Payroll – Tab

Pgm: JCJOBFM – Job Setup; standard Treeview path: Job Costing > Job > Enter Job – Payroll tab

Work Location

The work location is utilized by Payroll to determine the appropriate taxes, workers compensation and/or public liability calculations for timesheet entered against this job. This information can be entered via this screen or it can be entered via the Payroll module. It can also be derived from the project manager entered if on the Job Cost Control file the ‘Job Work Location Defaults From Employee Work Location’ checkbox is checked.

Union Location

Specify a union location for the job. This effects the union code that will display on the Timesheet Entry screen. Instead of using the default union code listed on the Employee Profile screen for a specified employee, the union code specified on the job will be used for the timesheet.

Union locations can be defined under US Payroll > Setup > Local Tables > Unions. Under each union location, different trade classes can be specified. Each trade class can be associated with only one union. Multiple, unique trade classes can be defined under the union location.

Note One union can be in multiple work locations. Multiple trades can work in one work location. A trade class cannot be duplicated in one union location.

For more information, please see Payroll Unions and Timesheets in US Payroll.

Prevailing Job Sector Code

Enter a valid value or select an existing prevailing job sector code from the LOV. This maintained in Payroll > Setup> Jobs > Job Sector Codes.

[Generate Rates] – Button

This button is used to allow updating of the prevailing wage rate without having to go into the Payroll module.

Prevailing Job Payrate Schedule Code

Enter a valid value or select an existing prevailing job payrate schedule code from the LOV. This is maintained in Payroll > Setup> Jobs > Job Rate Schedule Codes.

Prevailing Wage Rate Code

The prevailing wage rate code is used to link a prevailing wage rate code in Payroll to the job for the calculation of prevailing wage benefits. When rates are applied to payroll in the PW Rate Setup screen in Payroll, they will be copied to the trades’ setup on the job.

Prevailing Wage Override Rate

This rate can be used to override the rates on the job in the Benefit By Trade Maintenance screen in Payroll. All the rates for the trades will be overridden with this rate when the [Apply To Payroll] button is pressed for the prevailing wage rate code above.

Default Payroll Overhead Group

This field becomes enabled when the JC Control File checkbox 'Default Payroll Overhead Rates Group Required' is checked.  The user then has to assign one of payroll overhead group codes to the job. This is a one-time assignment which cannot be changed in the Job Setup screen once the record is committed. Any further re-assignment will have to be done in the Payroll module. Please refer to the Payroll guide for further details on payroll overhead rates group codes.

If there are no underlying rates defined for a given group code, then that group code will not be shown in the LOV for the Default Payroll Overhead Group field.

Worker’s Compensation Policy

Enter a valid value or select an existing workers compensation code from the LOV. This is maintained in Payroll > Setup>Administration > Workers Compensation.

Timesheet Import Template

Once a template has been selected from the LOV, the Edit button can be clicked on to open a pop-up window with the associated template details. Users can only modify the template details that is defined on the job.

Users cannot insert, update, or delete the timesheet import code in the block toolbar. However, the user can modify the description for the template and the detail records of the queried record.

Customer Mapping Code

Once a mapping code has been selected from the LOV, the Edit button can be clicked on to open a pop-up window with the associated mapping details. Users can only modify the details for the selected mapping code within the pop-up window.

Users cannot insert, update, or delete the customer mapping code in the block toolbar. However, the user can modify the description of the mapping code and the detail records of the queried record.

Public Liability Policy

Enter a valid value or select an existing public liability code from the LOV. This is maintained in Payroll > Setup>Administration > Public Liability.

Process Separate Checks For

Select a valid value for separating payroll checks. The values are:

  • Do not separate

  • OT & DOT

  • Combined OT & DOT

Payroll Rate Policy

After a policy is created in the Job Premium Rate Setup screen of the Payroll module, it can be assigned to a job by entering its code in the Payroll Rate Policy field. For more information, please see Job Premium Rate Setup.

Use Payroll Bill Rates – Checkbox

Billing rates for employee time can be determined by using the Payroll billing rates or by using the Job Billing rate table. The default value for this field is set by the Job Cost Control File.

Use Calculated Salary Charge Rates – Checkbox

This flag is not accessible if the Payroll control file does not indicate that this function is available in Payroll. This feature calculates each employee’s variable hourly rate, based on salary divided by the total number of hours worked in the period.  All jobs with the 'Use Calculate Salary Charge Rates' checkbox set will have the charge rates overridden with the calculated charge rate. Please refer to the Payroll guide for more information on this feature.

Use Job Company To Pay Employee In Payroll – Checkbox

This checkbox is used in Crew and Mechanic Timesheet programs to signify that employees who have been copied to multiple companies will be paid from the company that this job belongs to rather than the primary employee payroll company.  No inter-company transaction will be created.

Use Job For Prevailing Wage – Checkbox

This checkbox, when checked, indicates that the job is subject to prevailing wage rules.

Use Default Davis Bacon Rule – Checkbox

If checked this job is subject to Davis-Bacon Rules. The effect of this option can only be seen in Payroll, where during timesheet entry, the program selects a higher rate under specific rate preference.

Allow E-Timesheet Entries – Checkbox

If checked, the job will allow transactions in E-Time entry, Crew Time entry and Mechanic Time entry.

Certified Job – Checkbox

If checked, this checkbox indicates that this is a certified job.