Construct ESS - Payslips


The Payslips screen provides a detailed overview of wages, bonus/supplemental pay, earnings, deductions, and taxes for the most recent pay period. The information is broken down into different sections for easy navigation and understanding.

For information on enabling this screen in Construct ESS for employees, please refer to Construct ESS - Enabling Paystub in ESS for Employees.

Screenshot of Payslips

Payslips in Construct ESS

Payslip Details

Screenshot of Payslips.

The Payslips screen lists employee payslips and is organized by pay periods. Each record displays the pay date and net pay for the payslip. The calendar icon at the top of the screen can be used to jump to a specific pay period.

Screenshot of Payslips.

Select a record to view the pay date and payment information for the selected payslip. The header displays the date on which payment is made.

Pay Details

These fields display the total amount the employee received for the current period and year to date. Press the Details icon (Image of Details icon, blue greater-than sign as arrow pointing right.)to launch the associated pay details screen.

Net Pay

Screenshot of Payments.

This field displays the total amount the employee will receive after all deductions. Press the Net Pay link to launch the Payments screen displaying how the payment was processed, such as via check or direct deposit, as shown in the screenshot above.

Interactive Features

Clicking on any pay detail link, such as Gross Wages or Deductions and Taxes, opens a detailed breakdown. For example, clicking on Gross Wages shows normal hours, overtime, different types of leave, etc.

Gross Wages

Screenshot of Gross Wages.

This section displays the regular wages for the current pay period, along with the year-to-date (YTD) totals.


This section displays any bonus/commissions/supplemental pay that is processed in a supplemental pay run.

Other Earnings and Reimbursements

Screenshot of Other Earnings and Reimbursements.

This section lists any additional earnings, such as benefits or expenses, for both the current pay period and the YTD totals.

Deductions & Taxes

Screenshot of Deductions and Taxes.

This section displays the total amount deducted for taxes and other purposes for both the pay period and YTD.

Using Pie Charts

When you interact with any of the sections, pie charts are available for a visual summary. There is a pie chart that is shown when you launch the Payslips screen.

The pie chart is a visual representation of total earnings, including wages, bonuses, and other earnings.

Emailing a Pay Slip

Screenshot of Payslip with Email icon highlighted.

Click the Email icon at the top of the screen to email a copy of the payslip to the user's email address, as shown below.

Sample payslip email