Understanding the 3-Way Match Process in Image Manager

The 3-way match process ensures accuracy and consistency in Purchase Order invoice transactions by matching three key documents: the Purchase Order (PO) invoice, Purchase Order details, and receipt documents. This article details how this process is implemented in Image Manager.

Components of the 3-Way Match

PO Invoice

The invoice image to be paid is stored in Image Manager in the PO Invoice document type.

PO Details

The details of the Purchase Order are displayed in the PO Details flysheet. Each line item in the PO invoice is matched with the corresponding receipt line in the Allocation to PO flysheet.

Receipt Documents

Receipt documents are linked to each line item of the Purchase Order allocation and stored in the CMiC PO Job Shipment document type.

Accessing Receipt Documents

Once the invoice information has been entered, the Shiplist Number field (PODA_SHIPLIST_NUM) in Image Manager version 2.0 indicates if there is a receipt document for each receipt line. Users can open the stored receipt document directly from this field in the Allocation flysheet.

Accessing receipt documents in Image Manager

Storage and Retrieval of Receipt Documents

Storing Receipt Documents

When a receipt is entered in Construct PM, the attached document is automatically stored in the CMiC PO Job Shipment document type and recorded in the CMiC PO Job Shipment Receiving flysheet.

For receipts entered via the Warehouse or Job Receipt screens on the desktop application, users can upload documents using the ECM Documents button (see ECM Documents for further details). These documents are stored in the same Image Manager document type.

Retrieving Receipt Documents

Viewing a receipt document in Image Manager

Clicking the Document () icon in the Shiplist Number field opens the receipt document. This provides users with quick access to review the receipt without leaving Image Manager.