Bubble Map Visualization

Why is it Useful?

CMiC has added a Bubble Map visualization to the BI Dashboard Builder tool. The Bubble Map visualization enables users to create a map to display location data.

NOTE: This feature was released in Patch 15-2 under Issue 21.42008.

How Does it Work?

Example of Bubble Map Visualization in BI Dashboard Builder

In the BI Dashboard Builder tool, any BI folder with latitude and longitude fields can be plotted on a map.

Plotting Fields Tab in BI Dashboard Builder Tool

The map can be used to display more information in the tooltip by dragging fields into the Tooltip properties box in the Plotting Fields tab. Also, the size of the circles can be scaled by a certain quantity by dragging a numeric field into the Size properties box.

To learn more about how a Bubble Map visualization works, refer to Bubble Map.