Construct PMContacts


The Contacts screen contains the contact information for all project-assigned users. User contact records should be created for all individuals involved in the project in order to take full advantage of Construct PM's functionality.

Contacts Log

Screenshot of Construct PM Contacts

The Contact Log screen

The Contacts log is what appears after selecting Contacts from the main menu. To view user's contact information, select it from the menu on the left hand side. Users can get in touch with the project contact by phone or email by pressing the icons next to that contact's phone number and email address.

The user can edit contact records by pressing the Edit icon (Image of edit icon, pencil) at the top of the screen, assuming they have the relevant security roles assigned (please see Construct PM – Security for more details). When in the Edit Contact screen, press the Tick icon (Image of Tick icon, checkmark) to save the record or press the Trash Can icon (Image of trash can icon, trash can) to permanently delete the record.

Creating a Contact

Assign Contacts

To assign contacts, press the Plus icon (Image of plus icon, plus sign) in the bottom of the screen and press [Assign Contacts].

New Contact

Screenshot of Contacts

The Create Contact screen

To create a new contact, press the Plus icon (Image of plus icon, plus sign) in the bottom right of the screen and press New Contact.


A picture can be added to the contact by pressing the Photo Upload icon (Screenshot of Photo Upload icon.). Pictures can either be added from the device library or taken with the device's camera.

First Name, Last Name

Enter the first and last names of the contact.


Select the project partner for the contact record.

Work Number, Mobile Number, Email

Enter the contact information for the contact.


Enter the address for the contact in the various address fields.