
Pgm: HREMPREL – Relatives; standard Treeview path: Human Resources > Personnel > Employee Relatives

This screen is used to enter information about a selected employee’s relatives. This can be used for emergency contact information as well as for assigning eligible benefits and deductions.

Selection Criteria

This section of the screen is used to select the employee who is having information about relatives added.

Emp #, Last Name, First Name, SSN, Status, Date of Birth

In the Emp # field, enter/select the employee number from the list of employees. The Last Name, First Name, SSN, Status, and Date of Birth fields will default from the selected employee.

Relative Details – Tab

Use the [Insert] button on the Block Toolbar to add any additional relatives. The [Table Mode] button can be used to switch the screen between record mode and table mode. Having the screen in table mode makes it easier to review the list of records that have been created for a selected employee.

First Name, Middle Name, Last Name

Enter the first, middle, and last name of the relative. This information will be required for the company benefit provider.


Select whether the relative is active or inactive.

Status Effective Date

Select the date the relative will be eligible for benefit enrollment. Leave this field blank if the company has non-standard benefits with effective values defined in a table base (e.g., a benefit calculated based on the relative's age). For more information, please refer to Benefit and Deduction Table Bases.

Personal Info. – Tab

Date of Birth

Enter/select the relative’s date of birth. This may be required by the company benefit provider for eligibility determination.

Place of Birth

Enter where the relative was born.

Gender - Radio Buttons

Use the radio buttons to indicate whether the sex of the relative is male, female, or not known.


Enter/select the nature of the relationship between the employee and the relative. These codes can be set in the Relative Relationship Codes screen.


If entering multiple relatives, then this field can be used to determine their relative priority. Options available are Highest, High, Normal, Low, and Lowest.


Enter the SSN of the relative.

Working As

If the relative is also an employee of the company, then enter/select their employee code here.

Emergency Contact – Checkbox

Check this box if this relative should be contacted in case of an emergency.

Address – Tab

Street No. and Name, Suite/Apt., Country, State, County, City, Zip Code

Enter/select the components of the relative’s address. All of these codes can be set in the Geographies screen in the US Payroll module (standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Local Tables > Geographies).

Contact Info. – Tab

Phone Number, Cell Phone Number, Alternative Phone Number, Fax Number, Pager Number, E-mail Address

Enter the contact information for the relative.

Benefits – Tab

The fields contained on this tab determine the eligibility of the employee’s relative for certain benefits and deductions. The provisions of a company’s benefit provider determine who is eligible and hence how benefits and deductions are set up.

Dependent, Live-in, Medical Support, Student – Checkboxes

If the relative is a dependent of the employee, a live-in relative, on medical support, or a student, then check the relevant box.

Beneficiary – Checkbox, Beneficiary Type

If the relative is a beneficiary of the employee, check the 'Beneficiary' box. If this box is checked, the Beneficiary Type will be enabled to select the type of beneficiary.

Primary Life Insurance Percent, Secondary Life Insurance Percent

Enter the percentage of the primary life insurance payout the relative will receive in case of the death of the employee. Enter the secondary percentage for cases where no primary claim is made for the life insurance.