Checklist Template Maintenance

NOTE: Some of these security settings will not be available until Patch 17-2.

Security Roles

The following security settings are located on the Security Roles screen.

  Name of item Assigning this item to your Security Role means you can...
Programs Checklist Maintenance Assign this program to gain access to the Checklist Template Maintenance screen.
  Checklist Template Maintenance Assign this program to gain access to the Checklist Template Maintenance screen.
Menu Items Checklist Template Maintenance Assign this menu item to have the Checklist Template Maintenance screen appear in the Treeview menu.
Privileges Checklist Admin Assign this privilege for system level checklist administration.
  Project Checklist Admin Assign this privilege for project level checklist administration.
  NOTE: Without one of the above privileges, users will have read-only access even if they have program and menu access.
Field Security Settings

Checklist Maintenance

  • Assign Checklist to Project Checkbox

Set to "Unrestricted" to display the [Assign] and [Push] buttons; otherwise, they will be hidden.

Checklist Template Maintenance

  • Assign Checklist Template

  • Create Checklist Template

  • Checklist Template Settings

  • Delete Checklist Template

  • Schedule Checklist Template for Completion

  • Edit A Checklist Template