Profile Information

Profile Information; standard Treeview path: Employee Self Service > Personal Information > Profile Information

Employees can use this screen to view and modify their basic information. This data is originally entered on the Employee Profile screen.

These changes can be made by selecting “Profile (Current)” from the drop-down list highlighted in the screen above and creating a change request. Please note that only one change request can be made at a time. Creating a change request automatically submits it for approval.

The following change request statuses are available in ESS:

  • Pending: When a change is made to the current profile and the [Save] button is clicked.

  • Submitted: When a pending change request is submitted by pressing the [Submit] button.

  • Approved: If the employee’s manager approves the change request, its status is changed to “Approved”, the employee gets an email about the approval, and the approved change request is available to the employee in ESS.

  • Rejected: If the employee’s manager rejects the change request, its status is changed to “Rejected”, the employee gets an email about the rejection, and the rejected change request is available to the employee in ESS.

NOTE: Emails regarding ESS matters can be sent to the employee’s personal or work email address. This choice can be made with the Email to Use for ESS Notification field in the Payroll tab of the System Options screen (standard Treeview path: System > Setup > System Options – Payroll tab). Please refer to System Options for ESS for further information.

Effective Date

Enter/select the date on which the requested change takes effect.


Enter any comments regarding the change request.

Personal Information – Section

Verify the name, date of birth, marital status, and Social Security Number for the employee.

Mailing Address – Section

Verify the mailing address for the employee.

Physical Address – Section

Verify the physical address for the employee, if this differs from the information entered in the Mailing Address section.

Contact – Section

Verify the contact details for the employee.

Attachment – Section

Use this section to upload any attachments that pertain to the employee’s information. This can be done by either pressing the [Upload] button in this section or the [Upload Attachment] button in the header for this screen.

Change Request Approvals

For details on how to approve change requests, please refer to Request Approval.

NOTE: To customize the instructions that appear at the top of this screen, use the Prompt Maintenance screen (standard Treeview path: Human Capital Management > File Maintenance > Prompt Maintenance).