Adjust Voucher Status – Screen

Pgm: VOUSTAT – Adjust Voucher Status; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Payment > Adjust Voucher Status – Normal Vouchers tab

The Adjust Voucher Status screen is used to update the details of posted vouchers that are relevant to the processing of vouchers for payment.

The Normal Vouchers tab lists non‑deferred vouchers, while the Deferred Vouchers tab lists vouchers that have been deferred. If a voucher is set to be non-deferred on the Deferred Vouchers tab, upon saving, it will then appear on the Normal Vouchers tab.

The following Voucher details are editable via this screen:

  • PWP Hold (Pay-When-Paid Hold Payment checkbox)

  • Status (Payment Status): Express, Normal, Permanently Deferred, Temporarily Deferred

  • Close Status: Open, Partially Paid, Closed (Fully Paid)

NOTE: “Partially Paid” can also mean partial payment was voided, as when a check is voided, the close status of the associated voucher is not switched back to “Open”, because there is still a link between the voided check and the voucher. Details about the close status of a voucher can be viewed in the Payments pop-up, launched via the [Payments] button on the Voucher Query screen.

  • Hold Status

  • Due Date

  • Discount Date

  • Vendor Address

  • Check Handle

  • 1099 Code

  • Discrete Check (checkbox)

  • Pay Manually (checkbox)

  • EFT Flag (checkbox)

  • Third Party Payment Mode

  • CIS/RCT Percent

  • Tax Treatment %

  • Joint Payee Details (button)

  • Compliance Details (button): Compliance Status of Compliance Codes & their details

  • Remittance Description, Draw, Notes

Selection Criteria – Section

These fields are used to filter the vouchers listed on the tabs. Select the relevant company, and if required, select a vendor and a job, then click the [Query Data] button.

[Query Data] – Button

Click this button to filter the vouchers listed on the tabs according to the selected criteria. If changes are made to the selection criteria, this button must be clicked to refresh the display.

Show Closed Invoices – Checkbox

Check to also list vouchers with a close status of “Closed (C)”.

Normal Vouchers – Tab

This tab lists all non-deferred vouchers, which are vouchers with a payment status of either “Normal (N)” or “Express (E)” that do not have any holds.

Table’s Fields

The following are details about the editable fields in this tab’s table.

PWP Hold – Checkbox

If checked, this voucher will have the pay when paid rules applied to it, to determine its Due Date field.

This box is set if the pay when paid feature is being used. This checkbox is unchecked once the associated AR invoice has been paid and the appropriate time lapse has occurred, or it may be manually removed.

Status (Payment Status)

This field is used to mark a voucher for express payment, and it is used to defer a voucher until its compliance requirements are met, or to defer it for any other reason.


Status Name




Indicates that the due date is used to determine when the voucher will be paid.


Temporarily Deferred

Indicates that voucher is deferred until after the next check run; after the next check run, its status will automatically be set to “N”.


Permanently Deferred

Indicates that voucher is deferred until its status is changed via this screen. Deferred vouchers are listed on the Deferred Vouchers tab.



Indicates that voucher is to be paid during the next check run, regardless of its due date.

Close Status


Status Name




Indicates no payment has been made against voucher.


Partially Paid

Indicates a partial payment has been made against voucher.

“Partially Paid” can also mean partial payment was voided, as when a check is voided, the close status of the associated voucher is not switched back to “Open”, because there is still a link between the voided check and the voucher. Details about the close status of a voucher can be viewed in the Payments pop-up, launched via the [Payments] button on the Voucher Query screen.


Closed (Fully Paid)

Indicates the voucher has been fully paid.

X Data Fix Required (Voiding Issue) Indicates an issue occurred at the time of voiding. The system assigns an "X" when trying to void an AP invoice and there is an issue with the logic. To fix the problem, a data fix is required.

Vendor, Vendor Name

Enter the vendor the voucher is for.


If this voucher has a job distribution, this field specifies the job for the distribution.

