Create Subcontract Tied to Pay Request

Once a project is registered in Data Exchange and published in Pay Request, subcontracts can be created that are tied to Pay Request.

Screenshot of creating a new subcontract in the Subcontract Entry screen.

Creating a subcontract and tying it to Pay Request

To tie a subcontract to the Pay Request program, when the subcontract is created, the 'Pay Request' checkbox must be checked.

NOTE: If the Day of Month field and the Days length field are populated on the Pay Request screen prior to creating a new subcontract in Budget & Cost Management, these values will default from the project settings into the same two fields on the newly created contract once the 'Pay Request' checkbox is checked. These two fields are discussed in more detail later in this section.

Once the subcontract is created and saved, it must be posted.

Screenshot of posting a subcontract.

Posting a subcontract

Only posted subcontracts will be tied to Pay Request. Unposted subcontracts will not be tied to Pay Request, even if the 'Pay Request' checkbox is checked. In addition, subcontracts can't be updated after they are posted so if changes need to be made to a subcontract, it will need to be voided and a new one created.

Screenshot of Pay Request tab of Project Maintenance screen with posted subcontract highlighted.

Posted subcontract tied to Pay Request

Once the subcontract is posted, it will be listed in the Subcontracts section of the Pay Request screen, as shown in the screenshot above.

Screenshot of pop-up window launched from Select link.

Adding MIP templates to an individual subcontract

Locate the newly added subcontract and attach the required MIP templates using the Select link on the subcontract's row. Clicking the Select link launches a pop-up window where MIP templates can be added using the checkboxes. When finished, click the Accept button to close the pop-up window and add the templates to the subcontract. CMiC provides three standard templates:

Screenshot of adding MIPs to multiple subcontracts.

Adding MIP templates to multiple subcontracts

MIP templates can be added to an individual subcontract or to multiple subcontracts at once using the Add MIP Template button. Select the subcontracts and click the Add MIP Template button to launch the pop-up where MIP templates can be selected and added to the subcontracts.

Screenshot of MIP templates added to the subcontracts.

MIP templates attached to subcontracts

The screenshot above shows MIP templates attached to the subcontracts. Now, when a subcontractor generates and submits an RFP in Pay Request, the RFP will have these required documents attached. These MIP templates will be available in the Generate Documents panel of the Document & Signatures tab in Pay Request. Refer to Create Pay Request to learn more about how these MIP templates are generated and added to an RFP.

NOTE: Once a subcontract is posted, MIP templates must be added before opening the payment request window. MIP templates are provided as standard templates; however, custom templates can also be used but users must ensure that a Certificate of Payment template is included.

Screenshot of Pay Request tab of Project Maintenance screen with Payment Request Window highlighted.

Opening and closing the payment request window

The top of the Pay Request screen contains two fields: Days of Month and Days Length. These fields are used for opening and closing the payment request window.

Day of Month

This field indicates the day of the month that the general contractor wants subcontractors to begin submitting their RFPs. For example, if a value of "23" was entered in this field, then the window to submit RFPs would open on the 23rd of the month. The number of days the window will be open is controlled by the value entered in the Days Length field.

Days Length

This field indicates the number of days the subcontractor has to submit their RFPs once the window opens, which depends on the starting day entered in the Day of the Month field. If subcontractors miss the deadline for submitting their RFPs and the payment request window is closed, the general contractor has the option of updating the value in the Days Length field to re-open the submission window. Otherwise, if the window has closed, subcontractors will either have to wait to submit their RFPs until the next month, or submit them manually via email, mail, etc., and those RFPs will need to be manually entered in CMiC by the general contractor.

NOTE: This value is the total number of days and is not limited to business days.

Pay Request Window E-mail Notifications

Payment Request Window Notification

Once the payment request window is defined, Pay Request notifications similar to the one shown in the screenshot above will be sent to subcontractors to remind them how long the window will remain open to submit RFPs.

Payment Request Window Change Notification

If any changes are made to the payment request window, another notification similar to the one shown in the screenshot above will be sent to subcontractors notifying them of the update.