Construct PM 1.0.44 Release Notes
Enterprise Customers: To run build 1.0.44, it’s critical that your installed web services/APIs are on version 1.0.123369 or later. These APIs are included in patch 16 HF 04 or later, however some clients may have received the required files via HFs on patch 15-2. If you are running an older version of the web services, new features may be inaccessible or malfunction. We will provide "best effort" support to customers running older web services versions - but cannot guarantee resolution/delivery timelines outside currently supported system-patch levels.
Cloud Customers: No action is required on your part.
New Features and Enhancements
Feature | Summary | Description |
Attachments | Ensure Copy from Object feature works with PCIs. | Changes to allow copying attachments to a PCI record from another PM Object (i.e., RFI, Issues and Punch List Items). |
Checklists | Display Classic tab, conditional on existing Classic Checklist records. |
Provides a transitional access method for Classic Checklists via a Classic tab in Project Checklists where needed. The tab is conditional and will only be displayed when:
Documents | Document module enhancements. | Enhanced documents module, where a split view has been introduced to show the contents of each folder on the right side. A folder for “All Folders” was also created where all records can be in one place. |
Drawings | Web - Drawings - Use existing arrow to open other tool options. | Added a new way to open additional tools within the Annotation toolbar. Instead of only long-holding the tool on the web deployment, users can now click on the arrow that is next to the icon. |
Drawings | Web - Drawings - Re-position navigation arrows to avoid Annotation toolbar interference. | Due to different screen sizes and additional tools, we will be adding to the Annotation toolbar. We have re-positioned the navigation arrows to the bottom of the screen. Before this change, smaller screens would have the Annotation toolbar covering the right-arrow. |
Drawings | Search bar in Compare Sheets after Sheet Comparison is Selected | Added a search bar within Compare Sheets when performing an overlay between two different sheets. |
Drawings | Web - Set default zoom and pan tool. | Implemented default behaviors for zooming into a sheet with the mouse scroll wheel and panning around once zoomed in. |
Infrastructure |
Add Flutter Localizations in Notes Package. | Updates to support Localization in Construct PM. |
Infrastructure | Add Flutter Localizations in Attachments Package. | Updates to support Localization in Construct PM. |
Infrastructure | Add Flutter Localizations in Error Banner Package. | Updates to support Localization in Construct PM. |
Infrastructure | Add Flutter Localizations in Related Objects Package. | Updates to support Localization in Construct PM. |
Infrastructure | Add Flutter Localizations in Repository Package. | Updates to support Localization in Construct PM. |
Infrastructure | Add Flutter Localizations in Analytics Reports Package. | Updates to support Localization in Construct PM. |
Infrastructure | Add support for hyphen-separated and underscore-separated module links. | Updated direct navigation routes to accommodate different styles of link structure. |
Infrastructure | Bar Chart icon in Flutter Analytics Package. | Updated Analytics menu item to use bar chart. |
Infrastructure | Add hidden feature flag for Cloud Login page - "Login with CMiC" option. | Provided basic authentication option when choosing "Login with CMiC". |
Infrastructure | Navigation Route PM - Add option to open Create page. | Changes to support direct links to create a new record on a specific project. |
Infrastructure | Add Sign-In with Microsoft button to Cloud Login page. | Added sign in option for CMiC SSO to Cloud Login page. |
Infrastructure | Check user security privileges when following deep links. | Updates to ensure security is properly applied when checking whether users can access the target of a direct link. |
Infrastructure | Support switching default project with /projects/<uuid> path. | Provides a direct link format which specifies the target project. |
Infrastructure | Support new URL with path parameters for records, like /rfis/:id. | Provides new navigation routes to specific records. |
Infrastructure | Add Pull to Refresh option in logs. | Provides a manual method of refreshing the data in the log view screens. |
Punch Lists | Modify UI for color-coded due dates and add colored indicators. | Added colored indicators next to due dates to accommodate viewers who are colorblind. This replaces the colored text that was used for due dates. |
Punch Lists | Punch List Log - Scanned QR code location must appear as a selected filter chip. | Added a filter chip for the location code that is scanned using a QR code. |
Feature | Summary | Description |
Attachments | Attachment link breaks after new revision created via other objects. | Addressed a problem that could prevent users from creating new document revisions in some cases. |
Checklists | Text disappears in checklists on the app. | Addressed a bug affecting short answer text fields in Project Checklists. |
Checklists | Camera and Notes icon disappears on checklist. | Addressed an issue with Classic Checklists that prevented the Notes and Attachment buttons from displaying in the General tab. |
Documents | Fillable PDFs - Fields not storing values. | Resolved a problem with storing the values for some types of fields (e.g., checkboxes) while working with fillable PDF documents. |
Drawings | Web - Drawing log displays extra Search button in app bar. | Fixed a bug where the Drawing log had two search bars. This was because the search bar from the mobile app was included with the search bar for the web deployment. |
Drawings | Web - Textbox re-sizing and disappearing from drawing sheet. | Fixed a bug where the bounding area around a textbox was re-sizing automatically after a page was refreshed and disappearing from the sheet. |
Drawings | Web - Drawings - Error when hyperlink's linked drawing is changed. | Fixed a bug where a hyperlink that is linked to a drawing would result in an error when that link is changed to another drawing. |
Drawings | Punch list stamp annotations are not synching across different devices. | Fixed a bug where punch list item stamp annotations were not synching across different devices. |
Drawings | Web - Drawing log results in grey screen when browser re-sized and sorted. | Fixed a bug where sorting the Drawing log after re-sizing the browser resulted in a grey screen. |
Drawings | Web - Annotation menu issue when shrinking and expanding browser. | Fixed a bug within the blue Annotation menu when re-sizing the browser. |
Drawings | CC'd contacts via distribution lists not saving. | Fixed a bug where adding CC contacts via distribution lists on new RFIs were not saving. |
Infrastructure | Direct Links - Context lost after logging in. | Corrected a minor bug where the target destination was lost when following direct links, after a user was redirected to a Login screen. |
Infrastructure | Menu items display issue on Construct PM app. | Addressed an intermittent display issue with the Navigation menu. |
Infrastructure | Logout error on Construct PM app. | Corrected intermittent issue with logout after switching projects multiple times. |
Infrastructure | Mobile - Menu navigation issues when logging in and out or switching projects. | Addressed some problem edge cases when switching projects and logging in/out. |
Infrastructure | CC UI - RFI and Issue CC contact pop-up Save button missing text. | Corrected an issue with the Save button when adding CCs on the web deployment. |
Infrastructure | Web - Log view sort and filter results in lines to flash. | Fixed a bug where sorting columns or filtering drawings within the log were causing the thumbnails to flash and change rapidly between different drawings. |
Infrastructure | Request header exceeds limit. | Resolved error caused by duplicated cookies related to authentication method. |
Infrastructure | Distribution Lists | Resolved an issue that was affecting outbound emails addressed to many users via a distribution list. |
Punch Lists | Phones - Second punch list stamp annotation created fails to save when first one created is still selected. | Fixed a bug where the second punch list stamp annotation that is created while the first one created is still selected failed to save. |
Punch Lists | Create privilege for punch list items not working with related objects. | Fixed a bug where users with no create privilege for punch list items were still able to create them via another object's related objects. |
View the list of Known Issues or return to Release Notes for Construct PM.