Report of Incident - Incident - Tab

Pgm: HRINCDNT – Report Of Incident; standard Treeview path: Human Resources > Safety > Enter Incidents – Incident Tab

Incident Number

This display-only field populates with an automatically generated sequence number for every new incident. This may also be referred to as the “case number”. This field only populates after the incident has been successfully saved. This number will then become the phase for the master job.

Employee No

Enter/select the number of the employee involved in the incident. If multiple employees are involved in one incident, then file separate reports for each employee.

Closed – Checkbox

Check this box when the incident is closed and uncheck it if the incident has been reopened. Each time this box changes an audit record is saved.

Claim Type

Select the type of the claim.  This code is linked to either the Liability or Workers' Compensation tab on this screen. Based on the selection, the relevant tab will appear.

Claim #

Enter the claim number.

Policy #

Enter the number of the policy for which the claim is made.

Incident Type

Enter/select the type of incident that occurred. These codes can be set in the Incident Types screen in the Safety codes sub-menu.


Enter a brief description of the incident.

Report Date, Date of Occurrence

Enter/select the date the incident was reported and the date the incident took place.

Incident Time, Time Employee Began Work

Optional. The time of day that the incident occurred.

Crew Type, Crew Code

If the employee was working as part of a crew, enter/select the generic crew type and the specific crew with which the employee was working.

Comp Site Address, Site Address

Enter/select the address of the employee’s company and the address where the incident took place.


Enter/select the code for the job on which the employee was working.

Witness Name, Witness Contact Info, Witness Description of Incident

If there was a witness to the incident, then enter their name, contact information, and full description of the incident.

[Audit] – Button

Click this button to review the audit records resulting from closing and reopening the incident.