Invoice Code

This is the voucher’s identifying invoice number, which is not the same as its voucher number. Voucher numbers are automatically generated by the system and they are used in the backend. They are not used to identify vouchers in the various Accounts Payable screens.

Invoice Series Code

Enter/select the invoice series code assigned to the voucher.

Invoice Date

Enter/select the voucher’s invoice date. The system will calculate the Disc Date and the Due Date fields according to the selected value of the Terms field, on the vendor record’s Vendors tab. Once one record has been entered, this field will default to the last date entered on each new record.

Due Date

This date will default from the calculation of the payment terms associated with this vendor.

Discount Date

The voucher’s discount date will default from the calculation of the payment terms associated with the vendor.

Discounts are considered ‘taken’ when the discount date is on or after the payment date, and before the next payment date. If the discount date falls outside of this range, or it has not been taken, the amount of the discount will appear in the Discount Lost column on cash requirement reports. Normally, the system will take any allowable discounts automatically for you. Discounts that have been taken will appear in the Discount Taken column on reports.

Discount Amount

The discount amount will default from the calculation of the discount percentage against the invoice amount. If incorrect, it can be changed by editing the amount on the Discount field of the Defaults tab.

If users have the APVOUDISK security privilege assigned, they can update the discount amount for open, unpaid invoices (i.e., vouchers that are not partially or fully paid). The Discount Amount field will only be enabled for vouchers on the Normal Vouchers tab of the screen, and the Invoice Method must be set to "Gross Method" on the Voucher – Tab of the AP Control File.

Vendor Address

This field is used to select an address record associated with the vendor, which will be the address printed on the payment for the voucher.

Check Handle

Only enter this field if the company address is to be replaced. The address associated with the check handling code will replace the company address when a check is printed for this payable. The LOV shows all available check handling codes.

Outstanding Amt

Voucher’s outstanding amount that still needs to be paid.

1099 Code

This is the 1099 tax code that is most applicable to the vendor.

Discrete Check – Checkbox

During payment processing, all outstanding vouchers for a vendor are processed together and paid via a single check. If the Discrete Check feature is used, each voucher for the vendor is paid via separate checks.

Leave this box blank if this voucher can be combined with other outstanding vouchers to generate a single check for this vendor during payment selection and check printing.

Pay Manually – Checkbox

If checked, the voucher will be paid using a written check; otherwise, payment is made via the Accounts Payable system.

EFT Flag – Checkbox

This box’s default state comes from the ‘EFT Payments’ checkbox on the vendor record’s Account tab. If this box is checked, it indicates that this Voucher is to be paid electronically instead of by check.

To use this payment method, the vendor’s banking and EFT information must have been set up on the Vendor record.

Third Party Payment Mode

If the vendor is set-up to use third party payment mode, and if this invoice needs to be paid by this mode, select a mode from the list.

EFT Payment Type

By default this field is hidden and can be added via the Lite Editor if needed. All active payment types in the Payment Types screen are available in the EFT Payment Type drop-down list. The payment type selected in the Maintain Vendors screen is defaulted to the Image Manager, Registered Invoice, and Enter Voucher screens. Please see AP Payment Types for further details.

CIS/RCT Percent

This field is relevant to UK and Ireland clients using the Self Billing functionality, and it works in conjunction with the Tax Treatment % field.

Enter the percentage of the voucher amount that is to be taxed by the percentage entered in the Tax Treatment % field.

Tax Treatment % (UK & Ireland)

This field is relevant to our UK and Irish clients, and it works in conjunction with the CIS/RCT Percent field.

Enter the percentage to tax the taxable amount of the voucher.

Fields Under Table

The following are details about the editable fields under this tab’s table, which are for the selected voucher in the above table.

Remittance Description

Enter a remittance description for the selected voucher, if required. If entered, it replaces the description field on checks.


