Classify - Tab

Pgm: HRINCDNT – Report Of Incident; standard Treeview path: Human Resources > Safety > Enter Incidents – Classify tab

Contributing Factor

Enter/select any factor that contributed to the incident. These codes can be set in the Contributing Factors screen in the Safety Codes sub-menu.

OSHA Recordable – Checkbox

Check this box if this incident is to be included in the total recordable column of the Injury Analysis (545) report.


This field can only be entered if the ‘OSHA Recordable’ box is checked. These code can be set in the Text Codes screen (standard Treeview path: System > Global Tables > Text Code). Only codes having the text type specified on the Safety tab of the HR control file are valid here.

Work Related – Checkbox

Check this box if the incident occurred while the employee was working.

Safety Appliance

Select whether, at the time of the incident, a safety device was not available, available and not used, or available and used.

On Site

Check this box if the incident occurred on a work site.

OCIP/CCIP – Checkbox

Check this box if the incident is covered by either an Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) or a Contractor Controlled Insurance Program (CCIP).

Affect Safety Hours – Checkbox

Check this box if the employee and/or the job are to lose accumulated safety hours as a result of the incident.

Effective Date

If the ‘Affect Safety Hours’ box is checked, all hours accumulated by the employee and this job before this date are deducted from the accumulated safe hours.

May do Regular Duty – Checkbox

Check this box if the employee can return to regular working conditions.

Workers’ Compensation will pay lost time – Checkbox

Check this box if the employee lost time that was compensated for by workers’ compensation.

OSHA – Checkbox

Check this box if the employee lost time that had to be reported to OSHA. Incidents for which this box is checked are counted as Lost Time incidents on the EEO 545 and EEO 510 reports.