Units Complete

Screenshot of Units Complete log

Units Complete; standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Site Management > Units Complete

This screen does not have any link/association with the Daily Journal. However, the total units complete will be impacted by the units entered in Job Costing (Units Complete menu), Daily Journal, and this Units Complete screen.

In addition, the PM control checkbox ‘Restrict Daily Journal Units Complete selection’ will also apply to the Units Complete screen (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > File Maintenance > Company Control – Defaults tab). The label of the checkbox (and its associated hint line) can be changed in Prompt Maintenance to make it more generic, for example to “Restrict Units Complete Selection”.

Security will need to be assigned in both the Assign Programs and Assign Menu Items screens before it can be made available to users. Custom menus will require updating using the Menu Maintenance screen.

Auto-numbering can be set for the Units Complete No field. For more details, please refer to Masks and Auto-Numbering.

General – Tab

Screenshot of Units Complete General tab

The General tab is similar to the General tab in the Daily Journal screen and has its own separate set of freeform classifiers that are only associated with the Units Complete screen. The classifiers are defined in the System module’s Free Form Fields screen.

Copying Previous Quantity

Screenshot of Copy Previous Units Complete pop-up

The screen also has the [Copy Previous Record] button which allows the user to copy all phases existing in the previous units complete record (by default, or record to be copied can be selected from an LOV) and the General tab information.

Units Complete – Tab

Screenshot of Units Complete tab

The Units Complete tab is used to track a job’s completed units. Phases are selected and then units completed against those phases can be tracked for the day.

Selecting Phases

Screenshot of Select Phases pop-up

Phases are selected using the [Select Phases] button on this tab. The [Select Phases] button is available in View mode and is enabled for “EMPTY” and “UNPOSTED” daily journal records. Clicking on this button launches a pop-up window where multiple phases can be selected and added to the screen.

Phases are commonly unit or productivity based, but if the associated project control (defaults) checkbox is checked to include amounts, then phases for amount type are included.

NOTE: When selecting phases, if there are more than 50 phases and the user presses the [Select All] button, a warning message will be issued to indicate that performance could be compromised.

When selecting the phases via the pop-up window launched by the [Select Phases] button, there is an ‘Include Sub-Jobs’ checkbox. This is available when the ‘Retrieve All Phases’ box is checked. There is also a drop-down box provided to select a budget method: Unrestricted, Restrict to "PU" Budget Method, Restrict to "A" Budget Method.

Once the phases have been added to the screen, click the [Edit] button to put the screen in Edit mode so additional details can be entered.

A Delete icon (Image of Delete icon, red x) will be displayed against each of the phases if the user has the required field security.

The tab displays the job code (as there could be sub-jobs associated to the job on the project), the phase code, phase name, phase WM, linked PCIs, today’s quantity, and the phase units to date.

Today's Quantity

Enter a value for the current quantity of units complete.

Phase to Date

Screenshot of Units Complete Transaction History pop-up window

Drilldown is available on the Phase to Date column field, which will open a window displaying the transaction details, as shown in the screenshot above.


Enter any additional notes. The Notes field can accommodate up to 2000 characters.

Submit Record

Press this button to submit the record.

Units complete can be posted once the record is submitted using the [Submit Record] button. It is then that the [Post Units] button is available.

Post Units

Press this button to post the units.Units complete can be posted once the record is submitted using the [Submit Record] button. It is then that the [Post Units] button is available.

Posting Units

The posting of the units will automatically create a JC batch number and post all the units entered.

The posting of units completed is not restricted to financial period dates and does not consider period open/close. The units entered are posted to the date entered in the header.

Once records get posted, all records where no quantity was entered for a phase will be removed after posting. A message will be displayed informing the user of this:

Screenshot of message pop-up


Forecasted Projected Qty = Budgeted Units (phase level)

Original Estimate Qty = Budgeted Units (at the time the job is started)

and remains unchanged throughout the life of the job.

When the [Post Units] button is selected, if the value of Today’s Qty + Phase to Date exceeds the Forecasted Projected Qty, then a warning appears:

Screenshot of warning message

If the [OK] button is selected the posting process is carried through. If the [Cancel] button is selected, the posting process is cancelled, and the record remains in the Units Complete tab (View mode).