If required, enter a draw number for the selected voucher and click [Save]. This field is used for the pay when paid feature. It is the Job Billing contract draw number entered for the job. This will usually be either the current or next draw number for the contract. This is the draw number on which this voucher will be paid to the vendor.


Use this field to enter notes for the selected voucher.


[Compliance] – Button

If the compliance of a specific voucher needs to be checked or updated, it can be done via the [Compliance] button. This will display the standard Compliance Status pop-up used throughout the Accounts Payable and Subcontract modules.

NOTE: When leaving the Compliance Status pop-up, if the voucher is not compliant based on all of its compliance codes, the system will set its payment status to “Compliance Hold (C)”, and move the voucher to the Deferred Vouchers tab.

[View] – Button

If an image from the Imaging module exists for this invoice, this button can be pressed to display the document.

[Joint Payee] – Button

The [Joint Payee] button displays the standard Joint Payee pop-up, which is also available via the Enter Vouchers screen.

For details about the pop-up, please refer to Joint Payee – Tab.

To update joint payee information from the Adjust Voucher Status screen, the system privilege ‘APJOINTUPD’ is required. Once the joint payee information is updated and saved, the system will remove the voucher from the payment selection to avoid any possible data issues. Users must re-run the payment selection to include the updated vouchers.

NOTE: Once checks have been prepared, the adjust voucher status will not allow update of joint payee information for those vouchers, regardless of the system privilege ‘APJOINTUPD’.

[Save] – Button

Used to save the entered data.

Deferred Vouchers – Tab

Pgm: VOUSTAT – Adjust Voucher Status; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Payment > Adjust Voucher Status – Deferred Vouchers tab

This tab lists all deferred vouchers, which are vouchers with at least one of the following payment statuses or holds:

  1. Payment status of either: “Compliance Hold (C)”, “Temporarily Deferred (T)”, or “Permanently Deferred (P)”.

  2. ‘PWP Hold’ checked

  3. ‘Exceed Hold’ checked

  4. ‘Hold Status’ checked

The following are details relevant to this tab:

PWP Hold – Checkbox

This box is set if the pay when paid feature is being used. This box will be unchecked once the associated AR invoice has been paid and the appropriate time lapse has occurred, or it may be manually removed here.

Exceed Hold – Checkbox

This box is set when a voucher for a request for payment against a subcontract exceeds the subcontract amount and the Auto Hold Pay Requests Over Contract feature is enabled on the RFP Defaults tab of the SC Control File ( standard Treeview path: Subcontract Management > Local Tables > Control).

The voucher’s hold is released here, by unchecking this checkbox.

Status (Payment Status)

Deferred vouchers have a payment status of “Temporarily Deferred (T)” or “Permanently Deferred (P)”, and they are marked for payment processing when the status is set to “Normal (N)” or “Express (E)” via this tab.

Close Status


Status Name




Indicates no payment has been made against voucher.


Partially Paid

Indicates a partial payment has been made against Voucher.

“Partially Paid” can also mean partial payment was voided, as when a check is voided, the close status of the associated voucher is not switched back to “Open”, because there is still a link between the voided check and the voucher. Details about the close status of a voucher can be viewed in the Payments pop-up, launched via the [Payments] button on the Voucher Query screen.


Closed (Fully Paid)

Indicates voucher has been fully paid.

Hold Status

A voucher’s hold status could have been set to true by either of the following means:

  1. ‘Hold All New AP Vouchers’ box is checked on the Voucher tab of the AP Control File, which causes the ‘Hold Voucher' box to be checked by default on the Defaults tab of the Enter Voucher screen.

  2. During Voucher Entry, the ‘Hold Voucher’ checkbox on the Defaults tab of the Enter Voucher screen was manually checked for the voucher.

  3. RFP corresponding to the voucher had their ‘On Hold’ checkbox checked manually, or automatically due to the ‘Hold All New SC Pay Requests’ checkbox being checked on the RFP Defaults tab of the SC Control File.