstanding.

Aged Payables Detail

Aged Payables Detail; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Query > Aged Payables Details

The Aged Payables Detail query provides detailed information of invoices (aged 31 to 120+ days) by vendor. Outstanding payments are displayed according to the time frame in days in which the payments are outstanding.