ECM Documents
Overview – ECM Documents
Example of [ECM Documents] button in Block Toolbar of AR Invoice Entry screen (Pgm: ARINVFM – AR Invoice Entry; standard Treeview path: AR > Invoice > Enter Invoices)
The ECM Documents button is located on the Block Toolbar of most CMiC Enterprise screens, as shown in the screenshot above. The “Search ECM Documents” option is the default functionality when the ECM Documents button is clicked and will open a new window displaying the results of an image search in CMiC’s ECM repository. Clicking on the icon on this button displays up to four menu options in a drop-down menu, depending on the screen. Since any screen within CMiC Enterprise can be given the ability to query and display images according to the current data record, the options “Define ECM Searches” and “Search ECM Documents” always appear in the drop-down menu. Each screen can have multiple searches defined using the “Define ECM Searches” option. Searches are user-defined, allowing for maximum flexibility and customization. When the user is in a screen, for example the AR Invoice Entry screen, they can, if at least one image search has been defined, view the images with a relationship to the current record using the “Search ECM Documents” option.
The “Show ECM Documents” and “Upload ECM Documents” menu options are connected to a document type in Imaging and associated to a flysheet. To allow an upload via ECM documents, information must be entered on the screen and saved. Once a document is uploaded, the information on the screen is then entered into the associated flysheet and the image status is set to submitted. The “Show ECM Documents” and “Upload ECM Documents” menu options are only available in the following screens:
AP Voucher/Registry List (APVOUINQ)
AR Invoice Entry (ARINVFM)
AR Receipt Entry (ARCHQFM)
GL Transaction Entry (TRANENT)
JB Prepare Billing (JBBILL/JBBILL2)
JC Transaction Entry (JCTRNENT/JCTRNCOM)
PO Job Shipment Receiving (POJOBREC/POSHPREC)
Vendor Compliance Detail (INSFM)
The following subsections contain more detailed information on each of the menu options in the ECM Documents button.
Note For further details on the storage and retrieval of PO receipt documents, see Understanding the 3-Way Match Process in Image Manager.