Comdata Allow Posting of Checks After Card Number Token is Generated

This feature is used if users want to post Comdata checks immediately after importing the response file (when the card number token is generated) and before importing the Comdata reconciliation file (which confirms if the vendors are actually paid).

To use this functionality, the Comdata Allow Post Checks field must be marked as “Y” for all the account codes in “Comdata” EFT format. If the Comdata Allow Post Checks field is set to “Y” for even one of the EFT file codes and the Comdata card number token exists for all the records, then the [Post Checks] button will be enabled, even if one of the records in the Invoices Paid column has a status of “N”.

Pgm: APEFTFM – EFT File Format; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Setup > Global Tables > EFT Formats

For example, if preparing checks for a selection code, follow Steps 1 to 3 (see Preparing Checks for a Selection Code). After Step 3: Import and Process Comdata Response File , the [Post Checks] button becomes enabled and users can post the check directly, without importing the reconciliation file.

After check is posted, to import the reconciliation file, navigate to the Comdata Reconciliation Import screen (standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Utilities > Comdata Reconciliation Import).

If the program has not been added to the Treeview by default, use Treeview Builder to add it using “AP - Comdata Reconciliation Import” as the target name in the Target Name field.

Comdata Reconciliation Program Added using Treeview Builder

Pgm: APCOMREC – A/P Comdata Reconciliation; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Utilities > Comdata Reconciliation Import

Enter the check reconciliation date and then click on the [Import] button to import the Comdata reconciliation file.

Click on the [Process] button.

NOTE: If preparing checks for a pay run group, the same steps will follow after Step 3.