Access Codes Administration

This screen is used to define the members of an access code, assign member job security, declare who can approve employee timesheets, and decide what General Ledger accounts are available for use if timesheets are entered as G lines.

In the Selection Criteria section, the Administrative Access Code and Password fields default with the login information from the access code login. This can be changed if the 'Timesheet Switch Approver' box is checked, in which case the name of the access code being modified or updated should be entered.

There are two ways to assign employees to an access code. First, the whole payroll pay run can be assigned to the access code on the Payruns tab, making all employees on that pay run available for that code. The second way is to list employees individually on the Employees tab. It is also possible to set up a pay run on the Payruns tab and then add additional employees belonging to a different payroll pay run on the Employees tab.

NOTE: Payroll system security is not applicable in E-Time, so users will only have access to employees assigned under their access code, either through a pay run or individually.

Employees – Tab

PYACSGRP – Assign Access Code; standard Treeview path: E-Time > E-Timesheet > Access Code Administration – Employees tab

Owner – Checkbox

This checkbox is checked if the employee is owner of the specified Access Code. This checkbox is display-only and cannot be edited.

Employee#, Employee Name

Enter/select an employee number that belongs to the entered access code. The name of this employee appears in the Employee Name field.


If an employee has a different maximum number of normal working hours than the number given by the access code, enter that number here.

Allow Expenses – Checkbox

Check this box to allow this employee to use the [Quick Expense] button on the Timesheet Entry screen.

Default – Checkbox

Check this box if the code on this line should be the default employee code in timesheet entry. If applying one employee per access code, this box should be checked.

The default employee code also stipulates the company code in timesheet entry.

Filter For Approver – Checkbox

If this box is checked, submitted timesheets for the employee appear on the Timesheet Approval screen for all approvers listed on the Approver tab of the Assign Access Code screen for this employee, regardless of the priority level assigned.

If unchecked, submitted timesheets for the employee will only appear on the Timesheet Approval screen for priority 1 approvers.

NOTE: If the 'Filter for Approver' box is checked, all access codes must only have one employee under the Employee tab checked with this option. There should also be no 'Default' box checked for any pay run defined under the Pay Run tab for access codes. If any access code is set up incorrectly, users will see employees they should not be seeing.

Payruns – Tab

PYACSGRP – Assign Access Code; standard Treeview path: E-Time > E-Timesheet > Access Code Administration – Payruns tab

This tab remains blank if the user is only responsible for their timesheets. However, if the employee is required to enter time for others, then this tab may be edited.

Company, PayRun, Pay Group

Enter/select the company, pay run, and pay group to assign to the access code. A user with that access code will have access to all employees belonging to that pay run, so there is no need to list them individually on the Employees tab.

Allows Expenses - Checkbox

Check this box if this employee can use the [Quick Expense] button on the Timesheet Entry screen.

[Default] - Button

Check this box if the employee code from the selected pay run should be the default employee in the E-Timesheet entry.

Jobs – Tab

PYACSGRP – Assign Access Code; standard Treeview path: E-Time > E-Timesheet > Access Code Administration – Jobs tab

In this tab, users are granted access to all company jobs, cost codes, and categories. These can be edited depending on the employee's responsibilities.

Company Code

Enter/select the companies for which users in this access group may enter time.


Enter/select a specific job for the access code. If users in this access code can enter time against any job in the company, then enter “*”.

Cost Code

Enter/select a specific cost code for the access code. If users in this access code can enter time to any cost code on the job then enter “*”.


Enter/select the category for the access code. In most cases this field is limited to labor categories, but open access may be allowed by entering “*”.

The LOV for this field shows a “Y” or “N” for all categories. “Y” is displayed if the category has its 'E Time' box checked in the E-Time Categories screen (standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Company > E-Time Categories). If “*” is displayed here, then only the categories with the 'E Time' box will be allowed in E-Time entry. If a specific category is defaulted to the Access Code Administration screen, then that category will be allowed in the E-Time Entry screen regardless of the status of its 'E Time' box. If no entry is defined on the Access Code Administration screen, and the 'Allow All Allocations When Access Code Allows None' box is checked in the Company Control screen, then all categories will be allowed.

Default - Checkbox

If the entered job, cost code, and category are to default into the Timesheet Entry screen for all employees within this access code, check this box.

NOTE: If the Job tab is left empty and the employee has job information entered on their Employee Profile, the Employee Profile information will default at the time of timesheet entry.

Approver – Tab

Screenshot of Assign Access Code screen with Approver tab enabled.

PYACSGRP – Assign Access Code; standard Treeview path: E-Time > E-Timesheet > Access Code Administration – Approver tab

The approver is determined based on the HCM position. If the 'HCM Position Synchronize From Payroll' box is checked under System Options, the user entered in the Reports To field will be the approver. If the box is not checked, then the direct manager as entered on the Employee Profile is the approver.

Approver, Approver Name

Enter/select the access groups that have the right to approve timesheets and expenses entered by employees of this access code.

Priority Level

Enter the priority level of the approver. If the 'Mandatory Approver Priority' box is checked in System Options (standard Treeview path: System > Setup > System Options – E-Timesheet tab), then at least one priority level must be assigned to an approver.

For E-Timesheet approval emails, the system first looks at the approver with the highest priority level, then proceeds to that approver's access code setup and sends a notification to the timesheet approval email tied to the access code.

NOTE: If timesheet approval is not required, the system can be set to automatically approve timesheets when they are submitted. Check the 'Auto. Timesheet Approval' box in the Company Control screen to automatically approve timesheets (standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Company > Control – E-Timesheet tab).

Accounts – Tab

PYACSGRP – Assign Access Code; standard Treeview path: E-Time > E-Timesheet > Access Code Administration – Accounts tab

This tab can be edited based on the user's access to company departments.


Enter/select the company code to which users of this access group have the rights to post G-type (overhead) timesheets.


Enter/select the departments to which members of this access group can post time. Enter “*” to allow posting to all departments.


Enter/select the account to which members of this access group can post time. Enter “*” to allow posting to all accounts.

Default - Checkbox

When entering a G-type (overhead) distribution, the checked department and account default into the current entry line. If no entries are checked, then the first listed department account is entered by default.