Comdata Scheduler Log
Pgm: SYSQRTZHIS – Scheduler Log; standard Treeview path: System Data > Utilities > Scheduler Log
The Scheduler Log screen is located in the System Data module and it is used to review history and job details for selected schedulers. One of the schedulers included in this screen is the Comdata Scheduler. The Comdata Scheduler log gives users the ability to check if processes are running smoothly. If any issues are suspected, the log may help identify the source of a problem. If further assistance is required in solving the problem, users can reach out to CMiC Support.
Scheduler Name, Job Group
To review the Comdata Scheduler log, select "ComDataScheduler" in the Scheduler Name field and "ftp" in the Job Group field. The details will be provided in the History Detail and Job Detail tabs.
[Refresh] - Button
This button is used to refresh the data displayed in the tabs.
History Detail - Tab
The History Detail tab is used to review the history details of each scheduled run with date, status, start/end time stamp, and exceptions if any, as shown in the screenshot above.
Job Detail - Tab
Pgm: SYSQRTZHIS – Scheduler Log; standard Treeview path: System Data > Utilities > Scheduler Log - Job Detail tab
The Job Detail tab is used to review the list of jobs in queue.
NOTE: Refer to Scheduler Log for more information on the fields in this tab.
Comdata Scheduler Maintenance
The sections that follow are provided for system administrators. They contain helpful setup processes and troubleshooting procedures related to the maintenance of the Comdata Scheduler.
CMiC Comdata Scheduler Frequency Setting
The Comdata Scheduler runs as part of the CMiC Quartz process every hour by default. The frequency can be changed from 5 minutes to a maximum of 60 minutes.
The file located at {cm_home}\ias\j2ee\{env}\classes on the server has the following entries:
Use for setting the frequency in minutes for the Comdata FTP download job, the value should be between 5 and 60 (only integer allowed)
If the value is less than five, we set it to 5. If it is greater than 60 we set it to 60. The default is 60.
An integer value set on the line would run the scheduler every hour and setting this to 5 would run the scheduler every five minutes.
NOTE: The process of CMiC Quartz needs to be up and running for the COMDATA Scheduler to function. If this is not running, DBAs can be contacted to enable the service/process. When CMiC patches are applied or there is a general maintenance, then the CMiC Quartz process might go down. After maintenance, the service/process needs to be re-started.
Steps for Setup and Troubleshooting
Enable ComDataScheduler
Add “ComDataScheduler” (case-sensitive) on the property in
the file D:\cm\ias\j2ee\{ENV}\quartz\cmicstandalone_{ENV}
and restart Quartz Scheduler from the Windows Services.
Check out the logs if the Scheduler gets started:
Change file download frequency
Add the property “” in the file D:\cm\ias\j2ee\{ENV}\classes\
By default, the frequency is 60 minutes. We can change this frequency to 5 minutes like below:
This change will be applied when the auto upload file functionality is run from UIConsole. Alternatively, we can update the frequency by running the SQL below:
Copyupdate da.sysqrtz_cron_triggers_tn set cron_expression = '0 0/5 * * * ?' where sched_name = 'ComDataScheduler';
Stop/Resume the Comdata File Download Job
To pause the job, run the SQL below:
Copyupdate da.sysqrtz_triggers_tn set trigger_state = 'PAUSED' where sched_name = 'ComDataScheduler';
To resume the job, run the SQL below:
Copyupdate da.sysqrtz_triggers_tn set trigger_state = 'WAITING' where sched_name = 'ComDataScheduler';
If there is no data found in the Log History program, then run the below SQL and monitor if the last check in time gets updated within 1 or 2 minutes:
Copyselect instance_name,
to_char(to_date('1970-01-01 00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24') +
last_checkin_time/1000/60/60/24 , 'YYYY-MM-DD HH12:MI:SS am') || ' ' || (select
TZ_OFFSET( time_zone_id) from sysqrtz_cron_triggers_tn where sched_name =
'ComDataScheduler' and trigger_name = 'ComdataFileDownloadJob') as
from da.sysqrtz_scheduler_state_tn where sched_name = 'ComDataScheduler';-
If there is no ComDataScheduler found, this means that the auto upload feature was never run. Run the auto upload from UIConsole.
If last_checkin_time doesn’t get updated, then enable the ComDataScheduler (explained in Step 1).
Error: Reference no. not found in the imported file, data can not be processed.
The user and Comdata need to review the file to ensure that the reference number is located in the right place.
Connection time out error (or cannot connect to FTP server error):
The host_name/port for FTP server is wrong or the app server does not have access to the FTP server. Verify host name/port and ask IT to check if all the app servers (running UIConsole and/or Quartz) have access to the host name/port.
Auth Cancel Error:
The username and/or password are not correct. Verify/reset the username and password in the System Options screen.