Purchase Order Roles

Screenshot of Purchase Order Roles

Pgm: POROLFM – Purchase Order Roles; standard Treeview path: Purchase Order > Setup > Local Tables > Purchase Order Roles

The Purchase Order Roles screen is the first step in assigning authorization to individuals who will be performing the purchasing and materials management function.  PO roles are classified to accommodate organizations comprised of two or more individuals within the Purchasing/Materials Management department.  The objective is to provide a structure that facilitates coordination and channels the efforts of all the individuals toward the common goals of the organization. Users can import PO roles using the standard import functionality with validation.

NOTE: The User ID must already exist in order to import the data. User IDs are maintained in the User ID Cross-Reference screen.

The User ID field’s LOV is populated via the User ID Cross-Reference screen (refer to User ID Cross-Reference for details).

User ID, Name

Enter/select a valid User ID to define the roles of the individuals authorized to perform the requisition, purchasing and/or approval functions within the Purchase Order module.

The User ID was set up and explained in User ID Cross-Reference.

Beside each user ID are three checkboxes which default as checked and may be left as is or unchecked as required.  The checkboxes set the authorization for the user function, requestor, buyer, and receiver.

Requestor – Checkbox

Check this box if the user has the rights to requisition a purchase.  The system may be running with undefined requestors allowed, and if so, this field is ignored by the system.

Buyer – Checkbox

Check this box if the user is a buyer for requisitions or purchase orders directly entered.

Receiver – Checkbox

If the user does not have the authority to enter receiving information, then this field should be unchecked.


This editable field is used to provide a brief description for the PO role, such as a description for this role’s responsibilities.